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, ...:� <br /> „ <br /> .. .:��'r. „..�..,:�;, ,� _�__: - �....:...�:: <br /> r- N. � „ : :"." - <br /> � ... rt ��,. � . .. . ,. . .. . �•.1�.�, �v...-, :.� ;�.�_ __..._. �, : — � <br /> • . ,,:,n; . <br /> ` ,. .x�*E,^°,. , . _ �-:�,.4-�� <br />�;::;,:...,;i:.�'C -- <br /> , �` -� 98- 11304'� - <br />`:;�.,�� - <br /> ?_�:.��y.ti„�,� My amqunll dhburtod by Undw und�r thfs Pu�praph eh�u b�carn� �n rddRbnU debl of Aorrow�r �nd tH ucund by -_ <br />�.7xi� <br /> � . this S�curRy IntWm�nt. Th�a� �mounta ahall bsar htxast from the dsts of dfs6ursomenl at the Nots r�te,and �t th�optbn of <br /> },,,�.�;,t,. Land�r,sh�N b�YnrMdiat�y dw and pay�blo. <br />= _���- ' Borroww th�N �vompty dltchup� �ny IMn whbh has prbrRy owr thb Socurky Inttrum�nt unMs� Borraw�r (�1 �pr� � <br /> '��� wrHhq to the p�yR►em of tho oblpatbn secured by ths�bn h �manner eccsptable to I.�nder;(b)conteats h pood hfth tt��Nen <br /> G I rxeodlnfls whfch h the Landers ophion operate to prwent lha <br />_,*�^ �'�•: by, or c4obnds �aainit onlorcanant ol Iha Ywi N, Iopa p <br /> r� " " enforCement of Ihe Iien; or (r.) secures hom tha holder o1 tha Ibn nn apreemenl SnUsf�ctory lo Llndor 6uboNlnathq th� Ifm to <br /> . - ;';•�' ihis SiCUfity In6itumbnt. If lencler determines lhat eny pnrt of tho PfOporty IS Sub)ect to e lien whkh mey eit�fn prbrity over lhls <br />�'*'"a"' SscurRy Inctrum�nt, Londx m4Y Glva Bottowor a notba Idanlffyfnp lh� Ikn, Borrower shlp sot&ly th� IMn or t�ke ono or ma1 of <br />��� cha aclbna aet lorth ehove wkhfn 1 0 days o f l he piv i n p o f n o t f c e. <br /> .�..�. <br /> 8. Fees.lender maY colbct fees�nd chsrpes euthorized by the Secretery. <br />--�^��_ 9. Grounds for AcceleraUon ot Deb� <br /> �� (a) Defeul4 �onder nwr� axaPt os IknNad by rpulatbne iatwd by th• Secrotary h Iha c�se of payment dehuks, <br />' ' ' rsquka imm�dkts p�yrr�ent fn fuY of aN aume aocured by thfs S�curky Inatrurns�t i(: <br />�•.f,,•,.�.yf. . <br />-,:y: �, (i)Borrower defaults by failh0 to pay h fuN eny monthy payment requYed 6y thb SocurRy Instrummt prbr to or on <br />�� y�'.���_. the due date ot the nuR monthy payment,or <br /> �,� �' (Iq Borrower defauke 6y feiNnp, for a psrlod of thkty days,to perlorm�ny other obNetlbna contaln�d h thks S�curky <br />�'7,;, <br />°-T•�' Inelrument. <br /> m' ,' n.ti•y <br />�fi•�':�'."'.,{ (b) Slle Without Credlt Approvsl. Lender shaA, M permitted by epplk�ble kw (hcludhp saotbn 341(d) ol th� <br /> ��^ti�,•=•';: Gem-St Germain DepasRory InstAutions Act of 1992, 12 U.S.C. 1701J-3(d))and wtth iha prbr�pproval of the SecrN�ry� <br />::_1:•,-f, :! <br /> requira Ynmediate payment In fup of nll the sums secured by this Securky Inatrument Y: <br />��i���; (q All or part of the Proparty, or a ban�fbMl Intsreat in a trust ownhq a11 a p�t of th• Propsrty, Is aoid or <br /> � • otherwlse transferred (other lhan by devfse or desCant),and <br />-";r�Q � <br />�.r�.,, (Iq The PropeRy Is not occupfed by lha purchYCw or yrant� as his or har princpal rosidonc�, or tha purohatK or <br />�`�"�� flr�ntes does so ocr.upy lhe Property, but his or h9r credk hns not b�en �PProved In �ccardana wkh th� <br />__�j�z requk�nants of the Socretery. <br />�'aF."r.. _ �.