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��14�1355 <br /> DEE� �F TRUST <br /> w <br /> L�an i�v; �����9�v� �Cor�t�nued� Page � <br /> discjosed�o and ackno�vledged by Lender�n writir:gr {a� neither Trustor nor any terant, can-�ractor, a�ent or o�her <br /> autho�ized user of-�h� P�-oper�y shall use, generate, manu�ac�ure, store, �reat, dispose of or releas� an�r Ha�ardous <br /> Subs�anee on, under, about or�rvm the Prop�rty; and �h� any such acti�'r�y shai[ be conducted in compt3ance with <br /> all app�icable federal, sta��, and loca� laws, regulati�ns and ordinances, including without lim�tation all <br /> En��ronmenta[ Laws. Trus�or au�horizes Lender and i�s �gents to enter upon the Proper�y ta make such <br /> inspect�ons and tests, a� Trustor's �xpense, as Lender may deem appropria�e �o determine compliance flf the <br /> Properry wi�h this sec�ion of �he Deed v� T�us�t. Any irispect�ons or tes�s made by Lender sha[i be for Lender's <br /> purposes Qnly and shaI� nvt be cons�rued�o crea�e any responsibili�y or liab�lity on the part of Lender to Trusto�r or <br /> to any oth�r person. The representa�ions and warran�ies cvntained herein are �ased on Trus-�ar's due diI�gence in <br /> invest�gat�ng �he Property for Hazardous Su�stances. Trusto�- hereby {�� re�eases and wai�es any fu-�ure cIaims <br /> agains� Lender �vr iridemnif}i or contributivn in �he e�enf Trust�r becomes 1iah�e far �leanup or other casts under <br /> � any such Iavtirs.; and {2} agrees t❑ indemnify, de€end, and �nald harm��ss Lender against any and ai! claims; [osses, <br /> Iiabilities, damages; penalties, and expenses�vhich Lender rn�y direct�y or indirect�y sustain fl�r sufiFe�r�sulting fram <br /> a breach vf this section o��he Deed af Trust or as a consequ�nc� of any use, gene�rat�an, manufac�ure, storage, <br /> disposa�, �e��ase or threatened r�[�ase occurring prior to Trusto�'s ownership or interest in�he Property� �nr�eth�r vr <br /> not �he same was or should ha�e been knov+rn to Trustor. The provisions o� this secti�n o� the Deed o�F Trust, <br /> inciuding the obiigatian ta indemni�y and defend,sha11 sur�i�e the payment of�he [ndebteciness and the sa�is�act�an <br /> and recon��yance of the lien af this Deed af Trust and sha[[ not be a��ected by Lender's acquisition o�any inte�est <br /> in�he Prop�rty,whether by�oreclosur��r othervsrise. <br /> Nuisance, Wasfe. Trus-�or shall not cause, c�nduc� or permit any nuisance nor commi�, pe�mit, or suffer any <br /> stripping of or waste vn vr�o the Praperty or any por-tion vf the Pr�perty. Withvut limiting the generaiity of�he <br /> foregaing_, Trustor v�rill not r�m���, ar gran�to any oth�r party the right fio remo�e. any timber, minerals �includsng <br /> oil and gas}, coa[; clay,scoria, soi�. grave[or rvck prvducts without Lender's prior writt�n consent. <br /> Removal of lmprovemen�s. Trustor shail not demo[ish or remo�e any lmprov�ments from the Rea[ Property withvut <br /> Lender's prior r�vritten consen�. As a conditian t�the r�mo�a� o�any lmpro�ements, Lend�r may require Trus�o�-ta <br /> make arirang�rnen�s satis�ac�ory tv Lender to rep�ace such Impra�ements wi�h �mpro�em�n�s af at Ieast