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��14�1195 <br /> WHEREAS� ��ner reG�ived a certain direct loan fram HUD under <br /> S�ction 2�2 of the Natianal Housing Act, as amended, to finance <br /> the Proj��t. <br /> �HEREAS� HUD is dire�ted, pursuant ta Se�tion 811 of th� <br /> Ameri�an Homeownership and E�onomic �pp�rtunity Act of 2��� <br /> �AHE� Act} , as amended b� Public La� 111 - 37�, to permit the <br /> ��ner to prepay Section 2�2 dir�ct loans; and <br /> �HEREAS� in c�nsideratian of the promise to p�rmit the <br /> prepayment of the direct loan� and as required by Section 811 <br /> of AHE� Act ��ner agrees to implement this U�e Agr��m�nt . <br /> N�� THEREF�RE� the parti�s agree as follo�s : <br /> �wner, for itself� its succ�ssors and assigns, covenants �ith <br /> HUD that th� �wner �ill cantinue t� op�rat� th� project on terms <br /> at l�ast as advantageous to e�isting and futur� tenants as th� <br /> terms r�quired by �he original Section 2Q� dir�ct loan agreement <br /> and, �here applicabl�, S��tion 8 or any HUD rental assistance <br /> payments c�ntract and all applicable Federal regulation� for not <br /> l�ss than the t��nty years following the maturity dat� of the <br /> original Sectian ��� direct loan. A�cordingly, this Us� <br /> Agreement shall remain in effect until November 1� 2�4�; <br /> l . �her� applicable. <br /> a . Subject ta th� availability af appropriations and so <br /> long as ��ner is in �amplian�e with all HUD <br /> requirements. including but na� limited to this Use <br /> Agr�ement, HUD shall provider and ��ner shall acc�pt� <br /> renewals of th� S�ction 8 Housing Assistance Payments <br /> contract in a��ardan�� �ith the rel�vant HUD <br /> r��uirem�nts related th� Section ��2 and 2�218 pr�gram <br /> at that tim� . <br /> b. Subject to the availability of appropriations, prajects <br /> sel�cted to rec�ive the Senior Pres�rvation Rental <br /> Assistanc� Contracts �SPRAGs} or any ath�r HUD rental <br /> assistance, shall comply �ith the requir�ment� of the <br /> partiGular HUD r�ntal assistan�� program. <br /> 3 . In the �v�nt of a �reach or a threat�ned �reach of any <br /> of the above covenants and agr��ments by the �wner� HUD <br /> andlor any tenant as a third-party beneficiary shall be <br /> entitled to i�stitute legal a�tian to enforce <br /> performan�� and obs�rvance of su�h covenants and <br />