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��14�1143 <br /> Doc z� #: �*�*��*�9�54��oz4 <br /> ar� �nsured by a federa� agenc�r, ins�rumental��y or entity; �r �d} Elec�ron�� Funds Transfer. tJpon <br />`:�-:���=:` reins�afemen� by Borrower, th�s Securi�� Instrument and �b��gat�ons secured �er�by sha�I ren�a�n fu��y <br />::�;:::�.:�; <br /> effect��� as if n� ac�e�erat�an had o�curred. H��vev�r, th�s r�ght ta re�nstate shal� nat apply �n the eas� �f <br /> acce��ration under 5ection �S. <br /> 20. Sa�e of Nate; �hange of L�oan Ser-��cer; N�t�ce �f�r�e�ance. The N�te or a part�al �nt�rest �n the Note <br /> ��agether�vith�h�s 5ecuri���ns�rumen�} can be sa�d�ne or mflre�imes with�ut prror notic��o Borrower.A <br /> sa�e m�ght r�sult�n a ehange �n the en�i�y �knov�n�s th� "Loan Serv�cer"} that co�lects Per�od�c PaymE�nts <br /> du� under the Nate and th�s 5ecur�ty �nstrumen� and p�rforms other mortgage ��an ser�ic�ng �bligat�ans <br /> und��the Nate,this Se�ur�ty�ns�rument, and App�ieab�e La�v. There a�so migh�be�ne ar mare chang�s af <br /> the Laan Serv�cer unre�ated �� a sale of th�No�e. �f there is a change of the Laan Serv�cer, Barra�rer w�l� <br /> be g��en wr�tten no�ice of the change�vhich v�ri�l state�he name and addr�ss❑f the ne�L�an Servicer, th� <br /> address ta vsrhich paym�nts should be made and an�o�h�r informat�on RESPA requ�re�in eannect��n vv�th <br /> a no�ice of�ransfer of servi�ing. If�he Na�e �s s�ld and ther�af�er the Laan is servxced by a L�an 5er�vicer <br /> ❑�he��han the purchaser af the Note, the mor�gag��aan s�rvrcing obl�gat��ns��B�rrawer v�r��l remain�vi�h <br /> th�Loan Ser�icer or be transf�rr�d t�a success�r Loan Serv�cer and are not assumed by�he N��e purchaser <br /> un�ess�ther�ri��prfl�ided'�y the No�e purchas�r. <br /> Neither Borr�vv�r nor L�nder ma� cflmm�nc�, jo�n, or b� joined �� an� jud�c�aX a��ion €as exther an <br /> individua� litigant or the member of a �1ass} that ar�ses fr�m �he other par�y's actXons pursuant �o th�s <br /> Securi��Ins�rument or that a�l�ges�hat th��ther par�y has breached any pr���sion of, ar any dut�r owed�y <br /> reason of, �h�s Securi�y �nstrument, unt�� suc�Borr�wer or Lender has no�ified the o�h�r par�y €wi�h such <br /> no��c� g�ven �n compl��n�e ��th the requ�rements of Sect��n �5} of such a�leg�d �reach and aff�rded the <br /> oth�r party h�reto a�eas�na�Ie p�riad af�er�he g��r�ng af such no�ice to take correct�ve act�on. If App�icab�� <br /> La�r pro�ide�a t�me period v�hich must elapse bef�r� �ertain ac�Xan can b��aken, that t�me period�w�ll be <br />�';:����:; de�med�a b�reasanable fflr purposes of�his paragraph. The no�ice of a��elera��an and opportunx�y�o eure <br /> g�ven �� Fo��o�er pursuant �0 5ee�ion �Z and the no��ce of accelerat�on given to Borro�ver pursuant �fl <br /> Sect�on �8 shal��e d�emed t�satisf�th�no�ice and oppor�un��y to take correct��e ac��an pro��s�ons af this <br /> Sec�ion�U. <br /> 21. Hazardous �ubstances. As used iri �his Sec�ion 21: �a} "�Hazardous Subs�an�es" are �hose subs�anc�s <br /> def��ed as t�x�� or hazardaus su�s�ances, p�l�utants, or �vas�es ��r En�i�anmenta� La� and the foliovv�.ng <br /> substances: gasoline, ker�sene, ❑�h�r flamma�Ie ar taxic petra�eum products, to�ic pest�c�des and <br /> herbicides> v��a�ile sol�ents, ma�erials con�ainxng asbes�os ar farmaldehyde, and rad�oacti�e ma�erials; �b� <br /> "EnvXronmentaX Law" means f�dera� �avsrs and �av�rs of the jur�sd�ct�on wher� the Praperty is located