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..r � .. .,. ._-. :" •! . � . � , .:��'- <br /> . . :+fut,;y . .. . ,c :�-. �.�aa�� t-...r,�� . „ • . - ,.i�_—_. <br /> . 5��::. <br /> • 'N- _ :w.rckw�r.�+.,......:_,_..__._.s......._�--- — <br /> ..:,..;,�i:.'� . - . <br /> . i. " <br /> :�i�'�:�• 12-24-1�e DEED OF TRUST t;':. �$'�' �1'"��'2� Pspe 3 <br /> �' .rt, � , , Lc�n No 7624�6 (Cont(nu�d) ---- <br /> . _� <br /> M� ''•' . INMnttnMt��of MM�u�. Tnuta�haM procuh�nd mNnl�ln poMclw ot An InsunnC�wNh tt�nd�rd�xt�ntNd cover�W�ndorsur�nts on• �. <br /> � � np4iarrNnt bafN Ior Ih�haq IMUnUM vutN cwr�rinp aM Improwmanb on thr Rwl PropMty In�n�mounl suMCNnt to�vdd tpplicaBOn ot�ny <br /> cdniunna d�uN��nd wtth�efandud malp�pM eW1ul��+1 hvo�ol L�nd�r,tOq�th�r wHh fueh dMr h�nrd and IlabiNty Insuranc�u L�nder <br /> ? may rMSOnahly rrquk�. PoYC4c�hatl b�writt�n In form,amounta,cownp�s�nd b�sb rNSOn�biy�cc�p�lbl�to UndM'�nd 1ssWd by� _ <br /> - . � ormpcwriACatM of Ins�na �m wlF�ifidaf'to L�ndw�Includlnpitipul�tbuns If+�t cowr�pa wIN ottb�c�ncM�d or diminkMd wrtho I�it � <br /> - � besl l�n(t0)Wy�'priawritlm notla to LmdK. E�ch li»unna poficy�ho sh�N Intiud��n�ndors�m�nt provldinp that cownps In hva of <br /> ' L�nd�r wNl nol M Imp�kW In 4ny w�y by any�ct,ombsbn a dNauH of Trusta or any olt�p�non. Shoutd ilw Fiaai Proparty at any Gmo � <br />.`�.�'�`,. . t�eom�14cabd In an ua dMipn�Md by lM Dirklor d IFw f�d�ral En�p�ncy M�n�q�rrNnt Ap�ncy u��p�cl�l llood hanrd an�,Trusta <br />'...�, . epr�lo obtaln�r.d nWntain F�daal Flaad Insur�na lor 1!»fuY unp�ld prindpal WUance of lM Iwn,up to lh�rtwdmum pdby Nmfts sN <br /> .. undiw th�fJ�dorW Ftoad Insunr�Propnm,a a►e oth�rwfsr rpuk�d by L�ncNr,and to mdntaln such Insunnce fa tM txm of the lan. <br /> '— E)(PENDITURE9 OY LEMOER. 11 Trusta falh lo compywith iny provlslon ol this Dwd of Trust,a If�ny�ctlon or procwdinp k commnncsd that <br />_-.- -.� ` would mat�rl�lry�ff�cl L�nd�r'� InNnsb In tM Prop�ty,L�ndK on Trustors b�half may,but thaN not W nqulnd to,4�k��ny�ctlon th�t L�ndsr <br /> dNrrK�ppropr1111�. My amount IMI L�nd�r�xp�nds In ca ddnp wiY bwr Int�nst at tM rat�provided for In lhs Nol�Nom tFN dat�Incurt�d or pdd <br /> by Landx to ttw dato ot��ymenl by Trustor. AA such 1xp�nsss,�t l�nd�s optlon,wiq (�)b�pay�bN on derrwnd, (b)l��dcNd to IM b�ync� <br />-1 s��,..;�,,�� of th�NoN�nd ba apporliomd �morW end b�payabM wflh eny ImhYrr�nl p�ym�nh to b�corrw due durinp Mthx (q tl�t�rm of any�ppHCabM <br /> insunna poNCy or (N)th�nmsinirq term o(th�Nots,a (c)b�trMt�d as�b�Noon payrr�nl wl�ich wW b�du�and p�yabN at lM Not�'a malurity. <br /> }'.#�; •�'. Thls Dwd ol Trusl�ISa wiY saur�p�ym�nt of Ih�amountc,TFN rlphls proNd�d t�x In this p�nprnph sh�ll Y»in�ddillon to�ny oth�r riphls or�ny <br /> •�"��l�•�-°� romMNs lo which UndK rrry b��nHtl�d on�ccount dth�d�hull, Any such�cHon by Londar shaN not b�constrwd as curinq the dNauH so u to <br />"��"'��'`' � bu Land�r kom any nm�dy that it othenvise would haw had. <br />'-�x�i :; WApRANTY;DEFENSE QF TIT'LE,Th�tdlowinp proNSbna nladrp to ownership of Ihe Propwy ue�put of this Deed o}Trust. <br />- ;.