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,. -,.: <br /> . . � • . . .ar`: <br /> .x_. : • • . . .� . .. Y,...,,�q.,.,,,,,N,,w�r +y r,F;. .. . -- . .,_:.,..,#.kc�_---�w�_'_� <br /> ,,.a .. . , ,,�` `P ����.�� . � •�.e�me�n-_ <br /> •n...: . �_ �. , i.. <br /> .�. � � r...�..w.w..r�k..W���� -�t^.�.��_ �..... <br />.._C.ri�i`i. �� ' . <br />'.��°•.�� �. „ P��6 �. <br /> .�,�� �z_���ys DEED OF TRUST ��.�(��6 <br /> .-'':;��:s Lo�n No 76xS44 (Contl�) <br /> ;-��:g*x <br /> SECURITY AQREl111lMT;FINANCIMQ STAfEMEftTS. Th�foMow�nO Provhlons�tlrq to thls DMd W T�ust�s a f1r,�MHY aOrNrfNn1 an�put of �. <br /> ''' ` Ihls DNd ot Trtnt. nt to tFN uMnt tny of th� Propaty ca►stNubt flxlur�or othK <br /> .�'`:;c'�;:: <br /> -`"'• ,,, ` Eocumy AprMh�nA. Thb Ir�ttt�n�nt lhall toMlNub a l�CUrItY�9�� <br /> :�J . pKSOruJ prop�rty,and L�nd�r shW haw aM M tM riphte ol R Ncutid WrtY und�r 1M Unifam Cammerda�Cod�a am�ntJ�d kam drt�ta <br /> , ,..,�:.i-.r tt tlIM. <br /> • S�eurtly Int�st. llpon r�qwst hy LMder,Truata shnM�x�cuM Iln�nc�np st�i�rr�nb�nd t�lu whaNwr otMr aclbn K nquMMd by L�ndor <br /> to p�rl�c1�nd condnu�L�ndK's acudh�nMns�In IFw Ftanta nnd Penonal Praperty. In addltlon to ncadlrq ih�DMCi ol Trust In lh�nal <br />=��s: �' �rp�ty ncardt�L�nd�r rtyy��t�ny Urt�and without furtMr�ulho�tlon kom Trusta�A1a�c�'o�u������a�oducHons ot _ <br /> thls DMd of Trusl u�Iln�nclnp tkt�nw�t. Trwta sh�M nlrtWurs�L�nd�r fu i1N�xp�r� a cOntlnulnp thb t�curftY <br /> '+�,;° InNrKt. Upon dNsuil�Trusfa ah�l asumbM 1M P�norKJ Prop�rty In a rrynn�r�nd�1�p4a r�asornblY conv�nMnt►o Tnnla and L�nd�r <br /> �.�� �nd mda H avWbl�to L�nda vdtMn ttn�(3)d�yt afMr ncMP��of w�N1�n d�^�nd Rom I.�ndK. <br />� • pryi�ntb y t[�d d rT wirt a�bt oElQrnd(�ah a��nQWhd fbY �(Nuc�m Co)roKCmlaiWCod�)��n a 6talld on tM�nt p�p�d thls�D�ed <br /> ,;;r.: . .. 01 Trutt. <br /> �';��'.:; FUfiTFER A88URAMCE3i ATTORMEY-IM�FACT. Th�toNOwlnD Provhlont rWarq to hxlhK assur�nca.nd �naMy-In-hct�n a pu1 of Ihb <br /> -.���-�- Ds�d of Trust. <br /> �� , <br /> as..'�:- <br /> "`;�td� Fur1hK As�une►o�. At any dm��atid kom BrtN to tlrtw�uPon nQual of L�ndK�Trustor wIN m�k���x�cuM lnd tNMwr�or wW aua a <br /> 'u,:..��. mad���x�CUt�d ot d1Mv�nd� t�L�ndlr or t0 L�ntl�� dK�G�� �nd wh�n r�Queel�d by L�nd�r�G1us�k W 1M�d�nCOrd�d�tMfMd,or <br /> nncarMd�as tM dN mu9 b���t such dma and In tuch oMlo�and pl�oM a l�rtKy dNm�PP��M. �ny and�11 wch mo�tp�p�s� <br /> -�—•�• dMds of trtnt,s�eu�IlY�,s�ctxitY qr'�rn�►b�Iln�ndrq saMm�nb�contlnutdon skl�m�nb,instrum�nh d 4urli�r assunna,a�t�CaNs, <br /> -- ..�.x.