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<br /> Home Federa�Sa�ings& Loan Asso�ia��on of �ame Fed�ral Sa�xngs& Loan Assac�ation of
<br /> Grand rsland Grand �sland
<br /> Z�l. Sau�h Lacus�S�reet 22� South Locus�S�reet
<br /> GRAND �SLAND, NE 688Q] �RA�D �SLAND, NE 68���
<br /> �5pace AboWe This Line Fflr Re�ording Da�a}
<br /> L4AN �RIGINAT�R NAME: �hris Kask�e
<br /> NMLS C�MPANY IDENT�F�ER; 445443
<br /> 1��EI] �F TRZTST
<br /> THIS DEED �F TRUST �"Security Ins�rumen�"� �s made an March 8, 2��4. The grarr�ors are TI-�C]MAS D
<br /> �STERSUHR and CHRxST�NE A �STERBU�R, HUSSAND AND �IFE, �hose address �s Z511 MILL
<br /> R�VER RD,�RAND �SLAND,Nebraska�88U1 w737Z �"Borrower"�. Borra�er�s no�necessarily the same as�he
<br /> Person or Persons vvho si�n the �ame Equity Line of Credi� Agreernen�, dated Mar�h $, zU14 �"�ontrac�"�.
<br /> The abi��at�ons of Borrowers wha did no� sign the Con�ra��are exp�ained fur�her in the sec�ion�it�ed Suc�essors
<br /> and Ass�gns Bound; Join� and Se�eral Liab�l��y; A�commada�ion S�gners. The trus�e� is Arend R. Baa�k,
<br /> A��urney whose address �s P.�. Bax 79�, �rand �siand, Ne�raska 6�S�z �"Trustee"�. The benefciary is �ame
<br /> Federa� Savings & Laan Associa�ion of G rand Island, which is organi�ed and exis�inb under�he iaws of�he
<br /> Uni�ed States of Am�rica and whose address is 221 South Locus� S�reet, Grand �sland, Nebraska 68S�I
<br /> ("t�ender"}. TH�MAS D �STER�3UHR and �HRI�TINE A �STERBUHR ha�e entered into a�ontract vvith
<br /> Lender as of Mar�h 8, ZU14, under the �er��s of Wvhich Barrower may, from �ime t� �i�e, obta�n ad�ances not to
<br /> exceed, at any time, a "Y"MAXIMtJM PR�N�IPAL AMaUNT ���CLUD�NG PR�TECTIVE
<br /> ADVANCES�x"x of T�n Thousand and U411a� Doilars �U.S. $��,4�q.�D} �"�redit Lim�t"}. Any party
<br /> �nterested in �he deta�ls re�ated to Lender's cantinuing ohlibation to make ad�ances to Borr�wer is ad�ised to
<br /> consu�� d�rec�ly with Lender. If not paid ear�ier, �he sums o�in� under Borro�er's �on�rac� wi�h Lender wi�� be
<br /> due on March 15, 20��. This Security �nstrumen� secures ta t,ender: �a� �he repayment of�he deb� under th�
<br /> �ontract, wi�h in�erest, includin�fu�ure ad�ances, and all renewals, e�tensions and modif ca�ians of�he Can�rac�;
<br /> �b}the paymen� af all o�her sums, vvith in�eres�, ad�anced to pr��ec�r the security of�his Security Ins�rumen�under
<br /> �he provis�ons of�he section �i�led Pro�e�tian flf Lender's Righ�s in �he Proper�y; and �c} the performance af
<br /> Borrav�er's ca�enants and a�ree�nents under�his Securi�y Instrument and the�ontract. For this purpose, Barrov�er,
<br /> �n considera��an �f�he deb� and the trus� herein created, irrevacably gran�s and con�eys to Trus�ee, Yn�rust, wi�h
<br /> pawer of sa1e,the follovving described property laca�ed in�he��UNTY of HALL,S�ate af Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 2511 M�LL R�VER RD,G RAI�D ISLAND,Nebraska 68801�-7372
<br /> Lega� ��scription: L�T ELEVEN (l.l.}, BLUCK THREE �3}, �LDE MILL SUSDIVISI[)N, CITY
<br /> T�GETHER W 7 TH ail th� impravements novv ar hereafter erec�ed on �he properry, and all easements,
<br /> appur�enances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part of th� pr�per�. A�1 replacemen�s and a�id�tions shal� also be
<br /> co�ered by th�s Secur�ty 7ns�rument. All af �he foregoing is referred �fl in thas Securi�y �nstrument as �he
<br /> "Proper�." �
<br /> BC)RR�WER�QVENANTS �ha� Borro�ve� is lav�fuliy sexsed of�he es�ate hereby conveyed and has the righ�to
<br /> gran� and convey �he Properry and �ha� �he Proper�y is unencumbered, e�cep� for encumbrances af record.
<br /> B�rrawer warran�s and wi�l defend benerally the ��tle �o the Proper�y abains� al� ��aims and demands, sula�ect to
<br /> any encumbrances of record.
<br /> Barrawer and Lender coWenant and a�ree as fa��aws:
<br /> Payrnent of Principa� and Interest; t]ther�harges. Barro�ver shall promptly pay vvhen due�he principai af and
<br /> interes�on the deb�o�ed under�he Contract and la�e charges or any o�her fees and charg�s due under the��n�rac�.
<br /> Q 24�4-'?�3_�Comp2iar�ce Systenzs.inc.�ES�-�2CE-2013L2.O.E 1.71?
<br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Security Instrur�-ient D�.2��G �'a�e 1 of 5 www.compliancesystems.cvm
<br />