. ��14�1�74
<br /> DEED �3F TRUST
<br /> ��ontinued} Page �
<br /> Trustor which Trustor is authar�zed or required to deduct#rom payments on the Indebtedness se�ured by�his#ype
<br /> of L7eed of Trus�; (3} a tax on this type af Deed of Trust chargeab�e against the Lender ar�he holdsr of the Credit
<br /> Agreement; and {4} a spec�fic tax on all or any portion of �he Indebtedness or on payments af principal and
<br /> interest made by Trustor.
<br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any tax to which �his se�tion applies is enac�ed subsequent �o the da�e a�this Deed of
<br /> Trusfi, this e�ent shall ha�e the same effec# as an E�enf af C]e�ault, and Lender may exercise any ar all ❑f 'r�s
<br /> available remedies fo� an Event of D��auit as pr��ided below unless Trus�or either �'�} p�ys �he tax bef�re it
<br /> be�omes delinquent, or ��3 contests the�ax as pro�ided above in the Taxes and L�ens sec#ion and depvsits wi�h
<br /> Lender cash ar a suff��ient corporate sure�y bond ar other security satisfactory to Lender.
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINANCING STATEMENTS. The fallowing pra�isians relating tv �his Deed af Trust as a
<br /> security agreemen�are a part of this❑eed o�T�ust:
<br /> Security Agreement. This instrumen� shall constitute a Security Agreemen� to �h� extent any of the Property
<br /> C�nS�I'�U��S�IXfut"�S, and Lender sha�[ ha�e a�� of the rights of a secured party under�he Un��nrm Commercial Code
<br /> as amended f�om time to time.
<br /> 5ecurity Interest. Upon request by Lender, Trustar shall �ake whate�er ac�ian is requested by Lende�to perfect
<br /> and con#inue Lender's security interes� in the Persanal Praperty. In addi�ion �o reco�ding this Deed of Trus# in the
<br /> real property records, Lender may, at any time ar�d wi�hout further au#horization �rom Trustor, �ile execu�ed
<br /> count�rparts, �opies or reproduc�ions a�F this ❑eed o� Trus# as a financing statement. Trustor shall reimburse
<br /> Lender for all expens�s incurred in per��cting or continuing �his security En�erest. Upon defauit, Trus#or shall nat
<br /> remo�e, sever a� detach the Persanal Property from the Praperty. Upon defiau[t, Trustvr shal� assemble any
<br /> Pe�-sonal Property not affxed tv the Property in a manner and at a place reasonably con�enien� ta Trustor and
<br /> Lender and make it available ta Lender wifihin �hree �3} days after receipt of wri�ten demand from Lender#v the
<br /> �x�en#permit�ed by appficab�e�aw.
<br /> Addr�sses. The ma�ling addresses of Trustor �debtor} and Lender (se�ured party} from which information
<br /> eoncerning the security interes�granted by this Deed of Trust may be obtained �each as required by the Uniform
<br /> Commercial Code}are as s�ated on the first page ofi this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> FLIRTHER ASSURAN�ES; ATT�RNEY-NN-FAGT. The fo�lowing pro�isions re�ating to further assurances and
<br /> attorneyM�n�-fa�t are a par�of this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any t�me, and from �ime to time, upon reques#of Lender, Trustor wiil make, ex�cute and
<br /> deli�er, or will cause to he rnade, ex�cu�ed or del��ered, to Lender or t❑ Lender's designee, and when requested by
<br /> Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, refled, vr rerecorded, as th� case may be, at such �imes and in such affces
<br /> and pfaces as Lender may deem apprvpr�a�e, any and all such mortgages, deeds of trust, securi#y deeds, security
<br /> � agreements, financing sta�ements, continuation s�atements, instruments o� fur�her assurance, ce�tifcates, and
<br /> other documents as may, in the so[e opinian �f Lender, be necessary or desi�ab�e in order ta effec�ua�e, comp�ete,
<br /> perfect, con�inue, or preserve �1} Trustor's obligations und�r the �redit Agreement, this Deed a#Trust, and the
<br /> Related ❑ocuments, and �2} the �iens and security interests created by this fleed of Trust an the Prope�ty,
<br /> whether now owned or hereafter acquired by Trusto�-. Un�ess prohibited by law or�Lender agrees to the contrary in
<br /> wri�ing, Trustvr shall reimburse Lender�or ail cos�s and expenses incurred in cflnnection with �he matters referred
<br /> �o in this paragraph.
<br /> Att�rn�y�in-Fact. ��Trustor fails to da any o�the things re�erred�o in the pre�eding paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> fflr and in �he name o�Trustor and at Trustor's expense. For such purposes, Trustor hereby irre��cably appoints
<br /> Lender as T�ustor's attorney-in-fa�t for�he purpase o�makin�,exe�uting, de���ering,ftling, record�ng, and daing al1
<br /> o�her things as may be necessary ❑r desirab�e, in Lender's sofe opinion, to accomp�ish the mat�ers referred t� �n
<br /> the pr�ceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. �f Trust�r pays all the lndebtedn�ss when due,�ermina�es the credit line account, and atherwise
<br /> � per�orms all the ob�igati�ns imposed up�n Trustar under this Deed of Trust, Lend�r shall execu�e and deli�er to Trust�e
<br /> a reques� �or full recon�eyance and sha�l execute and �eli�er to Trustor suitable sfatements of terminati�n of any
<br /> financing statemen� on file ��i�encing L�nder's securi�y in�eres# in the Rents and the Persanal Property. Any
<br /> �econveyan�e fee required by Caw sha�l be paid by Trustvr, if pe�mitted by applicable law.
<br /> EVENTS ❑F ❑EFA�LT. Trustor wi�l be in default under this Deed ofi Trust��any af the�vllowing happen: (A} Trustvr
<br /> commits fraud ar makes a material misrepresentation at any#ime in connection with the Credit Agreemen#. This can
<br /> include, for example, a t'alse s�atement abaut Trustvr`s income, assets, �iabilities, vr any other aspects �f Trustor's
<br /> financia[ condition. �B} Trustar dves nat meet the repaymenf terms of the Gredit Agreement. �C} Trusto�-'s actian or
<br /> inaction ad�ersely aff�cts #he collateral or Lender's rights in �he col�ateral. This can inc�ude, ��r example, failure �o
<br /> main�ain required insuranc�,waste or destructi�e use of the dwe�ling,failure to pay taxes,dea�h of all persons fiab�e an
<br /> the account, transfer of tit(e or sale af the dwelling, crea�ion ❑f a senior lien on the dweiling without Lender's
<br /> perm�ssion,foreciosure by#h�halder of another lien,or the use of funds or�he dwe�ling for prohibi�ed purposes.
<br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDlES UN DEFAULT. lf an E�enf of❑e�aul�vccurs under this Deed of Trust, at any��me thereaf�er,
<br /> Trustee ar Lender may exerc�se any ane or more of�he fo�law�ng rights and remedies:
<br /> Acceleration Upvn Default; Addi#ional Remedies. If any Event o�'Default o�cu�-s as per�he te�ms o�the Credit
<br /> Agreement secu�ed hereby, Lender may declare ail Indebtedness secured by this Deed o�'Trust�a be due and
<br />