equal <br /> value. <br /> Lender's F�ight tv Enter. Lender and Lenderrs agents and representati�es may en�er upvn the ReaC Proper�y at a�! <br /> reasanable times �o attend �a Lender's inte�ests and �a inspec� the Rea[ Property for purposes of TrustQr's <br /> c�mpliance with�he terrr-�s and condi�ions of this Deed vf Trus�. <br /> Cvmpliance w�th Gov�rnm�n�al Requ��ernen�s. Trustvr sha�i promp�ly comp[y with alf �a�ivs, ordinances, and <br /> regulations, novtir or hereaf�er in effect, vf all g��ernmenta[ authorit�es applicab[e to �he use or occupancy of the <br /> Property. Trustor may con�est in g�od-�ai�h any such la�rv, ordinance, ❑r regufation and withho�d compliance during <br /> any proGeed'rng, inc[uding appropria�e appeals, so Iong as Trustor h�s noti�ied Lende� in wrEt�ng pr�or to doing so <br /> and so I�ng as. in Lend�r's svle opinion, L�nder's in�erests in-�he Praperty are not jeopardiz�d. Lender may require <br /> �frustor�a pos�adequate security or a surety bond, reasonab[y satisfactory to Lender,to protect Lender's int�rest. <br /> �7u�y t� Protec�. Trus�or agrees neither to aha�d�n vr [earre unattended the Property. Trustor shali dv all other <br /> acts, �n a.ddi��on to those�cts sert�vr�h abo�e ;n�h�s section,�rvhich frarr� �he�harac�er�r�d use o��h�€�rvpe�ty are <br /> reasanab�y necessa�y�o proteG�and preserve�he P�-operty. <br /> DUIE D1V SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDEFi. Lender may, at Lender's option, dec�are immedia-�ely due and payab�e a[[sums <br /> secured by this ❑eeci of Trus�upon�he sale or transfer, wi-thou�Lender's prior wri��en�vnsent, ��a[[or any part ofi�he <br /> Real Proper�y; or any in�teres� �n the Rea� Prvper�y. A "sale or transfer" means the con��yance af Real Prvperty o�any <br /> righ�, t�t1e or interes� in th� �eal Properfiy; whe�her [�ga[. bene��cia! or equitable; whether �olun�ary or inWo[u:n�ary; <br /> whether by outrigh� sa1e, deed; installment sa�e contract, land contract, contract for deed; feaseho[d interest wi-�h a <br /> fierm greater�han �hree �3� years, lease-option contrac�, �r by sale, ass��nment, or trans�er�f any bene�icia[ �n�erest in <br /> or ta any [and trust holding ti�Ie �o the Real Proper�ty, or by any other method of con�eyance v�an int��est fn the Real <br /> Prop�rfiy. HovU�e�er, �his option shaC� n�t be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by f�deral law or by <br /> Nebras�a law. <br /> TA�ES AN� LlENS. The €o��owing prv�isivns re[a�ing �o the tax�s and [�e�s o� the Property �re par� of this Deed o r <br /> TruS$: <br /> Paymen�. Tr�s�or shail pay when due �and �n a11 ��en�s pri�r t�de[inquen�y) a���ax�s, specia!�axes, assessrr�en��, <br /> charges �incfud�ng �rater arad sewer�, fiines and irr���si��ons �e�i�d aga�ns�or�� ac�oun�o��he Pr�pert�rg ar�d sh�ll <br /> pay �h�n due a[� �lai:ms �ar wor[c dvne on or�Far serv��es �endered or ma�erial fu�nish�d to t�e P�opertya �rustor <br /> shalC maintain�he Prop�r�y free of a!