�;.ti.:y.� TItN. Trusta wlrtanb ihat: (r)Trustor hdds�uod and mukstabla dtM ol ncord to lt�Propery in fs�simpN,Irn and cfeu of�N Ysns rnd <br /> -- • ••� encumbraixas ottwr tl�n thosa sot focth In the Reel Property deacrlptlon or In any HiN�liuurance poYcy,tiMMa report,or Md 6tls opinlon Issued U _ <br />-_;;���,t,.: hvor ot,�nd�captod by, L�nder In connaction with thls Desd of Trus1,nnd (b)Trustor has ths fuN rfpht,pow�r,�nd authority to ox�cul�and <br /> ....;cq��x+4 d�liwr Ihls DMd of Tnnt to Under, <br /> � - D�hnM oi TitM. SubJ�cl to Ihe exceptlon In Iha arnynph�bove,Trusta wartents�nd wiM torever de(end lhe 6tN to ihe Prq>arfy�pa�nsllhe <br /> -- '�� plwfW d�lms of u p�fOns_ <br /> - �.",�' ' DEFAI�T. Each ot tM foMOwir►fl,d ths optlon of UnWr,sh�G constltut�an�vent of dsfault('Ewnf of Dsfaull')undx this DNd ol Trust: <br /> �•�v�- pthuM on Ind�bNd�a�. F�YUh of Trustor to mYcs anY paymsnt wMn dw on th�Indabkdneas. <br /> ` �^. p�huM on WMr PaynNnlr.Faflurs of Truslor wflMn 1M tlrn�nqufrad by thia DNd of Trust to make�ny p�ymsnt for fax�s a Insu�ance,or <br /> 'L°c:�:y. <br />=. �` amr otMr paymmt rncKSary Io pnwnl AMnq of a lo MNct dkclwp�d any If�n. <br /> T��'�:., '� �pmpNmq D�quq. F�Yun ot Trusta to compy with any other Mrm,obfpatlon,cownanl or condfNon containsd In this DMd of Trusf,the <br /> "- : � Not�or In�ny d the R*tsd�ocurn�nb. <br /> . pN�cqw CoNalerailyUo�.TMs Dwd W Trust a any of th�FlN�t�d Daumenls aasos to l»ln(ud forc��nd�Mecl(Includln0 faYUn d any <br /> . ...'�� .a__..���'.. i���:.w: �.�....1.1.. �1:w wnA Mr�rv rrtnfT. <br /> �i�=!:,�i. OONl1AfAI OOCUffMf1IS IOQ�M�llll Vlu�u il��Nw�a.wu a�.w'it'j�� C.S ..�.....^j _ �. . <br />�`"_-�: ..'.`:. � osMn a insow«�cy. The dMlth of Trustor�tn.i�-�ar�ency a Tn,s�a,m..�a+n�m«►�a a nc.+�ror.ny put a rrustors prop«ty,.�y <br /> ---'�...".� asslpnrrwnt}or ths b�Mfit d cndltas�any typ�of croditor workoul,a It►�comm�nc�t of any procwdirq und�r�ny bankruplcy or <br />-��-_,P_.::i�`�,� Ir�salwncy I�ws by a p�irul Trustor. <br /> '� Ev�nts Afqctkq Gwmta.Any of tM pncedirq evenls occurs with nap�cl to any Gu�nnl�r d�ny of IM Ind�bbdn�ss a any Gwnntor <br /> ="�r.^1�`'•• dia a Oecom�s Incompst�n1�or rovokes a dfspuMs th�vaNditY of�ar II�biNY under��ny GuaraMy of ttw Ind�bMdn�ss. Lend� Ms oplbn, <br /> -3�"=''`= may,bW sh�M rai G nquk�d to,pKmlt lh� Guuanta's sstat�to asurt� unconditlonaMy tM obMp�tlons�risln0 undK 1h�pwnnlY In a <br /> %�M�:�� mannK safisfaclory to Unda,and,In ddnp so.cas tM Event o}Dsfault. <br /> �ali[.R�,�, <br />:��:t��� Ins�clrHy. leibK U pood bHh tNems ilsqH ir�curo. <br /> _ �r,`-;�`�� RIGIiTS AMD RFM�DIES ON DEFAIX.T. Upon tho oocurtw�ca o1�ny Ewnt W DNaull�»d st any tlm�lhawllM,7rustM or Land� fts optlon. <br /> ---u„-..