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��14�1�43 <br /> �� � � � � � <br /> E. "B�RR�W�R'S RIGHT T� REINSTATE" DELETED. Section �9 is de�eted. <br /> F. BflRR�INER'S �GGUPANCY. Unless �end�r and Barrower otherwise a�r�e in writing, <br /> Sectian 6 concern�ng Barrawer's occupancy of the Prvperty is deleted. <br /> G. ASSI�IUMENT �F LEASES. Upon Lender's reques� after defau�t, Barrower shafl assign <br /> to Lender all �eases af the Property and all security deposits made in connection with leases <br /> af the Praper�y. Upan the assignment, Lender shall ha�� the right ta modify, ex�end or <br /> �erminate the existing leases and �v execute �ew leases, �n Lende�'s sole d�scre�ion. As used <br /> in this paragraph �, the w�rd "lease" shal� m�an "sub(ease" if the Security Instrument is on a <br /> �eas�ho�d. <br /> �. ASSIGNM�NT �F RENTS; APP�INTMENT �F REGEIVER; LENDER �N PQSSESS�flN. <br /> Borrawsr abso�utefy and uncanditiona��y assigns and transfers �� Lender afl the r�nts and <br /> re�enues �"Rent$"} of the Property, �egardless of to wham �he Rents of �he Proper�y are <br /> payable. Bvrrower auth�riz�s Lend�r or Lender's agen�s �o colle�t the Rents, and agrees that <br /> each �enant of �he Proper�y sha�! pay �he Rents ta Lender a� Lend�r's agents. Howe�er, <br /> B�rr�wer shali rec�i�e the Rents until: ��� Lender has gi�en Barrawer na�ice of de�au�t <br /> pursuant to Sec��nn �� of the Security lnstrument, and 4ii� Lender has gi��n notice to the <br /> tenant�s} that the Rent� are to be paid ta Lender or Lender's agent. This assignment of Rents <br /> constitutes an abso�ut� ass�gnn�ent and not an assignment for additional security on1y. <br /> �f Lender g��es n�tice of defau�t to Borrower: 4�} ail Rents r�cei�ed by Borrowe� sha�l be <br /> he�d by Borrawer as trustee for the benefi� of Lender an�y, to be applied to the sums secured <br /> hy th� Secur�ty �nstrument; �ii� Lender shall be entitled ta coI[ect and recei�e al! of the Rents <br /> af the Property; �iii� Borrower agrees that ea�h t�nant �f the Property sha�� pay ali Rents due <br /> and unpa�d to Lender or Lender's agents upon Lender's written demand to the tenant; 4i�� <br /> unI�55 appiicable law pra�id�s otherwise, ali Rents co�lected by Lender or Lender's agents <br /> shall be app��ed first to the �osts of tak�ng Gontro� af and rr�anaging the Proper�y and <br /> collect�ng the Rents, �nclud�n�, but not limited to, attorney's fees, �ecei�er`s f��s, premiums <br /> on recei�er's bonds, repair and ma�ntenance Cfl5t5, insurance premiums, taxes, assessments <br /> and other cha�ges �n th� P�operty, and then to the sums secured by the Security Instrument; <br /> 4�} Lender, Lender's agents or any �udicially a��ointed recei�er sha�� be liabie to account for <br /> �nly those Rents actually re��i�ed; and 4�i3 Lender shali �e �ntit�ed to ha�e a recei�er <br /> appo�nted to take possession of and r�anage the Property and co��ect the Rents and prflfits <br /> deri�ed �rom the Property w�thout any showing as to the inadequacy of th� Property as <br /> �ecur��y. <br /> If the Rents af the Property are not sufficient to co�er the costs of tak�ng c�n�rol of and <br /> manag�ng the Property and of co�lecting the Rents any funds expended �y Len�er for such <br /> purposes shall beGome �nde�tedness of Bor�ower to Lender secured by �he 5ecurity <br /> �nstrument pursuant ta Sectian 9. <br /> Borrvwer re�r�sen�s an� warrants that B��rawer has nv� �x�cuted any prior assignmen� <br /> of the Rents and has not performed, and wil� not perform, any a�t tha� wauld p���ent L�nde� <br /> fr�m exerGising its righ�s under thi� paragraph. <br /> L�nder, or Lender's ag�nts or a�udicially appainted �ecei�er, shall no� be requir�d to enter <br /> up�n, take cantro� af �r maintain the Prop�rty before or after gi�ing notice of �efaul� �o <br /> Bo�rawer. Howe�er, L�nde�, or L�nder's agents or a jud�c�ally appvint�d �e��i�er, may do so <br /> at any �ime when a defauft accurs. Any application nf R�nts sha[1 no� cur� o� wai�e any <br /> defau�t ar in�a�idate any other right ar rem��y af Lender. This assignment vf Rents af the <br /> Proper�y sha�l te�minate wh�n a�i the sums s�cured by the Security �nstrum�nt are paid in full. <br /> I. CROSS�DEFAULT PRC�ViS1�N. Borrow�r's default or breach under any note ar <br /> a�reement in which Lender has an interest shall be a breach under the Securi�y Ins�rument <br /> and Lender �ay in�oke any af the remedies perm�tted �y the Security Instrument. <br /> MULTISTATE �- 4 FAN��LY RIDER - Fanni� MaelFredd�e Mac U�VIFaRM NSTRU�JIENT <br /> VMP°-�7R �48� 1} Page 2 of 3 �nitials: Form 3'17� �1�'i <br /> �......�.. <br /> � � <br /> , � . � . . � �5 �.. . <br />