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<br /> .� � �
<br /> �� � ��
<br /> in the Property and righ�s under th�s 5ecurity Instrumen�; and �d3 �akes �uch action as Lender may
<br /> reasonab�y requ�re�a assure that Lender's in��rest in�he Praper�y and rights under this Secur��y �ns�rumen�,
<br /> and Bflrrower's ob�igation to pay the sums secur�d�y this Securi�y In��rumen�, shall conCinue unchanged.
<br /> Lender xnay require�hat Borrow�r pay such reins�a�ement sums and�xpenses in one or mor�of the follow�ng
<br /> farn�s, as selected b� I.�nder: �a} cash; �b} money order; �c} cer�ified check, bank��e�k, �reasur�r's check or
<br /> cashier's che�k, pro�ided any such check is drawn upon an ins�i�u�ion wh�se depasi�s are insured by a
<br /> fe�l�ral ag�n�y, ins�rumentaii�y or entity; or(d} Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon re�nstat�men�b� Barrower,
<br /> �h�s Secur�ty �nstrum�nt and obligations secured here�y shal� remain fu11y effec�ive as �f no accelera�i�n had
<br /> accurr�d. �awe�ver, �his right�o re�nsta��sha�I no�app�y in�h�case af acc���ratian under Section 18.
<br /> �0. Sa[e af Not�; �hange of Loan Servicer; Notice af Grie�ance. The No�e or a par�ial in�erest �n�he
<br /> Na�e t�oge�her w�th this Securi�y �ns�rument} can b�sold ane ar more�imes w��hout prior no�i���o
<br /> Borravver. A sale�night result in a�hange in th�ent�ty �known as the "Loan�Servi cer"} �ha��oll�cts Periodi�
<br /> Paymen�s due under the Not�and this Secur�ty �nsCrument and p�rforms o�her mor�gage�oan ser�icing
<br /> obiiga�ions under the Note, this Security �nstrumen�, and Applzcable Law. Ther�alsa migh�be one or more
<br /> change� of�he Loan Servicer unreiated�o a sale of th�Note. If there is a chang�of the Loan Ser�icer,
<br /> Borr�wer wiil be���en wri�ten no�ic�of�he chang�which will state the name and address of�he new Laan
<br /> S�r�ricer, �h�address to which payments shou�d be made and any�ther information RESPA requires in
<br /> connection wi�h a notice of transfer�f s�r�ri�ing. �f the NaCe�� sfl�d and thereafter�he L�an is ser�iced b� a
<br /> Loan Ser�i�er��her than�he purchaser of the Not�, the mortgage inan servicing ob�igatians to Borrower vw�ll
<br /> remain vvith the Loan Servi�er ar be�ransferred to a successor I.�an Ser�icer and are no� assumed b��he
<br /> Nate purchaser unless ath�rwise pro�id�d by the Not�purchas�r.
<br /> Neither Borrawer nor Lender may commen��,join, or be�oined�a an�judiciai action�as ei�her an
<br /> indi�ridual li�igat�t or�he 7member of a class�that ar�s�s from the o�her par�y'� act�ons pursuant to �his
<br /> Se�urity �nstrum�nt or tha� alleges tha�the other party has br�a�hed any pro�isian af, or any du�y owed by
<br /> reason af, th�s Security�nstrument, un�il such Barrower or Lender has nvtified�he other party �with such
<br /> natice gi�ren in com.p�iance with the requirements of Sec�zon 15�of such alleged breach and afforded�he
<br /> a�her par��hereto a reasanable peri�d after the gi�ing of such notice to�a��correc�ive ac��on. If Appl�ca��e
<br /> Law pro�rides a time period vvhich mus�e�apse before certain ac�ian can be tak�n, that time period w��l be
<br /> deemed to be reasonable f�r purposes af�his paragraph. The n��ice of ac�eleration and opp�rtunity ta cure
<br /> given to Borrflw�r pursuant to Secti�n 22 and the notice af acc�ieratian gi�ren to Borrower pursuant ta
<br /> Section �8 shaii �e deemed�o satisfy the no�ic�and oppor�uni�y �o take corre��i�re actian pr��r�sions of this
<br /> Sec�ion 20.
<br /> �'i. Hazardous Substances. As used in�his Sec�ian��: �a} "Ha�ard�us►�ubs�afices"are thase subs�ances
<br /> defined as �oxic�r hazardous substances, pai�u�an�s, ar wast�s by En�ironmen�al Law and the fol�owing
<br /> su�s�ances: gasa�ine, k�rosene, other flammabie or toxic petro��um pradu�ts, �ox�c pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> vola�ile sol�ents, mate�r�a�s�ontaining asbestos or f�rmaidehyde, and radioa��ive mate�rials; �b�
<br /> "Envir�nmental�aw"rr�eans federa� lav�s and Iaws af the jurisdiction where the Proper�y is �o�a�ed�hat
<br /> reiate t�hea�th, safe�y or en�ironmen�al protec�ion; �c� "Enviranmental Creanup" includes any response
<br /> ac�ion, remedia� ac�ion, or rema�al action, as def�ned in En�ironmen�a� Law; and (d} an "Ert�i ronrner�tal
<br /> C'onditron"means a Gonditian tha�can caus�, contribuCe ta, or�therwis�trigger an En�rironrnenta� �leanup.
<br /> Barr�wer shall no�cause ar p�rmit�he presence, use, disposal, s�orage, or release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or�hrea�en�a release any Hazardaus Substances, on or in�h�Proper�y. �arrov�ver sha�l not da,
<br /> nor a11ow anyone else ta do, anything affect�ng the Praper�y �a} Cha�is in��olation af an� Environmental
<br /> Lav�r, �b} which creat�s an �n�iranmental Condi�ion, ar�c� whi�h, due to�he presence, use, or re�ease of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, cr�ates a condition tha�ad�ersely affects the va�u�of�he Proper�y. Th�preceding �wo
<br /> NEE3RASKA-Singfe�amify-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNfi�DRM INSTfiUMENT Fr�rm 3Q28�!0�
<br /> VMP Q VMP�{N�y�'€'i Da�
<br /> Wo[ters Kluwer Financia!Ser�ice� Page 13�f�7
<br /> ... �, �'� � � .
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