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��14�1��� <br /> 5 <br /> a��urtenanc�s re�ated t� ar b�nefiting the Land �r the Improv�ments, or both, and all <br /> rights-of-v�ray, streets, alleys and roads that may have been �r may in th� future be <br /> vacated; <br /> ��} all insurance �olic�es ��v�ring th� Mortgaged Property, and a[f �r�ceeds pa�d �r to <br /> be �aid by any insurer af the Land, the Impro�emen�s, the F�xture�, th� Persanaity �r <br /> any other part of the Mortgaged Property, whether �r nat Borrawer �btained such <br /> insurance policies pursuant to Lend�r's r�qu�rement; <br /> �7} ail awards, paym�nts and other compensation mad� vr t� be made by any <br /> �overnmental Auth�rity with resp�ct t� tne Land, the Impro��ments, th� Fixtures, the <br /> P�rsanalty �r any �ther part �f the Mortgaged Pr�per�y, including any awards �r <br /> s�ttlem�nts resu�ting from condemna��on proce�dings or th� total or partial taking of the <br /> Land, the Improvements, the Fixtures, th� Pers�nalty or any ather part of the M�rtgaged <br /> Property under the pow�r of eminent domain ar otherwise and in�luding any <br /> conveyance in I�eu thereof; <br /> �8} a�! contracts, o�tions and �ther agreements for th� sale �f the Land, the <br /> Impro�em�nts, the Fixtures, the Personalty �r any ath�r �art of the IVlortgag�d Property <br /> ent�red into by Borro►n►er now or �n the futur�, including �ash or securities deposited to <br /> seGure performance by parties of their �bligati�ns; <br /> �9} a�f prv�eeds �cash �r n�n-cash}, liquidat�d claims or ather consideration fr�m th� <br /> conv�rsion, voluntary �r involuntary, �f any of the M�rtgaged Prop�rty and the right to <br /> coll�ct such prac��ds, li�uidated cla�ms or o�her c�nsid�ratian; <br /> ���} a�l Rents and Leases; <br /> �� �} all earnings, royalti�s, instruments, accaunts, acc�unts recei�able, support�ng <br /> obligations, issues and profits from the Land, th� Impro�ements or any other part �f the <br /> Martgaged Property, and aii undisburs�d proceeds of the L�an and, if Borrower is a <br /> coop�rati�e housing c�rporation, maint�nance charges or assessments payabl� by <br /> shar�holders vr r�sidents; <br /> �12} all imposition C��pasits; <br /> ��3} all refunds �r rebat�s of Impositi�ns by any ���ernmental Auth�rity or insurance <br /> �ompany �ather than r�funds applicab[� to period� b�fare the real pr���rty tax y�ar in <br /> whi�h the Security Instrum�nt is �ated}; <br /> ��4} all forFeited tenant seGurity dep�s�ts und�r any Lease; <br /> Pre�inus editions ar�absolete; R�gulatory Agreem�nt HUD-9�4661VI�Re�.D41�1} <br /> Rep[aces form HLJa-924G6���102} <br />