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<br />_. . ,.� CDVENANTB �� / � ! �� �--
<br />-�'" ' '"� 1, p�yrMnb. Borrawer �fln�• to m�k� �II p�ym�nt� on the ��cur�d de6t wMn due. Udes� Borrower end Lender eproe otherwise, eny --�
<br /> p�ym�nt� L�nd�r rece�v�s from b+row�r a for Borrcwsr'�benefft will bs�ppliW fint ta�ny emount� Barrowsr oweo on the secund d�bt
<br /> �xclu�iv�of Int�n�t or prineip�l,��cond tn�in{}n�t, and tMn to princip�l,If petiN pr�piyrn�nt o1 the t�cur�d dsbt occurs tor any re��on,it will
<br /> . ':��+, not r�dua or�xcuu�ny tch�duMd p�ym�nt until th����und d�bt 9�.p�id in lull. --
<br /> .� " 2,CI�lm�ApYin�pt Tid�.Borrowe�wlll pey�all t�xu, u�estment�,�nd other charpes etiributeble to the Property whon due nnd will dofand titie
<br /> y . •� � defe tei�whlcYh�Borroawer miy�have+mip�n�p�i�rt e�pwho nupply lebor pr mat rie16 to im�prove or mrelnterin therpropertypsslBn any riphts,cle�ms or
<br /> .,�,,_' 3, ���yr��. Borrow�r wlll keep the propety inwrad undnr terma acceptable to Lendor at Barrowor's oxpensa ond tor l.onder's benefit. Au �_
<br /> Imuranc�policl��sh�ll Inciud���t�nd�rd mortyepe cl�uss in favor of Under.Lender will benemed as lo�i peyee or ai tha iniured on any�uch
<br />_-� �:� in�ursnce policy.Any in�urance proceeds m�y b�applled,withln Lender'e di�cretion,to either the re�toration or repeir of the damapad property
<br />�
<br /> .q, or to the secured debt.If Lender requires mortp�ps In�urance, Borrower�preea to melntein nuch(nsurencQ for ee long ee Lendor requires.
<br /> �.•:...
<br />� 4,PropKty.Borrewsr will keep the property in paod conditian and mske all npaln rea�onablq neceseery.
<br /> �� 6,Exp�u��.Borrower aprees to pay dl Lender'�expensas,includine re�soneble�ttornaya'lees,if Borrower breeks any covanente in thi�deed _
<br /> :r,' of tru�t or In any obllp�tion�ecured by thit deed of tru�t,Bor�ower will pay thoae emounte to Lender es provided in Covenent 9 of thie deed of
<br /> . truat,
<br /> �x- � ��•:- e, pdor S�curtty IM�rnt�.Unleu Borrower fint o6teins Lender'e written consont, 6orrower wiil not meke or permit eny chenpeB to eny prior
<br />-`• �•�• • �acurity �ntenst�, Borrower will parform dl of Borrower'�oblip�tlont under any prior rnortQape, deed of tniot or other security spreement,
<br />� 1,f�,'. �. Includinp Borrow�r's covsnant�to m�ke p�yment�when due.
<br /> •,.:�'-.s+?t••v i!
<br />_,_.,,;ti 7.Asdpnm�nt o}R�nt��nd Proflt�. Barrower aesign�to Lendor the rents end profits of the property.Unleas Borrower and lender heve apreed
<br />-^�•� ,. � otherwue in writiny, Borrower msy collect end roteln tha rbntt ea long a�Borrower la not in defeult. If Borrower defaulte, Lender, Lender's
<br />-,,���4.c,�,�7 �ysnt, or a court appolnt�d ncoiver may nks posienlon end mmape the prop�rty�nd collect the ronu. Any rent� Lender collects �hall ba
<br /> a�•-;'.,�i,,, � �ppll�d firtt to the co�to of mansy�inp th�property, Includinp court cost��nd�ttorneya'leoa,commlasiom to rental agent�, and eny other
<br />-�•��Z�.._�•, ._ nece:��ry ralstsd expen�a�.The rsm�lninp�mount of renta will then apply to payment�on the 6ecured debt as provided in Coven�nt 1.
<br /> t4'•,�� ' ;� . B.Lnt�hdds•Condominiums;Plmn�d Unit Dw�lopm�nt�,Borrower egree�to comp ly withthe provlalone of eny lease if thla deed ot trust ia on '
<br /> ,.�,�,,;�ti�;.. , a lea�ehold. I�this deed of truet is on e unit in e condominium or a pinnnad unit development,Borrower will perform all of Borrower's duties
<br /> under the coven�nto,by-lew�,or repuletians of the condominlum or plenned unit devetopment.