-�� a dalrnbM In adK to Nt�ctuaM,compMU�Pwhc�,contlnur�a <br />--:y?;�x'L � �nd othw docum�nh att may,in th�w� adnlon d Und�r�W tMC�rY <br /> ,;.=m•,: pr�rvo (o)ttw obpWtlorq of Trusta under ltw�Nob�this De�d ol Tnist�and tl�RN�Md Oxum�nta��nd @1 ttN N�rn�nd s�ctxMY Inl�nsb <br />-:�;,:�`'�;�� cnaNd hy thb D�sd o�f Trust as Ikst and P�a Iwns on Ih�PropKty.whNhK now own�d a h�naiiK ac4ukid by Trustor. Urdas ProhlbHed by - <br /> - 4�w a ipn�d to tM contruy by L�ndr in wridnp�Tnnta tt►�rMmburs�L�ndw tor�M Cosb�nd sx�^�e Incirrod In conn�cUoe wlth th� <br /> � `a°����� man«s�r+d a tn nrs <br />_�-""'= At�pnwy_Nt..F�Cf. N Trustor faYs to do any of ttw tNrps rM�nd to in 1M prwyd�o0 P��Ph,l.�ndw rwy do ao lor and In iM n�m�of <br /> Tnnta and�1 Trustort��. For wch purP��Tru�tor MnbY YnvoablY�PPanb Und�r a Tnntor'f lttan�y-IM�cf ro►tM P�P� <br />_�`,,,=��'�'�� of rtrkirq��x�cutl^y�cNMwrinq�AM�q,r�cadlnp�and ddn0 aN o1Mr tMnps as rrwy b� rnc�ssarY or drsk�bl��In L«ulws wN opinlon�10 <br /> �pcqn�lish th�m�tMn nbrt�d lo In 1M P��G P��Ph. <br /> -�"-°c`-�.� FUl F�AFORMANCE. It Trusta WYs al lh� IrM�bUdri�s.Includln0 wlthoul IlmiUtlon dl h�tun adva�as�wMn dw�and o1h�wN�Putor^x�M <br />, °;;:�a� - lFw cbMp�UOns Impoc�d upon Trustor unciuC�is DMd of Tnn►�L�nd�r sh��w�cuM and dWvK b Truslw�iwuwt ta(uN nco�wya�a and sh�N <br />�� �x�cub�nd dMiwr to Trustor suNabM�taMmo�b of Mrminadon of�ny lrnndn0 sfalrm�nt on Aq�vidKx.9nC L�t�d�r's ucurily InMinst in 1M R�nb <br /> _ >� t and n►.a«sonai�roa«ir, My nCOnwy�na 1M►�Qulnd bY�w sheN W P�by Tnlstor�M P�rmitMd bY�PP��w. <br /> -`%��: a�.sn.r co�woe.a�.w�a a.a�c�wm a w�.u�ur,ar n,�o..a oe T�s+: <br /> ..;,,+�� oEFAU.r. eacn a t�»+olowirp�at th�evbn <br /> -,- _�- wi�uii an indw:�w`w::. F:;t�:�?r,�!�!=s^�k••ny'+!ynrnt wh�n du�on 1h�IndebNd�tns. <br /> ��:� D�faWt on Olfwr PrIn�MM�. F�Ilund Truslor wilhln tM Nm�r�Quind bY Ws DMd of Trust to m�k��nY p�Y*nm!fa Ivas or In�urana.or <br />--__�.-�;��,. ��y�h�r p�y,rnnt mass�ry to pr�v�f�Mrq of a to NNct dbcnup�d'��Y Iwn. <br />_-_'.�_��i <br /> -:_�,`;�?t�`� comallr�a D�ht�t. F,wix.a Tn�la to comply wM1+.ny an�r t�nn,obl�wYo�.cowrw�t or condiuon eonwa�a�n nra o..a a Tn�a� <br /> _- Nob a In anY d tM RN�Md Daumrlc. <br />-;�.:T.aiti:i�L! Fa1N SUInNMits.MY vnrtiMY��4tlOn 0►SUknl�nt mud�Or 1u�s1Nd to LNxMr by Or On bNrlf o1TnlStOr undK thb DMt!a1 Ttust, <br />---4�'�� 1M NoM a ths Fi�MMd Documrnls b Y1�a rt�SMadnp In��Y maMrMl nsp�.�1�Ntfrr now a�t th�tlrm m�d�a hrnfsh«!. <br /> -s—� - D�Netiv�COMM�rMnMbn. This DMd d Tnnl or ury d 1M RNatW DocurrNnls cw�s to b�in 1u11 fac�Ind MNC1(k�dudnp 1��of aey <br /> �...