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. �� - <br /> • <br /> 98- 1�3 <br /> Hell County, Nebra�ska, formerly known ae tt'ie West Ha�lf <br /> �Wy) of the right of wAy of th�e 8t. Joseph and Cirand <br /> I eland Ra�iway and containing 3.03 e►cres mare or less; <br /> subject to easements, reservatiorie, cuvenants and res�r�ctions o� _ _. <br /> record. � <br /> GR1uiTQR� have determi�ed that the uKANTEES are the person.s <br /> entitled to distribution of the rea►1 estate from said estat�. <br /> and lawfulQauthority�t GaonveySandare�.e�ase�th�hsan►oleqal power <br /> E�cecuted December �'�r 1998. <br /> 0, r \ _�.op 5�'�-�� <br /> R c ar Da� e Ho star, <br /> personal �orepresoatative of <br /> the Eetate of Mill�rd C. <br /> Hollister, D�ceased <br /> , <br /> � <br /> Kennet Je Ho at r <br /> Personal C repressntative of <br /> the Estate of Millnrd C. <br /> Hollistar, Deceased <br /> 3TATE OF NEBRASRA I <br /> ) ae: <br /> COUtiTY OP` HALL ) <br /> The foregoinq instruaient was aaknowledqed befora me on <br /> Decomber �, 1998, by Richard Dale Hollister, Personnl Corepre�- <br /> sentative o the Estate of Millard C. Ho�ster, Dec�ess <br /> �ML MO'MN��i M Mil�lit � >C <br /> ���� otary Pub c <br /> w������ <br /> t4y commiesion expires: �° � <br /> STATE OF NEBRABKA ) <br /> ) es: <br /> COUNTY UF HALL ) <br /> The foregoing instruraent was acknowledqed before me oa <br /> December , 1998, by Kenneth Jack Hollister, Personal Corepre- <br /> s Eat�te of Millr�rd C. H�eter,�Qa� <br /> t�11EML MOTARKBpM M Mi� <br /> BRUCE I.BMtiH <br /> ��,,,�„�l,� No ary P 1 c <br /> ..�.._. <br /> My commission eupires: a o o� - <br /> rosr�eoe:a�+eeea <br />-��; <br />�� <br /> ,., <br /> .� <br />� r.�i <br /> !:'�' <br />=. t <br /> ,�, <br /> 2 <br />