°__��.:�'l <br />--N�.,�,._� may�cls�any orn or ma�d th�tWlovvlrq iiphls and r�rt�li�s,In additlon to any ottw rqhls ar rsrtwdf�s provi�d by I�w: <br /> _��� Ace�N��llon upo�D1f�u11�AtfdIMoM1 R�1. I}any�w�t of dNauN occurs as p�r th�Mrms d th�NoM s�cund ha�by.LMxN►may <br /> _�.,,,,,�� d�clu��11 Inti�pbdrnss s�CUr�d by this DNd dTrust to b�du��rtd paylbio and th�s�m�shaN thKwpon b�cArtN dw�nd pay�bM wflhoul <br /> _ _ ����i �ny pr�ntrtwnt�Wnrnd.Dro1�s1 or naYc�of am/kind. TMrwfMr.L�ntia rt►�y: <br />_,..�y^="��i�'� (�) EflhO�N1 pA�SM Or by��It.with or w�ut brinpirp�ny acNon or pror,Mdinp.0�by l hCtiYK�ppdnbd Dy�Cdl�t tild WIlh01d <br /> ----,r_.*�=i npard to IM ad�Qu�cy of Us s�curiN��n1�uRon�nd tak�poss�sston of fh�Prop�b�or�nY D�rt ih�+�of�in ks own nuM or In IM rrrrw <br />- .._.-�cu'�- of TrusfN��n6 do�ny�cls which it dMms McvssuY a dsslnbM lo a�s�rvo tM wiun�mulcNabYMY or nMabiiH o�tM Prop�rty.a P�rt <br />=;,i«i�: of tt»Prapaty a Int�nsl��tA�Prop�rty;f ria�a.�e tMw IncortN kom tM ProFVrty a proMct 1M�curily d tM Prop�rry;and.wNh or vrithout <br /> ---•," .' takinq po�sston of tM PropKty�sus for a otM�wis�coM�c!tM nr�s.tssua�nd proMs of tlw ProMrfy�Indudfnp dio�past du��nd <br /> ?�:. .:�..�- <br /> _ _.c�_,. unpald,��d aPpN the s�rrw,Mss costs nnd acpern�s M o�»ratlon�nd coN�ctlon,IndudlnQ attorn�ys'NMS,to any h►d�bMdMSS s�cund <br /> ' -'f;':i.� by thls OMd of TNSt�il In SuCh ord�r aS LNxle�m�y�blKmin�. TM N11Mfr1p UpOn�nd takinp possassio�of t!N PropKty�tfw CdMCBOn <br />_•:ypM1>,��•, d such nr�s.{ssws and proAls.and tM�pp(cati�on tMreof shaN no@ cure o�w�fw amr dMauN ar noUc�of dN�uM�xftiK this DMd o1 Trust <br /> ..�...y�,..... �r Inwltd�M rny oct done In rosponsa to such d�faull or pursuant lo sucA notice d d�hulh,�nd, �tandtnp Ih�contlmxnc�fn <br /> :`i��� poss�ssion ot tM Propltty or tM CoNoctian� r�catpt�nd �ppliCadai of ronts�issuss or ptoffls�TrusM�or L�r�sh�M W w�IMMd to <br /> e�cerciss ewry riqhi proHded tor�n ths Note a ths Relabd Dxumenb or by I�w upon Me oaurrer�of any w�nt of dMault,Indudinp tM <br /> -,��. � rlqht to exxcise tNe pawK of uN; <br />- ��-�� (b) Commenca�n acuon to toredose Ihis D�ad of Trust as a mortga9e,�ppdnt�rsc�lver or speCRC�1N�ntora•rm of the cowMnts <br /> -- `�fi'r', hereof:and <br /> � ' (c) Deliver to Truste��writt�n ckc4uauon o►dehutt�nd damand fa sak and�wrkMn notic�of cidaulQ�nd N�cdon fo caus�Trusfa's <br /> tntersst In the Ropsrty b ba sdd,wh�Ch notice Tnnts�shaN causs to be duly Illsd for rocard In Ihe�ppropti�ts oflips of ths County In <br /> w�ich the Proputy is laated;and <br /> (d) With respecl to aN or any part o1 t�e Persanal Properly,Lender shall have all the riqhts ind remedies of�secured party under ttw <br /> Nebraska Unitorm Cammerc!al Code. <br /> �. <br /> � � c <br /> ' <br /> � �-�.,....�.o+�t�^_��•.�--�..o+���.. <br /> . � ' . ...,...-.-.._.-�^---.._ ._.... ..-- .-.—'-.�-��...-..- � . , .. .... 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