� ca�Mn1 documMb to cnab�wlid�nd PK������or Nwi)at any tlm�and for any naso�- <br /> --��'�"�'O�� IntolwnCY. Th�dssolutlon a IermMrKon of Trustors�odsMne�af�poMq buik�w,th�4�iolwncY d��PPd^MN�t d�ncMvw <br /> -.°=r��• for�ny p�rt of Tnator"s D��M. N9�nmMtt far th� O�yAt of cndHO�s.�nY h�P�d cndNor wakoul. a tM comn�+�.wrNnt o�u+Y <br /> _:-- _- Procwc�np undK lny bank►uP1cY or hsoN�CY kws bY a�p�st 7rusEOr. <br /> :�~'�— Fahclo�un�Fa1NM�r��Nc. Commmo�nw+f of ta�down a farMMun P�oaacilr�a�wM��Y I� Fp 1��1Ns sub»eron ^aeh�N <br />--��'� or any olt�mMhod,by�ny cnditad Trustor a by�ny powmmw�hl pMnY�Or^� of th�cWm whkh is Ih�b�sit W Ih�ionClosu►�or <br /> _--- �pply In tM event ol a pood hNh de0�bY Trusta a to tM v�M�MY or n�son�bMn�ss <br />----- ionwNu►�Proe�Wp.p����Trtnla 0���wrilMn notic�d such cWm�nd hxNSMs ns�nrs a a sunlY 6ond for 1M d�m <br /> - ---- salf�hClo�Y b l.��dlr. <br /> � �' pn�eh of aMvt Aar�t1• My d1aCh bY Trustot undK thr Mtms of anY dM�r pr�d bMw�^Trtubr�nd LMKMt tlrt is no!nrr»clf�d <br /> -- �i•�� withfn urf pr�P«Iod P���n.kidudln0 withoul YmNttlon�ny prMn'��cw�nlnG�nY IntNbMdn�ss or dlMr ublparon d T+ustot <br /> -'*'�.c�:� to UndK�whMfxx eodstlnp now or Wrc. <br />--�s�•"�� Ey�nq AfNctlnp Gvannlor. MY d tM P���s occurs wNh nsp�.�t to��Y Guwnta ol any of Ih�Ind�bMdnsa or�nY Guwnlor <br /> °- ` �,<��;� dhs or b�car�s GxomDMmt.a nvoic�s a dlsPuf�s tM vaMditY M�bfYH u���°Y Guwnt�of 11»Ind�bMrMrst. <br /> - --�°�• Adv� CIw��M• A rrrMrW ad�rs�Chanp� occws fn Trustor's 1ln�ndd Condftlon� ot L�ntf�r b�lfwrs M►� ProiP� «P�Y�^� a <br />.7�„_�_'ii:�' patormar�of tM Ind�bMdMSS Fs Y^P�• <br />--��'Y.-�. InMeurNY. L�In pood faftA d«ms fls�M Ira�cun. <br /> ----"��•'-, RIGHiS AND REIAEDIES ON DEFAI�.T, Upon tM oanxr�d any Ewnt d Default�nd�t any tl+n�1MrMAtt.TrusfM or Lmd�r�at i!s cPtlon. <br />_ .� ,nay�cfs���y on�a mon of ttw foMawtrnp rlphls and nm«Mes�In r►dditlon to any oMMr riGhts a nrtMCiMt P�odd�d by kw: <br /> -.. ACaiM'Mlpt uPon DMM�It;�����' If�eY�wnt of tS�laull oCCtxs�s P�►Me Mrms of tM NoM s�Ctwd Mnby�L�nda maY <br /> ci�cwn�11 Ind�bMdnoe3 s�cund hyU�is Dwd d Trust to b�dua�nd p�YU'M�nd tM s�rt»stwM th�rwpai bawn�du��nd p�y�bM wkt�out <br /> •ny pnsentm�nt,d�rn�nd.Rratest a notlC�d�ny klnd.TMr�afhr�L�ntlM m�y: nMd b �Cqut1�nd without <br /> ,� (�) EItt+K In person or by spnt. with or withou!brinpnG�ny�ctlon a PfOCMdI^Q�o�by r naiv��DDa Y <br />- r. <br /> . <br /> t. � <br /> . <br />._ `' _ __�.--�;�_'—___. : <br /> t ...��....�- . ...__—.._.'_"._.-....�............. ,_'_'_'_'•T.—_�. .-...._.�__' � . n . .. ' . <br /> � .. ' . . .. _ . . .. <br /> � ' � . o <br /> . ' , \� <br /> � <br /> �. .' -- .• ,� <br /> ' �_.._ . . . - <br />