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.. �. __ --- . - — -- <br /> ,t-�r,�...,�,.—._..�..__,— <br /> __-- __ _ _ <br /> __ <br /> 9�- i�,�ols <br /> 1�.�o�eciospre La�der raluiru�Immedute p�y�aeat!a NII uader p�rynph 9,I.eader�awy <br /> ie�oks tM po�rer of aik�nd�ay utha ranedle� pawaitted by�ppllc�bk bw.L,e�der sb�ll br aslhled ta coUect <br /> �II expaMa� Inrwred �a Puraul��a the ra�aedia uada thb p�r��rapbi 1M, Includin�, bul inot limked to, <br /> e�eroMbk sqoc�e!'�'tea�nd caita of titie eddeace. <br /> U t6e poea'o[�ale V lnvolced�Tnwtes�11 ncord�outkb ot de��uk ta a�ch couaty I�whkh wny pwrt of <br /> tbe Propa'ty 4► Ooa�ted aad shall a�ll co� b o�ic�le�t ARer•tbN�me�requlredy6 �ppltc�ble I�w, <br /> �lon»wer wnd ta tl�e otha pa'am pcacrl Y PP� <br /> 'IYu�ta�luali�he pubUe noNce of e�le to the per�om�nd la the mwuner praeribed by�ppliab�e bw.Tnaces, <br /> �p���on gomoNer,ehall eell the Propaty at public�ucNon to the hl�hest bldda at the tlme�nd <br /> plRa wd �a�des'the tairu dat�eale ot dl or�anice ut sai oC the Propetty by public�nd I��mt at th�limee <br /> determlaa�. Tnmtee maY 1�P� Y P�d <br /> �nd pl�a oi�ny previousll rc6eduled e�le.Lenda or it�dcd�na m�y purcha�e tbe Propaty�t any s�le. <br /> i[the I,enda''s laterat in thb Securih'Ir�trumart � hdd by tbe Sa'retu'p �nd th�Secrel�ry requlra <br /> Ia�medWe pnment in tull under Psnenph 9� the Secreta�y m�y inroke t6e aoqjudltW power ot wle <br /> pro�ided In tbe Stasle Fivally Mort�e Foreclosure Act ot 194+/("Act")(12 U.S.C.3751 t�seq.)by requatir� <br /> � ������ommiwioaer desl�ted uader tbe Act ta commence [oroclaure wad to sell the�'roperiy ss <br /> prorided[n tb�Act. Idothlui ia the precedin� sentence�IwU deprive the Sa:r�tary of wA)rl�6ts atherwise <br /> ��dlabk to a I.e�l�r uoda'thb P��l�lA or applicable 4w. <br /> Up� �ia ot paymeat ot the price bid, Trustee s6a11 ddiver to tMe purchRSer TnRta's deed conveyiu� <br /> �p�op�y.Tbe redtab la t4e'ilnnta's dced slwll b'priaa� facle erlda►ce oi the truth o[the sutemaHs <br /> ��t�a.�a��pply the proceeds ot the sale ta t6e[ollowir►a order:(A)to�II cate aad e.xpa�es ut <br /> pcercbdp�tLe poMer o�a�le, �nd the ale,Iodudla�the�ymeat of fhe Zlrustee'�iw adusiUy inn�rrcd. uot to <br /> exceedS.O o 96 at the princip�l t�mouat af t�e note nt the time ot the decl�ration a�def�uit, <br /> and reeion�ble �ttorneys'feea ae pe�miKed by lawi lb)to�U swas eecused by thls Securkr I�tr�e�ti w�d<c) <br /> amy excas to the pe�'�on or P���Y entftled to it. <br /> 19.R�conveyana.Upon paymec►t of all sums aecurod by thia Security Inatrument,Lender chall aquat Trusta <br /> to roeonvCy the PrapectY �td sh�ll sutnud�r Wu 5oeunry Uutn�ment and aII naa cviucuciu��c�i iw:.,:iH: �y t2:is <br /> Soaulty Instrumat to Tn�stex. Tcusta shull reconvey the Propercy without warr�nty and without charga to tht <br /> perwn or petsont leg�lly eatitlod to it.Such person or penona sh�ll pay my recorduion cosq, <br /> 20.Su6atit�te 11ru�tee• L�xaer� at�ta op�ion. may from time to time reawve Tnutee�nd�ppoint i cucassor <br /> trustee to any Tnuta appointcd herrunder by w i�tmmeat morded in the county iu which�h�Security Insuu�nea[ <br /> i:rxorded.Witha►t conveyana of the Propeecy. the sucaasor tnuta shall succeed to�11 the ti�k. power u►d dutia <br /> oonferred upon Ttusta hereiu and by applicable law. <br /> 21.Rery�wt[or Nodca�.Horrower requats th�t arpia of the ciotica of default aad a�le be t�eat to Bor=orver': <br /> addres�rvbich is the PropertY Addre�. <br /> 22.Rlders to thb Secmitl L�tr�m�ent.lf oae or more 7ders ue eaocutc.d by Bomawa �od r000rdod to�ether <br /> with thls 5�curity In�tnmx°t. the oo��ats of each auch rida sh�ll be iacorporated into �nd shalt �rteeod ud <br /> suppi�t the covenmta uW aBree°�a►ts of this Securiry Insuucnrnt as if the rider(s)wae a put of tl� Saurity <br /> t.[Ctxck aPPlicablebox<es)l• 0 Othaf��fY1 <br /> Condocnfnium Rider � Gmwing Equity Rider <br /> pla�►�Unit Development Rider Grduuod Payment Rider <br /> ��4RINEl t�on rp•�a� �rw�r: �U�""1 <br /> -- ---- — - <br /> '�"_....'l�:_.- ;_} .::_:?--�s-*..,.^�.��_� � � - — <br /> •:1 � '.dr{�<-^.--,.� r. �Jtllb►Ll�Iwiw -- <br /> '�:h � .�y�if �. 2�(��Lblll��ffi�I7Wtiu — _ <br /> ��!:N}�e�— <br /> .. . . .�-:..- .. .� .. !`. �R��'E= -••-'�� �'�-� wma��a�_"__ . <br /> - . +`�. n�: •:�ac- . .._�_._. <br /> - „ . .. , . .. `�R�` .L'�J`.,:...... ..+.��+{d�e•1�����_ - �_n�3e�r�._�R,6,—..__ �-�.___. <br /> ...L� 7J} ��.=.-�s_....,` _ ___ <br /> .' 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