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.......,..�.....:.c-..,T <br /> , .. �-,..,. � <br /> , _.,� ,.. . . <br /> ., __ _ <br /> .,.�:,:�.,,:.:��,,,Y,�.��,.�,, - - - <br /> ••.4 .�•:.. �, ,n. �_. _ - <br /> .t_ =r ..,r. .. _ .------�--_ - <br /> 98- 1�.�os1 <br /> G.AS,.SIGNMENT OF I.F.ASES. Upc�n L,ender's request. �rrower shall aasign to L.cnde�all leasts of�he <br /> Property aixl all security deposits maJe in conikctior� with ieases of the Property. lJpon 1he assignnxnt, I.ender <br /> shall have the right to tnc�dify,cxtend or tern�inate the existing leases and to exocute new leases,in l.endcr's sote <br /> discretion. As used in this paragraph G,thc word "Icase"shull mean "sublwse"if thc Security instrument is on <br /> a lea�ehold. <br /> 11. ASSIGNMENT OF 1tENTS; APPOINTMFNT OF RECEIVB�t; I.ENDER [N POSSE5SION. <br /> Horrower absolutely and unconcfitionally assigns aixl transfecs to Lender all the rents ancl revenues("Rents")of <br /> the Property, regardless of to whom the Rents of the Property are payable. Borrower authorius Lender or <br /> Ix.nder's agents to coltect the Rents, and agrees thnt each tenant of the Property shall pay tiu Rents to I..ender or <br /> I.axier's agents. However, Borrowcr shalt rceeive the Rents until (i)Lender has given Borcower notice of dcfault <br /> pursuant to paragraph 21 of�he Security Instrument and(ii) l.ender has givcn notice to the tenant(s)that the Rents <br /> arc to be paid to I.cnder or Lender's agent. This assignment af Rents cunstitutes an ab.,olute assignmcnt and not <br /> an acsignment for a�lditional security only. <br /> If Lender gives nntice oi'breach to Borrower; (i)all Rents received by Borrower shall be held by Borrower <br /> as trustee for Ihe benefit of Lender only,to be applied to the sums sccurai by the Security Instrument;(ii)Lender <br /> shall be entitled to collect a�xi receive nll of the Rents of the Propeny; (iii)Horrower agrees that each tenant of th� <br /> Froperty shall pay all Rents due and unpaid to Lender or Lender's agents upon Lender's written demand tu the <br /> tenant; (iv)unless applicable law provides otherwise, all Rents collected by Lender or Lender's agents shxll ioe <br /> applioci fi�st to the costs of taking control of and managing the Property and collecting the Rents, including,but <br /> not limited to, attorneys' fces, receiver's f��es, premiums on receiver's bunds, repair und maintenance rnsts, <br /> insurance prcmiums, taxcs, assessments anci other charges on thz Property,and then to the sums securod by the <br /> Security Instnrment; (v)Lender.Lender's agents or any judicially eppointed receiver shall be liable to account for <br /> only those Rents actually received; and (vi) Lender shall be entitled to have a recciver appointed to take <br /> }wssession of und manage the Property and collect the Rents and profits dcrived from the Property without any <br /> showing as to the inadequacy of the Property as security. <br /> If the Rents of the Property are not sufficient to cover the custs of taking control of and managing the <br /> Property and oi'collecting the Rents any funds expe�xled by I.ender for such purposes shall becomc indebtedness <br /> �r g�,m,wrr rn Ixnder secured by the Security Instrument pursuant to Unifa�m Covenant 7. <br /> Borrower represents ancl waRants that Borrower has not executed any prior assignmenc ai ilic Rcui:�ai�i� <br /> noc and will not perform any act that would prevent�.ender from ezercisirg its rights under this paragrs�ph• <br /> Lender, or Lender's age�us or a judicially appointed receiver, shall not be requirod to enter upon, take <br /> control of or maintain ihe Property before or after giving not+ce of defnult to liorrower. However, I.ende:r, or <br /> Lender's agents or a judicially appointecl receiver,may do so at any time when a default occurs. Any application <br /> of Rents shall not cure or waive an,y default or invalidate any othGr right or romedy of Lendec.'[liis assignment of <br /> Re�ts of the Property shalE termiru►t�when all the sums secured by the Securily[nstntment are paid in full. <br /> 1. CROSS-nE�AULT PROVISIUN. Borrower's default or breach under any note or agreement in which <br /> L.ender has an interest shall be a breach under the Security Instrumtnt and Lr.nder may invoke any of the romodia <br /> permitted by the Security Instrument. <br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower xcepts a�xi agre�s to the terms and provisions contained in this 1�4 <br /> amily . <br /> - � (Sal) <br /> WRH�1('E J PFiCK -Bortuwer -e1RON�� <br /> 1iL1�_ �� (Seal) -- (5eil) <br /> � •fk�rrowcr -Bomowcr <br /> fam 3t70 3193 <br /> •� <br /> i <br /> . • . , _ <br /> --�u.w{7lRA'iWI.3b .2�wi::?►...�...�_�_—__— ..< <._s_ .. _ _ <br /> vJi��4+r��.'4.3.� ��u�4����._. ___ — _____ __ . <br /> . .�� �L�.�.''r_.'�.����4��.at4.}��t+�`� — - <br /> - :-1 'L'S;'f/�. �y'�j.4w � �i L �3ryL�s- ��a. - —. <br /> ... ,ji�"v�..:�`..j .�♦ M 1��+�'S.c+Ar . __' .,��_�—__ —'�_—� _—_ <br /> .--.�-itiR�.%v �`r.I�rt.ii.' 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