<br />' . , 9. Autfrority oi L�nd�r to P�rfurm ior Barow�r. If Borrower feils top erform any of Borrower's duties under thie doed of trust, Londer mey
<br />_.eak•t:�!•�� p�rform ths dutiea or caufs tMm to bs pertorm�d. L�nder may tiyn Borrowsr'�name or p�y �ny amount it necss�ary for performenc�. If any
<br />�1:•• . _�, constructlon on the property I�diacontlnued or not c�rried on In�roaionabk manner,Lender mW do whatever is necese�ry to protect Under's
<br />�'{,, � �acurity Intereat In the property,This m�y include completinp the con�truction.
<br />�KJ,�►.`:e
<br /> `"°�;°va4<�• Lend�r'�hilun to per fo►m w il l no t pnc lu d e L e n d s r f r o m exercial n y en y af fn othv►i�hts under the lew or thb desd of tru�t.
<br />-��sn+,v �
<br />„�x:��ti, Any�mounts pi�d by Lender to prot�ct Lender'� security intero�t will be�ecured by thi�deed of tru�t. Such amount� wlll be due on dem�n
<br /> .:,'�•-•,c; end will beer Interost from the dnte of the peyment until peld in full et the interest reta in eitect on the securod dabt.
<br /> =�'"��� 10. D�fsult�d Aee�l�ntlon. if Borrower tell�to meke any p�yment when dus or bre�ka eny covnnant� under thb dead of trust or eny
<br />��.a x%;.. � obllq�tion�scured by thi�deed of truct a�ny prlor martp�p�or daed of truat,�ander m+y �ccelerata the meturity of the �ecured d�bt end
<br />�."�_;" ?' dem�nd immedi�te p�ymmt end may invoke the power ot ule end eny otF»r rem�diet parmitted hy appliceble law.
<br /> -"'?�'�r'"`° ' 11. R�qu��t fa Nodc�of D�t�ult. It is hereby reque�ted thet coples of tM noticea of deNult�nd�ale be sent to sech person wno ia a pariy
<br />�=s� r�� heroto,st the eddree�of esr.h wch person,as set forth hersin.
<br /> __�•n.''.: ,^
<br />��,�,�„�,�,�,� 12.Pow�r of 8�1�.If the Lender Invokei ths power of�d�, the Trunes �heU fint roco�d in the office of the ropl�ter of deed�of a�ch county
<br />_�-.�:.x-y��� whersin th�tru�t property or some put or parcel thereof I��itu�tsd �notice of def�ult cont�iR!n the Intormetlen requlrsd by law.The Trustea
<br /> __—�.a�asa� chsll dso mdl cople�ot the notice of dehult to the Borrowar,to e�ch pusnn wha ic s party�ereto, end to other peroon��s �roscribed by
<br /> _�.,;�"� epplicable I�w. Not�es� than one month�fter the Tru�tee rocords the notice�f detault or two months if the tru�t property � not In my
<br />�-�.:.=.� incorpontad city or villepe and le u�ad in hrminp o�eratione cerried on by the tmator,the truatee nhall pive public notice of sele to thn pertons
<br />--��g,�-.�' �nd in the m�nner prs�cribed bV appplic�ble I�w. 7rwtee,without demsnd on Borrower,chall�ell the property et public suction to the hiqhast
<br /> - =LL+►� bid�ar. If requlrsd by th�Ferm Hom��te�d Protectlon Act,Tru�tee Rhdl offer the propertyln two�eperate eete�ae roqulrod by applicoble law,
<br /> _-°_;�`���� Tru�tee may poctpons sale of all or eny pucel of the property by public �nnouncement atthe time end plece of eny provioutly scheduled�de,
<br />�_.__�„��i,� Lend�r or Its dedpnse may purchase the propsrry�t eny ule.
<br /> - "��'�� Upon recelpt o}paVment of the price hid,Trustee thall delivet to the purch�eer Truatee'a deed conveylng the property.Ths recitlN�contdned In
<br />_�;�;�� Tru�tee'e deed�hall be prime flcie evidience of the truth of the�teteme�t�co�ttlnad therdn. Truatee�hNl epply the proceed�of the�ele in the
<br /> �_�_� following order: (�) to ell sxpensei of the eats, Includinp, but not limited to, reison�ble Trustoe's fee�, rse�oneble ettorney's fees and
<br /> reinet�tem�nt fees;(b)to sll sums aecured by this deed ot trutt,end lc)the bel�nca,if eny,to the persone lopelly entitled to receive it.
<br /> -_.,,�.;�;,;� 13.Fa�eb�un.At Lender's optlon,thia deed of truat mey be foroclo�ed In the menner provide by applicebte lew for foroctosure of mortpepet
<br />___ ���y�� on real propsrty.
<br /> �,..�,��, 14.Imp�atlon. Lender may enter the property to Inepect it If Lander give�Borrower notice beforehand.The notice mu�t atete the re�consble
<br />