that <br /> re�ate �o hea��h, safety or env�ronmen�ai prate��i�n; �c} "]Envir�nnlen�al C�eanup" ine�udes an�r resp�nse <br /> action, r��n�d�a� act�on, or r�m��a� act��n, as defined in EnW�ronmenta� Lavtr; and �d} an "Env�ronmental <br />`':�-_:� Cond�tion"n-�eans a cond�t��n�hat�an caus�,�ontr�bute to,or atherv��se�rigg�r an Env�ronmental��eariupa <br /> Borro�ver sha�X no� cause ar p�rm�t the pres�n�e, use, d�spasa�, storag�, �r �e�ease of any Hazardnus <br /> 5ubstanc�s, or�hr�a�en t� release an�Hazardaus 5ubstances, on or in�he Proper�y. Borr�w�r shal�na�da, <br /> nor a�1a�r an�ane els� �� do, anything affe��in��he P�ropert� �a} #ha� �s �n v�ola�ion �f an�Env�r�nmental <br /> Law, �b} whx�h creates an�n��aronmen�al �nndition, or �c} �srh�ch, due ta the presenc�, use, or release of a <br /> Ha�ardaus S�bs�an�e, �rea�es a cond�tzon �hat ad�rersely affec�s th� �alue of�h� Pr�per��. The pr�ceding <br /> tv�r� sentences shal� n�t app��r to �he presence, use, or storage on the Prop�r�y of sma�l quan�xtxes of <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances that are general��r rec�gn�zed �a be appr�pr�a�e to norma� res�den��a� uses and �a <br /> maint�nan�e flf the Praperty��.n.cluding, but no�I�m�ted to,hazard�us su�s�ances�.n consum�r produc�s}. <br /> Borr�v�er shall �romp��y give Lender written n�tice �f �a} a�.y inv�stiga�xon> claxm, demand, lawsu�� �r <br />:'�::; o��e� actian by any gfl�rernmental �r regula�o� agency ar prxva�e part� in�vol��ng the Pr�per�� and an� <br />-s;�:::=: <br /> Ha�ardflus Substance or EnvYronmen�a� La�v of �vhich Bflrra�ver has a�tual knov�rledg�, �b} any <br /> Envir�nmen��l��nd�t�fln, inc�uding but not�im�t�d ta, an�r spill�ng, �eak�ng, d�scharge, r�lease or threa�o� <br /> release �f any Hazard�us Subs�ance, and �c} an� �ond�t�on �aus�d �y th� pres�nce, use ar re�ease �f a <br /> Ha2ardous Subs�an���vh�c�.adversely affects��e value of the Property.If�flrr��rer learns,or is notified h� <br /> any gavernmen�al or regu�a��ry author�ty, or any pri�ate pa��y, that any removal ar ather remediation �f <br /> any Hazardo�s Su�stan�e affec�ing the PrQperty is ne�essary, Barrower sha�l promp�ly �ake all necessary <br /> remedia� ac�i�ns �n accordance w�th En�ir�nm�nta� Lav�. N��hxng he���n shaX� crea�e any obl�gat��n. on <br /> L�nder fvr an En�rxronmenta�Cleanup. <br /> N�N-UN�FaRM���TENANTS. Borro�er and Lender further cavenan�and agree as follo�nrs: <br /> 22. A�c�lerat�on; Remedi�s. Lender shall gi�e noti�e ta Borrower prior to ac��Ieration foilowing <br /> Sarrower's breach of any co�enant or agre�men� �n th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� �bu� not prio� t� <br /> accelera�i�n under Sect�on 1$ unxess Applica�le La�v pra��des otherw�se�. The notice 5ha�i spec�fy: <br /> �a� th�defaul�; �l�} �he act�an required ta cure the default; (c} a date, not�ess than 3� days frflm �h� <br /> date the n4t��Q �s given ta B�rrower, b�wh�ch the defaul��nust be cured; and �d�th�at failure to�ur� <br /> the defau�t on vr befor�the date spec�fed in�he notice may resu�t in acceleration�f the 5u�ns se���red <br /> by this Se�ur�ty Ynstrument and 5a�e of the Property.The notice sha�l furtiher�nform Borr�wer af�h� <br /> r�ght t�re�nstate af�er acce�erat�on and the r�ght�a bring a court act�on tn assert the non�exi5ten��of <br /> IVEBRASKA--Sing�e Family--Fannie MaelFredd�e Mac t�NIF�3RM IN5TRU1'UIENT Form 3D28 '�lD� <br /> Deed of Trust-N E <br /> �0��--hlE�U81�3} Page�a v��� <br />;;� - <br />