}�a� (C� NO Wsiver. I} circumstlnCes occur thYt woukl permft Lender to requYo Immadiilo pqrnent h fuN, but UndYr _ <br /> �r-��:° does not requke such payrrw�ts,Lender does not walve Ns r{Qhte wRh resp�ct lo au65aq�t wents, <br />"��'�-�`�- (d) Reguletlons of HUD Secretery. In many ckCUmstances rbpu4lbns fSSUKI by the Secrelary wi� �knt <br />�s;,,.,�,. - <br />,��:%i'�^+^� 1.enders riphts, In the case ot payment defaufts, to requke Immedi�te peyment fn lull �nd foracbsa M not paid•Th <br />�_'-'���'.�s:. Sscurdy Instrument does not authorW accelentbn or forscbsuro N not p�mftl�d bY r�uYlbne of th�S�crKary <br />.,;a;;�;;��,.' (e) Mort9eye Not Insured. Borrower�prees that i1 tn�s Sxurity instrumu��i w�� ���: �:ota ara r.o2 �±!�!"�m!^"� ro <br /> ur <br />-=wz.=l•h� LMdif <br /> be elqible for fnsurance under lhe N�tbnal Housfnp Act wkhfn ilE O1 dav� (90�_rom th• duto hx�of, <br /> _ -ryR.a may, �l ks optbn requlre immedfate payment In fuA of�Y sums a�cur�d by thb S�curRy Instrument. A wrMbn stabrt�nt <br />���� of any autnorized afle^t ot the Secretary datxd subsequent tQ #� O?ddy�(9Q) han lhe d�t� hsrwf, eMeNnYW <br /> n�a�� r to hsure thls Securky Inauumait �nd the Note, shaN W dawnad conclu�lw prool of 6uch In�HObukY• Notwkhstndfnp <br />��,lb��� tho fa�polny, thls optbn may not ba vxarcfsad by Lend�r when th� unavdlab�ty ol Insur�nc� h soMly du�to LMd�r't <br /> � failure►o rank e mortpape Insunnce premium to the Secretary. <br />—_a,�+�±;��� <br /> �=��� 10. Refnstetement. Borrower has a rfpht to be refnstated M Lender hes requYed Mr�rt�edrte paymmt h IuN bacwta of <br />-��-'�.`:srSTLt-'ft 1 <br /> ���q Borrower's faiUre to pay an amount due under the Nota or this SecurRy Inatrume+it Thb ripht appN�f w�n alElr for�tbsuro <br />�;�a proceedhps �re Instkuted. 7o refnstate the Securky Instrument, Borrow�r shau tencMr fn �lurop sum all �mounts rrquind ta <br />���. <br /> �.•.��-_�. brhp Borrowx's account current inciudinp, to the extent they are oblipatbns of Bortower uncNr thls Sacurky InsWmai� <br />,=c�::���Sd� torecbsure costs and reasoneble end customery attorney's fess end sxpans�a prop«y usockt�d wkh th� lonebsun , <br />=-� -��„'� ��"� proceedinfl• Upon refnstatement by Bortower,thls Securky Inatrument and the oblqatlons th�t k NCUns shlA romain�► MNCt�� <br />�'�'.'�i;� H Lender had not requfred knmadiate peyment h full, However, Londer Is not requlrod to pMmk roinstat�t Y: (q I.onda hu <br />�.:�� accepted relnstatement after the commencem�nt of forecbsure prxwdfnps wkhh two yrua Immad�t�ly proo�dYq tM <br /> -' +�SF�w� commencement of e current forecbsuro proCeedhp, (N) rehaUtement wNl prsclude for�obeuro on dMfa�snt pround� In th�futun, <br />�X._._.q..Ik::j.