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._. .�4� _ . " -.. . , . <br /> �.! .T4=.1 e <br /> ,- t„ `- <br /> . 1 . ..��. ...:n�wTe_l�._=�' <br /> �l �u. . ' .. ��:.!'v;�t�����y�„'�=:'S� . ..'��. ,.r , • t�y = '"""__ °.,. <br /> � '•k ��P�'�Mf.1�i.• a .. 'r.J."r -- 'ry• �.�f�J+l�{MZ '��rY%tfa't.'�, .•-`1-°_ . �. —_ _ <br /> . ' . <br /> ' T""r .,____ — __—_ <br />� . . .� .L�,: ..� :y _ . . �..-...�.�--- <br />.._�{.,.:Lx.�i <br />';=i: -,.n(+. <br /> ,_,n v <br />�__���,�� 98- i13U'71 <br /> .�,:�..�.::�x <br />' �'��"•`-' B. All future advances from Benefidery to Trustor or other futurr.obligotion�of Trustor to F3c:neficiary unde� any <br /> •.°�;�•��^ promissory note, contract, guaranty, or other evidence of debt existing now or executed after this Deed of Trust <br />- '•'�' � whether or nat this Deed of Trust la specificdly refened to in the evidence of debt. <br /> C. All obligations Trustor owes to Benefictary,which no�v exist ur may later uise,to the extent not prohiblted by _ <br />--=:�°`�'- � law, includi�g, but not limited ro, llabilides for overdrafts reloting to any de�wsit account lgreement between <br />�.:,,,� ,� , <br /> Trustor and Beneficlary. <br /> �";n"�"� D. All additionai su►ns advanced and expenses incurred by Eicneficiary for lnsuring, preserving ur otherwise protecting = <br />=�..�:����. <br />,.y:� • the Pmperty and its value and any other sums advanced and expenses incuned by Beneflcfary under the ternis of <br /> �.- this Dced of Trust, plus interest et the highest rate in:ffect, from time to time, as provided in the Evidence of <br />_�-.,,.... Ikbt. <br />_� . <br /> E. Trustor's performancc under die terms of any ins►rument evidencing a debt by T�rustor to Beneficiary an� any Deed <br />=-":���'_ '�' of Trust securing,guarantying,or otherwise relating to the debt. <br /> r: <br /> �-�� If more than one person signs this Deecl of Trust as 'frusror, each Trusror agrees that this Deed of Trust will secure all � <br />�-1. ' <� <br /> �`•�'':,.�•..,. future advances and futurc obligatlons described above that are given to or incuned by any one or mare Trustor, or any <br />��::� one or more Tntstor and others.This Dced of Tcust will not secure any other debt if Beneficiary fails, with respect to such <br /> -.�z��^r' _ <br /> :.,�[,� other debt, to make any required disclosure about this Deed of Trust or if Benet"iciary fails to give any required notice of <br />;=,_��y�4�'° the right of rescission. <br /> y JW <br />.-_��G y`� � <br /> -" •s`� 5. PAYIVIEIVTS. Trustor agrees to malce all paymente on the Secured Debt when due and in accotdanee with the cern�s o e <br />' •.�••��;�' Evidence of Debt or this Deed of'�rust. <br /> � f. , <br /> .:�'�.�s <br /> 6. WARRANTY OF TITLE.Trustor covenants that Trustor is lawfully seized of the estate conveyal by this Daed of Trust <br /> -" .-�t and has the right to irrevocably grant, convey and sell to Trustee, in tntst, with power of sale, ihe Property and wanants <br /> ,'r- that the Property is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record. <br />,+�t�F��i�. <br /> - " ` 7, CLAIMS AGAINST TTPLE.Trusror will pay all taxcs, assessments,liens,rncumbrances. lease payments,gcouad rente, <br />..--+.�nti''?�*�. <br /> � utilities, and other charges relating to the Property when due. Beneficlary may require Trustor to provide ro Beneficiary <br />-�;�;;,��'�� copies of ull notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencing Tcustor's payment.Tcustor will defend title to <br /> W,��•. the Property against any claims that would impair the lien of this Deed of Trust.Trustar agrees to assign to 8eneficiary,as <br />--"�°''�� requested by Beneficiary, any rights, claims or defenses which Trustor may have against parties who supply labor or <br />--::u�:��► materiels to improve or maintsin the Property. <br /> --:�c���.1 <br />.,,�.a-;:�•:, , <br /> ._.;,��":� S, PRIOR SECLJRITY INTERESTS. With regard to any other mortgage, deod of trust, security agrecment or other lien <br /> _,�.`„,�;;� document that created a prior security iaterest or encumbrance on the Property and chat may have priority over this Deed <br /> --.:ti;�' of Trust,Trustor agrees: <br /> '="=""'L`� A. To make all payments when due and to perform or comply with ell covenante. <br /> "`�t..'�'::ti.,��, B. To promptly deliver to Beneficiary any notices that Trustor receives from the holder. <br /> �:.�':;'•� C. Not to make or permlt any modlfication or extension of,and not to request or accept any future advances under any <br /> ;:;�;�.:a�� note or agrxment secured by, �he other mortgage,deed of truat or security agreement unless &neficiary constnts <br />;�. . :;�.