<br /> ��C ID #: ********9354fl2014
<br /> �rere due vvhen the insuranc� e�verage �eased to b� in effect. Lende� v�i�� accept, use and retain �hese
<br /> payments as a nan-refunda��e �oss reser�re in lieu af Mar�gage �nsuranc�. Such l�ss reserve sha1� b� n�n-
<br /> refunda�le, �at�i�hs�and�ng th� fac� �hat the L�an �s ul�i�na�el� pa�d �� fu��, and L�nder sha�l not be
<br /> required to pay Borro�rer any �n�er�s� or earnings on such loss r�ser��. Lender can no �onger require Ioss
<br /> :;::` rese�ve payn-�ents if M�rtgag� �nsurance coverage �in �he a�n�unt and f�r the peri�d �ha� Lender requir�s}
<br />���-:}��
<br /> pro��ded �� an inst�rer se�e�ted by Lender aga�n becomes ava�lab�e, is o�tained, and Lender requxres
<br /> separa��Iy des�gnated paym�nts�a�ard the prem�ums for Mortgage�nsuran�e. �f Lend�r required Mqrtgage
<br /> insuran�e as a condit��n of making �he Loan and Borrow�r v�ras required to ma�e separa�ely des�gnated
<br /> pa�ments �oward the prem�ums fflr Mortgage �nsurance, Bor�o�r�r sha�l pay the pr�m�ums requued to
<br /> ma�n�aXn Martgage �nsuran�e �n eff�ct, ar to pr�v�de a non-refundab�e �oss reser�e, unt�� Lender's
<br /> requirement fnr N�artgage�nsurance ends in acc�rdan�e v���.h an�v�rit�en agreemen�between Borro�r�r and
<br /> Lender pr�vidi.ng f�r su�h term�nat�on or until�ermina�i�n is re�uir�d b�r Appl�cab�e Law. N�thing in�h�s
<br /> 5ection 14 aff�cts Borrower's abligat�on to payT zn�erest at the ra�e pro�rided in the Note.
<br /> Mor�gage Insurance reimbu�ses Lender �or an� en�i��r �hat purchases th� Nate� for cer�ain losses �t may
<br /> in�ur if Borr��v�r d�es not repay�he Loan as agreed.��rra�rer�s not a par�y�o the Mortgage Insurance.
<br />;1i
<br />[ra?.
<br /> Mar�gage insurers e�aXua�e their tota� ris�on all such insuranc� in force frarn t�m��a time, and m.ay en�er
<br /> into agreen�.�n�s with other par�ies�hat share ar mndxfy��.eir risk,ar reduce��ss�s.These agr�ements ar�on
<br /> �erms and condit�ons tha� are sa��sfac�ary t� �h� mo�tgag� �nsurer and the a�her par�� �o�r part�es} ta these
<br /> agreernents. These agre�ments may require th� mor�g�g� �nsurer �o mak� payments us�ng any sourc� of
<br /> funds tha� th� m�r�gage insurer may have ava��ab�e ��nrhich may �nclud� funds �bta�ned fr�m Martgage
<br /> Insurance pr�miums}.
<br /> As a resul�of these agre�ments, Lender,an�pur�haser af�h�Note,another xnsur�r,any re�nsur�r,any❑ther
<br /> en�i�y, ar any aff��ia�e of any�f the fflregoing,may rece�ve �directl�or�ndirec�ly} amounts that der��e fr�m
<br /> �or m�gh�be Chara��erized as} a p�r�i�n�f Borrower's pa�rm�nts for Mortga�e �nsurance, in exchang� for
<br /> shar�.ng ar m�dify�ng �he mflr�gage insurer's r�sk, or reduc�ng �osses. If such agreemenf provides that an
<br /> aff���a�e of Lender takes a share of�he insurer`s risk �n ex�hange far a shar� of��e pr�miums paid ta the
<br />������'�� �nsurer,�he arr�ngemen��s af�en�ermed "�apt�ve rei.nsuranc�." Further:
<br /> �a� An�such agre�ments wYIZ not afFect the amvunts that Sorrower has agr�ed �v pay f�r.N�ortgag�
<br /> �nsurance, ar an� nther terms of the I..�oan. Such agreements w�ll not increase the amQ�n�
<br /> Sarrower wiil ovve f�r�ortgage Insurance,and they w�l�nat entit�e Borrawer tv any refund.
