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;. �-- ::::;y,,; � --_ . ,..e.- _ <br /> . . _— <br /> � -.-r 1:.:. '...�.. i ' .. � .� <br /> ' � ', g8-�1�oss <br /> • Security Inatrument to 7'rustex. Trustee shaU rexanvey the Property without wertAnty and wlthout ch�rge to the peraon <br /> or peroona legally rntidod to it. Such perx�a or persona shdl pay any ra:ord�don coat�. <br /> 23. � 'I'curtee. Irender, at its optiun, may from time to dme rrnwve Truattx and appoint a suueaeor <br /> trusta ta any Trutta appninted heteunder by pn inatrument rec�rdod in the county in which thie Sa:uciry Inatrurtrrnt <br /> ie rec�rded, Wlthout conveysnce of tho Property, the succesaor truatee shill succeed ta all the title, power pnd duties <br /> confc�rod upon Truata herein wd by xpplicable lew. <br /> ?h, R�t for NcKioea. Aorrower requests that copies of the notices of dafault and sale be sent to Borrowec'e <br /> addreai which is the Property addrese. <br /> 2S. gbd�s w Wii Saauity�mm�t. [f ane or moro dders are executod by Horro�4er ond recordod togetha wlth <br /> this Security lnatcument, the covtnants and�greementn of each such rlder sh�ll be lncorpnratod into snd eh�il unend <br /> and supplement the covenants and agraments of this Security Instrurnent as if the dder(e) were a p�rt of thb Secudry <br /> Instrument. [Check applicable boa(es)] <br /> � Adjuatable Rate Rider � Condo;ninium Rider a 1-4 Famlly Ridet <br /> � Graduated Payment Rider � Planned Unit Development Rider a Biwakly PAyment Rider <br /> aBxilooa Rlder � Rate Impmvement Rider � Second Home Rider <br /> � OcheKe) IsP��fYI <br /> SY SICNING BELOW, Borrower accepts and agras to the t d covenants contained ln P�e� � thrCUgh <br /> 8 o thie Security Ynst t and in any dder(s) executed by Bo e /��}�rdod with it. <br /> (�) � <br /> (�1, <br /> COLLEEN HUMISTON -Bonowcr J ERY GRANG -Aorrowa <br /> _ �S'al) _ � <br /> r � <br /> -Bonower '��w� <br /> ��� ^ (�) <br /> -Borrower -Botrowa <br /> Witneas: Witneas: <br /> N�RAS�A-SinQle Pamlly-FNYA/Nffi]�C 11NII+ORM IIiSfR�11�fBN1' ���� <br /> ux�n�,r syue�.trc.aar,e���s� Pnge 7 of 8 <br /> — U�EDN6.lSR <br /> . ;'Y T,.?!w. --�` f ��c.. 4 .�w: r' 'F c � r�� � �..__' _ . <br /> ^"7.i�ara_:�.__' <br /> ,a,+_: j � •-+ '�-�r 3 �i� i L3� � -- —'--- — <br /> iti . •, ' J `N �C � <br /> +�, y�, _ . . _f � 1/ A-.i {',�__ � . _ __�,e.� — � _ —.--_ <br /> - .. • - �_- . . . :v.""` 1�-.'.�l�1'.�.1:F��-- - -- ---- --- - <br /> .� . . . _ .. .. _ -- - - �i.n,-..-' ,..,,.""-_-- . <br /> • . , .. . . . . . ;.r:t• s� ��.. ��������- �.«� - <br /> �yy r"_7C'S="'"' sr - .�_'�"'- <br /> . _. ,� . . . , t. •r�q�l,'�u�b'J k�°' �1 �3iPf.dYY'GSF.l _�__..r_. <br /> � . . .�.: . , - <br /> � � .. - . . .'•_ � _ T r�t �� ,. •e ZL.���i - <br /> T: , . - ` ._� -,. • , *a� ..__._.--- <br /> .,. <br /> . . •.:� •.' '. � t.I �1S2f4tt, . _. _. <br /> . ... . �yj� <br /> 'f ' _�: . - - � . . �.' ' �. ' ' '1 1 »'.�W �'tj.*� .��� ..9:Y_._ .���- "__ <br /> l�HRt <br /> �s'�'t�l <br /> " ' . " ' ' "� y' �'F� .�` i — <br /> � ., . ., . .. . . . • : ' �z•. •°�:• -��....Q, - -- <br /> �,°^°;��i� <br /> •if�t�:��:';:� <br /> ' .. ., _, -- - � .. • ,�. � .. . ., .•. . . �i��^l4�l�7i4��3'E�,��3r�ea�ti�nauaa� ----- <br /> � . .. � ' . � • ���i..,'y�:�e�PiL�-a...�.�.�w. ---_- _ -- _ <br />. . - . - •.�v�=�•-�..���.�����— <br /> • , . . . . . 5�°" <br />