�j�j in writing. <br />.,:_r_Y.°:���t? <br />_`�_�•��� 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE. Beneficiary may, at its option, declare die entire b�lance of the Secured Ikbt to <br /> •--�;;�� (�e(mmediately due and payable upon the creation of any lien,encumbrance,traz�sfer, ar sale, or conttxt for any of these <br /> � -- on the Property. However, if the Property includcs Trustor's residence, this section shall be eubject to the r�trictioas <br />- �_-��� imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R. 591), as applicable. For the purposes of this saction,thetern�"Property"also includes <br /> ��-"'i'"-'�' any interest to all or any part of�t►e Propeny.lfiis covcnant shall nin with the Property and shall rema(n in effect until the <br /> ___.��� <br /> _ - �� Secured Debt is paid in full and this Dced of Trust is released. <br /> �- '"�'�� RES(' IN THE GRANTOR. If Trustor is an entity other than a natural pers�n(such as a <br />-�°;i�'-"�� 10.TRANS�'ER OF AN IN'TF: <br /> ���.'� • corporation or other organization), F3eneficiary may demand imn�ediate payment if(1)a interest in'�'rustor is <br />_�k���� sold or transfened; (2)there is a change in cither the identity or numUer of nxmbers of a partnership; or(3)there is a <br />_-_�,�.,_:�4 cheage in ownership of more than 25 percent of the voting stock of a corporation.However,Beneficiary may not demand <br /> -- -ai+ payment in the above situations if it is prohibited by law as of the date of this Dced of T[ust. <br /> "'�,-�� 11.ENTITY WARRANTIES �►ND REpR�F.NTATIONS. If Trustor is an entity other trien a natural person(such as a <br /> `''�':�.�� corporation or other organization), Trustor makes tu Beneficiary the following warranties and representations which shall <br /> _:;�:`f!`.;:."_ be continuing as long as the Secured Dcbt remains outstanding: <br /> - � ' A. Trustor is an entity which is duly orgenizeci and validly existing in the Trustar's state of incorporation (or <br /> ' . ' arganizatiou). Trustor is in good standing in all states in whidi Tr�stor transacts business. Trustar has the power <br /> and authority to own the Propeny and to carry on its business as now being c:onducted and, as applicable, is <br />�• � qualified to do so in each state in which Trustor o{x:rates. <br /> B. 'I'lte execution, delivery and perfomiance of this Deed of Trost Uy Trustor and the obligation evidenced by the <br /> Evidence of Debt are within the power of Trustor, l�ave been duly authotize,d, have received all necessary <br /> �' governmental appcoval,and will not violate any provision of law,or ordcr of court or govenunental agency. <br /> > C. Other than disclosed in writing Trustor has not changed its nazne within the last tcn years and has not used any <br /> ° oUier trade or fictitious name.Without Beneficiary's prior written consent, 'Tivstor does not and will not use any <br /> .•J other name and will preserve its existing narne,trade nuncs and franchises until the Sccured Dcbt is satisfied. <br /> __ _ __�__4 ._ __....�L..l...:.{�`S.,i•.,rn,v ..r TFn�Tinivs AND INSPECTION. Trustor will keep the Propeny in goad condidon <br /> _.- - ___ ` l <br /> 1L.rxvrrnca i �,.,�.........., •-�-------- <br /> and make all repairs tUat are reasonably necessuy. Trustor will �ive Beneficiary prompt notice ot any �oss or aamagc�� <br /> � ' �.he Propr.rty.Trustor will kecp the Property frc�c of noxious wecds and grasses.Trustor will not initiate, join in or consrnt <br /> � � to a�iy chuige in any privatc restrictivc covenant, zoning ordinance or other public or private restriction limiting or <br /> , " � defining the uses which may be made of the Property or any part of thc Property,without Beneficia.y's prior written <br /> consent. Trustor will notify Beneficiary of all demands, proceeciings, claims, and actions against Trustor or any other <br /> owner made under law or regulation mgarding use, ownership and occupancy of the Property. Trustor will comply with ail <br /> legal requir.ements uid restrictions, whether publi�or private, with respect to the use of the Property. Trustor also agrees <br /> tliat the namre of the occupancy and use will not cha�ige widiout Dene6ciary's prior written consent. <br /> No portion of the Pmperty �vill be rcmovcd, dcmolished or matcri;�ly altered without Beneticiary's priar written consent <br /> except that Trustor has d�e right to rcmove items of pe:rsonal property comprising a part of the Propeny that become worn <br /> [ paao 2 ot 6 <br /> { <br /> � <br /> i -- — <br /> , , • , +;199)Onn�c�a Srsrome.��c.S� C�oud.�7N it 800 J97 4J41i Fam nGCO D7�NE �0•30-97 <br />