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� <br /> � <br /> ,. ':,�.w,,�1.,�+u.Mw. �'�� - <br /> . � �:25��/'fa�.����s,.^.�3"F�i�t`�,c,�a `���,_._,_—_ .._... ...��..,,.-..-- <br />:�_-- —=—_F=m^$�i91^_3°_�,..__'. .___._ _. ._.�w......,......_-...� ._._ <br /> ; EXHIBIT E � • <br /> � MORTGAGE ADOENGUM "" �13()i.2: <br /> The followinq are addenda to the Mcr;;,age. Pl��sa ch��k th�appllcabl�add�ndum. Th� <br /> addendum checked shalf be incarporated in;o,and reconitd with, the Mor;gage. The tenn'btcr,gags' <br /> �hal� be deemed to include'Oeed of Trust,'if applicabte. — <br /> x FHA, USOA RURAL DEVELOPMEN�aiid HUO ADDENDIJbt ON�Y <br /> i!�IS TAX-EXEMPT FINA.NCING RID�R is made this 2g�day afnec. , 19�8 and is <br /> incorporated into and shall be daamed to amend and supplement the Mor;gage,O�sd of Trus:or <br /> Security Deed='Security InstrumenC�af the same date given by the undecsigned('Borrower')to secura : <br /> Barrowe�s Note('Note')to <br /> Nbuntain West Financial, Inc. <br /> ('Lender')of the same date and covering tl�e�raperty desc;ibed in the Security Ins•�rument ar,d Icatcd <br /> at <br /> 110 North Arttiur Stree�, Grand Island NE 68603 <br /> [Property Ad�ressj <br /> In additian ta the covenants and agreemen;s made in the Security Ins�vmen�BoROwer and L_nde� <br /> further cavenant and agres to amend Parag�ph 9 of the Model Martgage Fortn,entltled'Grcunds for <br /> �*�- AcceleraGCn of DehC as by adding addittan2l grounds tor acceleratlan as fallows: <br /> . ��c <br /> �ard�r,�r su:.;��f�s;:cc�ss�T cr e==19•"•s a�m?y ee secarata ins�vment assume ' <br /> responsibiiity far assurfng compliance by the Bartowerwith�e p�ovisfons of th(s Tax•F�cempt Finand�q <br /> Ricfer,may require immedlate payment in full af all sums secured by this Securfiy Instrument if <br /> (a) All ar part of the Prc;.erry is sald or otherwise�ans`erred by Borrower to a <br /> purchaser or other transferee: • • <br /> (I) Who cannot reasanably be expected to eccupy the property as a <br /> principal Residence within a reasonable dme after the sale or trac�sf�r,all as provided ia Sec�cn 143(c) <br /> � and(I}(2)of the Intemal Revenue Code;or <br /> � (1� Who has had a present awnership interest in a principal Ras;denca <br /> du�ing any part of the threc-year periad ending on the date af the sale o�tr�ns�er,all as providnd(n <br /> Sectfan 143(d)and(I)(2)of the Intemal Re��enue Code(except that'100 percer,r shall be suystttutad br � <br /> � '95 percent or marn'whare the latter appears(n Sec�on 143(d)(1));or <br /> � (iii) At an acquisi�on cost which fs greater than 90 percent of the averags <br /> ', area purcnase pcice(greater than 110 percent for targeted area Residences),all as pravided in Sectfan <br /> 143(e)and(I}(2)af the Intnmal Revenue Code;or . <br /> � (iv) Who has n gross famity income in excess of the appllcable percantaya ' <br /> .� of applicable med(an family�fncome as provided in Secaon 14�3(� and(I)(2)ot the Intemal Revenue <br /> Code;or , <br /> r -r. <br /> .ti <br />— • :-t�:. <br /> ..�%ti <br />= 69 <br /> � - <br /> a _ — �„ - -- _--- — - <br /> �=---�---- — - - a.�..��+---- _ � - <br /> - ' � � i '':. : i =--- <br /> , <br /> .. ., .,_ .. - r. r <br /> � _,"�'� . . '�.Y����y����,f�'r�`� ...�.��e...,--- <br /> . �t�'� ��� <br />�n __..�e.. . _. .. . _ _ . _.. _ .._...__.._ ___... ._.__— .3'_�I�_. _ 3411Jet�'S'�L`AJ1w3���._.� _.���� <br /> _' _'. ............."_.. _..._.. ._:.__._.___. ._...___._ ..._.._"__.___.�_"; ' <br /> . .. - �1" � 1., Z,� �j��i�"T - � _ <br /> . ` � • , � . .-u�r' nr s��irra .���•-t• -'` ^ _�-rr��� <br /> � <br /> . ., ' ' ' '�i�:' � )�� �r ,t �i , �;�3. � ��.�_ �_. <br /> ; ' . ' - , .- . . ?+art 'li .i' • .1''i�. �' ��� ��7� . <br /> j . . , c' • . ��'3:��:x���°G.�f}._ <br /> . ;,i , .?l,.e ct...°'.�Lr�.y=!" n - <br /> .. - .. . 'i ` r ' ''°,+i'r�Sat'���'1l��\�X�"'�''"_'-' <br /> ' ' . . .. ° „ .. ' ..r .wY�� - 1 � ; ;:i r +K�.,W6"e�'"vrsr_ <br /> ; ��� ;. <br />. � � -- � . - ' :'��.:y��S�.'ula..."'_.��e�'1w�.��� �W4 . <br /> . „ .. x��tir'�a i?�': '"-;�:�; � s.-� _•�� � �:��7.����,.:. <br /> 'F � 1��� i: �.,, :�?+.�;..F`.�a{t1.. <br /> - - � • .' i�. ��t r_ f,'� x,�;,a rg�:. <br /> -::,��r., :GiB�.�•M+3�:...��:'k4� �r.,fi t�.ti <br /> . i ys:: t ti ,, ,, •,� �, , .: ,'�j,'�.�,_`_ <br /> e1 , . _.'��, ,�Di���4;��•t',�s�iF.�,,:'6�-,,,�`. <br /> � -- .� � .. �� �1':ST�- - '�i � . �-!''�.��F:: <br /> ...t...@. t..a�'.�'+a,Y���:•' <br /> ;�j;y�,.`2�.'y++t .t,y�'°' '•��• -'Jf t, <br /> ` . . . . �. . .♦ ?.t,r.�}.!L� � ', .LL�-�,!y{��y� ' �•'Y'� <br /> . . . - . .. ' "' .�.�y��Jf�Y:A�IIN���I'�. <br />