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. -- .,�-P.,.�-.,�.m.,..r. <br /> , -.x.r��►.,cu�.wcv�.�.. • �• � <br /> :'�y ' 1•. y,......,. . , ,k,�,n�. - -__.._...-. <br /> _ - _�.��i,v..s�.,�:�. . � �� �---- <br /> ,'t��R y��y�'�,�°,`: I.w�Ra�VI+ _ --- <br /> .ui _l i._.1..�e��__.:.Y ._.r:4'/!4t}��-4-�'"-�� <br /> _ _— _— � �.�' °��• � <br /> � A� �����1,4 <br /> BORRUW�'R COVBNANTS thot Borrower is lawfully seisecl of the estate hereby�conveyed f iecord, Borrower <br /> grant and convey the PropeRy and thot tht Property Is unencumbered, except for encumbrances <br /> wuruits nnd will dafend generafly the title to the Property against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances <br /> of record. <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use and non-unifornt covenant9 w <br /> limited vartations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform seGUrity instrument covering real property. <br /> UNIFORM COV�NANTS, Bonower end Lender �e n�rrower shal�a�lwhen due'the principal of,and interWt <br /> 1. P�ymeat af Piinci(►d. Iotec�t �od L�t�c(�uB . P Y <br /> on,ihe debt evidenced by the Note and late chazges due under the Note. <br /> Z Mo�ly PaY�pf T����� � � �atgp. Honower shall include in ea�h monthly payment, <br /> together with the principal and inte�est as aee forth in the Note and any late charges, a sum for(a) taues end special <br /> assessments lcvled or to be levied against the Propeny, (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, end <br /> (c) premiums for insurance requircd under paragraph 4. In any year in which the Lender must pay a mortgage <br />- insurance premium to tho Secretary of Housing and Urban Development ("Secretary"),or in any year in which such <br />- premium would have becn required if Lender atill held the Security Instrument, cach monthly payment shdl also <br />- include either: (i) a sum for the aMUal mortgage insurance premium to be paid by Lender to the Secretary, or (li) a <br />' monthly charge instead of a martgage lnsurance premium iF this Security Instrument is held by[he Secretary, In a <br /> reasonable amouixt to be detemuned by the Secretary. Except for the manthly charge by the Secretary, these :tems <br />; are callal "Escrow Items"aud the sums paid to Lender are enlleci "Escrow Funds." <br /> I.ender may,at any dme, collect and hold amounts For Escrow Items in an aggregate amount not to exceed che <br />_� maxfmum amount that may lx required for Borrower's escrow account under the Real Estate Settlement Pracedures <br /> - Act of 1974,12 U.S,G.�2601�t seu.and implementing regulations, 24 CFR Part 3500,as they may Ue amended from <br />- di b rsements(�befo eAthe Bonower's payments are available a thet accob nR may n t�be hastedl on amoun s rdueefor the <br /> = mortgage insurance premlum. <br /> If the amounts held by L.ender for Escrow Items excced the amounts permitted to lx held by RESPA, L.ender shall <br /> account to Bc�rrower for the exr.ess funds a�reqaired by RESPA. If the amounts of funds held by Lender at any time <br /> are not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,L.ender may notify the Bonower and require Borrower to malce <br /> up the shortage as permfued by RESPA. <br /> Tha Bsc;row cliPiuS �.� plcdSe..''°»••°``-�1�lnn�l ,�ecuricy for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower <br /> teuders to Lender che full payment of all such sums,Borrower's account shall be eredited with►he balance ranxinul$ <br /> for all installment items(a).(b),and (c)and a�►Y mortgage insurancx premium insuJlment that Lender ha�not become <br /> obligated to pay ta the Secretary, and I.endcr shall ptomptly refund any excess fwids to Borrower. Imnxdiately prior <br /> to a foreclosure sale of the Property or its ecquisltion by Lender, Borrower's account shall be credited with any bnlmce <br /> rema�ning for all installments far items (a), (b), and (c), 1i� b L,ender es follows; <br /> 3, Applic�tion of Prymeats• All payments under paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be app Y <br /> FIR , to the mortg�ge Insurance premium to be paid by Lender to die Secretary or to the monthly chsrge by the <br /> Socretary instead of che monthly mortgage insurance premium; <br /> S,��OND, to any texes,special assessments, leasehold payments or ground i�ents. and fire,flood and other haizard <br /> insucance pnmium�, as required; <br /> H� IRD, [o interest duc under the Note; <br /> �OURTH, to arnortization of the principal of the Note; and <br /> �IFTH, to late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. F.ue�Flo�d �d p�� g� Imur�ooe, Bonower shall insure all improvements on tl:e Property,whether <br /> now ia axistence ot subsequeutly erected, against any hazards, casualties, and contingencies, including fire,tor which <br /> Lender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amoun(s and for the periods that Lender _ <br /> requires. Bonower shall also insure all improvements on the Pcoperty, whether now in existence or subsequently <br /> erxced, against loss by floods to�he extent required by the Secretary, All insurance shall be carried with wmpanies <br /> approved by Lender. The insurance policles and any ren�wals shall be held by I.ender and shall include loss payable <br /> clauses in favor of,and in a form acceptable to, I.ender. <br /> In the event of loss,Borrowcr shall give I.ender immedi�te notice by mail. Lender may mske proof of loss ff not <br />— made promptly by Sonowec. Each insurance company concerned is hereby autkiorized and direct��of�°� <br />_; for such loss dirxtly to Lender, instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointly, All ot any p <br /> � proceeds may be applied by Lender, at its option,either (a) to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and <br /> � this Sxurity Instrument, first to uiy delinquent amounts applied in the order in paragraph 3,and then to prepayment <br /> =j of principal, or (b) to the restoration ot repair of the damaged Property. Any applicatio�► of the pra:ads to the <br /> _.� principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly payments whicli ue referrcd to in paragraph 2,or <br />:� change the amount of such payments. Any excess insurance prceeeds over an amount required to pay ali outstanding <br />';� indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be paid to the entity legally entitleci thereto. <br /> In the event of foreclosure of this Security Instrument or other transfer oi title to the Property that extinguishes <br /> the indebtedness, all right, title and interest of Aonower in and to insurance policies in force shall pass to the <br /> purchaser. go�W��e I,wn Applic�tion; <br /> � Pcraervation, Mainter�aooe and Pro�ection of the PropatY: <br /> S' �y_....e,.�„ ..,.�„�., P�rahtt�h. a.nd use the Proqerty as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days <br /> ' i.c�oviw. ua,uv..... �...... ,,.,-_c��--•-- - • <br />`�� after the execution of this Secutity instrument (or within sixtydays of a latcr sale or transfer of tne rropenyj ami �ua�� <br /> continue to occupy the Property as IIorrower's principal residence for at least one yeu•atter tl�e date of occupancy, <br /> unless I.endcr dctermincs that requirement will cause undue hardship tor Borrower, or unless extenuating <br /> circumstances exist whicli are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall notify Lender of any extenuat[ng <br /> . W96 <br /> N�{��(/►•P11A D[3I3D ON TRUSI pas�2 of G <br /> Docarcn Sys�rnu.Irc.l8001 619•U62 <br /> � <br /> � _ _ <br /> � .. . - -- -- . . . <br />