� <br />===�� i�" or pii) reinstalement will ndversey affect the prbrity ot the Ilen cra4tad by thfG Socurky instrume�n <br />—:�� <br /> ���-_ , - 11. Borrower Not Releesed; Forbearance By Lender Not e Welver.Ext�nRWn ot th�tkne of paymw�t or <br /> r����� mod'AICaUon ot amortlratbn of the sums seCUred by this Sxurity Instrument prented by L1nde�to any succ�scor In kdlrost of <br />�;:;�:�,�:� Borrower sheM not operate to release Ihe IfebflHy of lhe orqhal Borcowx or Borcowers successa in hterost.Lenda ahaN not b� <br />�T��;r;. � requked to commaice proceedinfls oqtlnst eny successor fn interest or refuse to extend limo lor paym�nt or otharw�se modYy <br />_=_;,;,_�„�_,� • amorti:ation ol the sums secured by thls SecurRy Instrumant by reason of eny demand rrud� hY lhe orqhal Bortowsr or <br />- ^''�.� Borrowers suCCessors in fnterest. �Y forbearence by Lendru h exerClshp any rfqnt o�rernedy shall not bo B watver ot or <br /> �� � preclude the exercise of any rqht or remedy. <br /> ` ` 12. Succeasora and Asalpna Bound; Jolnt end Seversl Lfebility; Co•si�ners. Tna co�en�n�e .nd <br />- �t• eqreements of thls Securky Inst�ument shatl bad and benelit the suCCSSSOrs and as�q�s ol L�ndar�nd Bortowsr,sub}ecl to th� <br /> ,� pravlsbns ol Parppraph 9(b). Borrowe�s covenants end eyreernents ahatl be Joht and severEa�•MY Borrower who co-sqns thb <br /> • � s Security Instmment but does not execute tho Note:(a) is co-s�pnfn9 thfs Security InsWment ony to morty�0�,pnnt and conv�y <br /> n not personaly obipated to pay the <br /> � � that Borrowers M�terest fn the Property under the tarms oi thls SecurRy Instrument;(b)� ree to extend,modMy, <br /> � sums secured by this SecurRy Instrument; and (c) aprees thet Lender end an otiier Borrower meY a9 <br /> ; � forbear or meke eny acCOmmodations with reqard lo the term of this SeCUrRy Instmment or the Note wi:hout thnt BortOwers <br /> 1� consent. <br /> _-_-- • 11 _...,.. �.,.....�..,e„• ehou hn okan bv delMBrinO R or by nufihy R <br /> _ .- __,_ ._ ...�_ .._ <br /> 1.3. Notfcea. Any nOtICO[O tlOROwer provioed im n� u��a.,w..•�.� •••..••-.••-••- -- - • <br /> � by ��rst cless rnail unless app��cable law requ'ues uso of anothor methud.The notfce shall bo diected to the Property Addres6 or <br /> any other address Borrower despneles by noC�ce to Londer. My notbe to Lender shall be given by (rst class mail to Lenders <br /> eddress steted horek� or any address Lender desfgnatos by not�e to Borrower. Any nalke provided for h this Securky <br /> u, Instrument shall be deamod to have been pNen tu Borrower or Lender when pHen es provkled n thb p6rayraph. <br /> = 14. Governing Law; Severabllity� This SeCUrky Instrument shsll be Qovemed bq Federel lew and the Ww of the <br /> • I jurlsdict�on n wh{ch the Property Is located. In the event that eny provislon or clause o�this SecurRy Instrument or the Note <br /> ' I <br /> I Pip�� ol 5 <br /> FSBt�•LMa(f0lBD) <br /> 1`{ <br /> IOGB <br />