� l�e.ns haviing pri�rity over or equal�o the interest of Lender under this De-ed of <br /> Trus�, excep� �or the lien o�F taxes and assessmenfis nvt due, except for the Existing lndebtedness re�erred to <br /> be[aw; and�xcep�as o�herwise pro�ided in this Deed of Trus�. <br /> Ri�ht to �ontest. Trus�vr may�nrithhvld payment of any tax, assessmen�, or claim in connection wi�h a�ood�F.a�th <br /> dispu�e o�e�-the ob[iga�ion to pay,so long as's int�r�st in the Property is nat jeopard�zed. l�a [ien arises or <br /> is �riled as a result a-� nonpayment, Trustor sha[� wEthin -fi�feen {'�5� days after the lien arises or, �f a �ien is fi[ed, <br /> within �ifteen ��5} days after Trustor has nvti�e of the fiCing, secure �he discharge of the lien, or if reguested hy <br /> Lender, depos��wi�� Lender cash or a su��icient corporate surety hond or other securi�y satis�actory�o �ender in an <br /> amoun�su�ficien�to dis�ha�ge�he lien p[us any�os�s and a�o�neys' �ees, or othe€��harges tha��ould accrue as a <br /> resu[-�o€�fo�ec�os�are or sale under�he ��en. £n any cor��est,Trus�ar shafl defend i�se�f an� �ender and sha[�sa��sfy <br /> ar�y a��erse�u�grrten-�bef�re en�oreer�en�agains�the Pro�aerty. T�-us�or shal� �arr�e L�nder as ar�addi-�ional �bligee <br /> und�r any suret��ar�d furnished ira the contes��roc��d�ngs. <br /> Evac�ence ��P�ymer�t. Trustor sha�i upon demand �urnish to Lender satis�actory e�idenc� of payment of the ta�es <br /> �r ass�ssmen�s and sha[� autho�-��e the apprapriate goWernmen�al of�icia[fiv deli�er to Lender a�ar�y time a written <br /> st�atement of�he�axes and assessments agains��he Property. <br /> IVotice vf Gonstru�tian. Trust�r sha[� notify Lender at least fifteen �15} days f�efvre any wvrk is commenced, any <br /> serWices are furnished, or any mate�ia�s are supplied to �he Pr�perty, if any mechanic`s [ien, maferialmen's [ien, or <br /> vther fien c�uld be asserted on account of�he work, ser�ices, or materia�s. Trus�o�r wi[f upon request o� Lender <br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances sa�isfiac�vey to Lende�r �hat Trustor can and wil� pay the Cvs� o� such <br /> irr�provemen�s. <br /> P��PE�TY D�4�IIIA�'E �NSUR�NGE. The fo�[ovv�ng pro�is��ns re�at�ng tv insuring �he Proper�y a�e a part of�h'rs �eed o� <br /> Trus�. <br /> 1Maintenan�e vf Insur�t�ce. Trus�or sha�i procure �nd m�intain policies vf fire ansurance �vi�h standard exter�ded <br /> co�e�-age endorsennen�s �n a r�place��n� basis ��r�he full �nsurable v�[ue c�verin� a�� lmpr���menfi� �r� �hE �ea1 <br /> Propert� in an arna�an-� s�fficienfi �o a�o�a1 applic��ion of any �oinsu�ance c�ause, anal �rvi�h a s�tar�dard rr�vrtgag�e <br /> clause in�a�vr of L�nder,together with such o�her hazard and liabil�ty�nsurance as Lender may�-easonabfy reguire. <br /> Palicies sha[f be written in f�rm, amounts, ca�erages and bas�s reasonably acc�ptable �� Lender and issued by a <br /> Cvmpany or companies reasonably acceptable �to Lender. Trustor, upon �equest o�Lende:r. w�f�f de�i�e.r to Lender <br /> from time to �ime�he p�Iicies or cer-�ti�icates of insurance �n f�rm sa�isfactory t❑ L�nder, inc[uding stipulations �ha� <br /> �o�erages i�vill not be cancelled or diminished w�thout a� leas�t fien {1�� days prior written notice to L�nder. Each <br /> insurance policy also shall inc[ude an endorsement pro��dEng that co�erage En �avor af Lender wii! nvt be impaired <br />