<br /> �b) .A,ny such agree�en�s w�l� not affect the r�ghts Sorrower has - if any - w�th respect �o th�
<br /> Nlortga�e Insuranc� under the Homeowners Protecti�n Act of 1995 or any other �aw. Th�se
<br /> rrghts may �nclud� the right to recei�e certain d�sc�osures, �v request and obtain cance�lat�on of
<br /> the N�ortgage �nsurance, to ha�Q the Mortgage Insurance �ermina�ed autama�icaIl�, andlo� �o
<br /> �-ecQive a refund of any Mortgage Insuranc� premiums �hat were unearned at the t�me vf su�h
<br /> cance��a�ion or term�na�ion.
<br /> �.1. AsSignmen� �f M�s�ellaneous Proceeds; Fnrfe��ure. All Miscellan�ous Proce�ds are hereb� ass�gned tv
<br /> and sha���e paid ta Lender.
<br /> �f the Property �s damag�d, such Miscellan�aus Prflceeds sha�l �be applied to r�s�flrat�on or r�pair of the
<br /> Praperty, if�he res�orat�on �r repaxr�s econ�m�cal�y feasib�e and Lender`s secur��y is n��lessened. �ur�ng
<br /> such repair and r�s�ora�ion per��d, Lender shall ha�e �he r�ght t❑ ha�d such M�sce�laneous P�ra�ee�.s un�il
<br /> L�nder has had an appartuni��to inspec�such Property to en�ure the w�rk has be�n camp�e�ed�a L�nder's
<br /> sa�isfac�ion, pro�ided tha� such �nspect�on sha�l be undertaken pr�mpt�y. Lender may pa�r far the repa�rs
<br /> and r�s�ara���n �n a sing�� d�sbursem�n� or �n a ser�es of progress payments as the v�ork �s �omp�eted.
<br /> Unless an agreement �s made in vtrriting or Appl�cab�� L.a�r requires �n�eres� to he pa�d on s�ch
<br /> Miscel�an�aus Prneeeds, Lender sha�� no� be required ta pay Sorrower any �nter�s� or earn�ngs �n such
<br /> Miscel�aneous Praceeds. If the r�s��ratian ar repaxr�s not econom�cal��feasib��or Lend�r's secur�ty�vau�d
<br /> �e�essened, th� Miscel�ane�us Proeeeds shal� �be appl�ed �a the sums s��ure� b�r�his Securit��nstrum�n�,
<br /> vtrhe�her or no�then due, v�r�th th� excess, if an�, pa�d to B�rrov�er. 5uch Misce��aneous Pr�ceeds sha�l be
<br /> app�i�d in the order pro�r�ded for in 5ect�an�.
<br /> �n the e�e�.��f a tota��aking, destruc��on, or�oss in�a�ue of the Propert�, the Miscel�aneous Pr�ceeds sha��
<br /> be appl�ed to�h�sums se�ured�y this Secur�t��n�trument,�vh�th�r or not then due,vv����he excess, �f any,
<br /> paid�o Borro�rer.
<br /> In th���ent of a part�a��akin�,destxuetion, or Xoss�n va�ue af�he Property in which the fair market va�ue of
<br /> the Proper�y �mmedia�e�� bef�r� the part�a� �aking, des�ruc��on, or�ass �n value is equal �o or greater fha�.
<br /> the amount af �he sums s�cured �y th�s Secur���r rns�ru�nent �mmed�a�e�� �efare the part�al �ak�ng,
<br /> des�ru�t�on, ar loss in va�Ue, un�ess Barr��ver and Lend���the�r�se agree�n v�rz��.ng, the sums secured �y
<br /> th�s Sec�ri��r �nstrumen� sha�� be reduced�by the amounfi �f�.he N��scel�an�aus Pro�eeds mul��plied by �he
<br /> foi��v�ring fraction: �a} the �o�a� amoun� af the sums secured immed�a�e�� before t�a.e partial �ak�n�,
<br /> destr�uctxan, �r �ass in value d�v�ded b� �b} the fair market �alue �f�he Property immediate�y before �he
<br /> par�ia��ak�ng,�estruc�ion,flr�oss�n va�ue.Any baiance s�aa�l be paid ta Sarr�wer.
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN1F�l���NSTiRUMENT Fvrm 3a�8 '[IQ�
<br /> ❑eed of Trus�-NE
<br /> 20�6--NE��81�3} Page 7 0���
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