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. u �� � .� n . . ,.... <br /> ' ,, � � _•]L. _ .y_"�. - -t-�C:i�._r..�.;,e__ "___ --�_ <br />- � r�s . _ ._ ._._..�... --- x .�...,r,.rr��'s:w.•�i''' -•` . �� ..---——--- L� <br /> � ... -". Y,.. .. ._ ��..��s38 m- <br /> +:5+�' ':�� . 7: Protectlon of Le�der's Riphb In the Rroperty. If Borrower falls to p�rlorm t ovsn�nts and eprMmenis conteln�d fn <br /> , � 'lhis Securky Inetn�ment, �r tF�ere is e k�q�l proceedVnp that mey alpnH�ently aMect Lender'e rlphta In ths Proporty (euch a6 � procs�dklp kt _^ <br /> .� bankruptcy, probete, for condemeatlon or IorieNure or to enforce laws or requlatlons), then l�nder may do�nd pny for wh�tevK Is n�c�ei�ry �LL, <br /> lo protsct the velue of the Proarty end Lender'e rlphta In ►he PropsAy. Lander'e �ctbne may Include p�yfnp qny sums secund by a Ibn <br /> � ;H, wFilch has prbrky over this Securky Instrument, appesrinp In court, peyhp reason�bla nttomey's faes end entxln4 on the Property to make - <br /> � � repake. Akhouph Lpnder may I�ks �ctbn under this p�rppraph 7,Lsnda does not h�ve to do so. — <br /> `+ Any amounts disburs9tl by Lender undsr thla par�pr�ph 7 shBll beCOmp rduitionul debt of Borrower seCUred by thie Security Instrument. _ <br /> � . �� Unbss Borrower end Lender pqree to olher txms of peyment, thsse emounl6 eh�ll benr htereal from the data o} dlsbu�sement el the Note <br /> rate end Ghall bo payable,with nterost, upon not�Ce trom Lender to Borrower requesting peymenL � _ <br /> 8. Mortyaqe InsurancQ. II Lender requfred mortpape fnsurence as a condRlon ol makinp the loan secured by this Security <br /> " + Instrument, Borrower shall pay Ihe premlums requlred to mahtaln the mortgape k�surence h eHect. If,for any reason, the mortflaqe Msurence <br />��•��� covereye requked by Lender 4p8es or ceases to be h eHect, Borrower shall pey the premlums requlrad to obtain coveraqe substantially <br />� <br /> equNelent to the mortpaQe insuronce prevbusly M eflect,at a cost substantklly epuivalent to the cost ta Borrower of the mortflafle Insurenca <br /> T N�, previously in eMect, from an aKernate mortgage hsurer epproved by Lender. II substentiely equfvalent mortgega Gisurence covenpc is not <br /> _ .y, availabfe, Borrower shall pay lo l.ender each month a sum equel to one-tweMlh of the yearly mortgage InsuranCe premfum bAinfl peid by <br /> J� ,�,� � Borrower when the hsurance coverepe lepsed or r,eased ta be in eHact. Lender will eccept, use and retain these paymenta as a bss <br /> : y �� 4� reserve fn Ileu of mortqape insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be requked, at the option ol Lender, N mortpaqe Insurence <br /> �:'• • coverape (In the amount end fa the perlOd that Lender requkes)provided by Hn insurer epproved by Lender aflain becomes avaikble end Is <br /> obtafnad. Borrower shall pey the premlums requked to maMitafn mortgaye hsurance h effect, or to provide a bss reserve, until the <br /> = �' requkement for mortgaye hsurance ends in accordance wRh eny written aflreement betwaen Borrower and Lender or appl�able law. <br /> ���T)�: <br /> 9. 111b�1ECt1011. Lender or its agent may make reasonflble entries upon and fnspectlons of the Property. Lender shdl INe Borrower <br /> .�, notfce at the tkne ot or prior to an inSpeclion specitying reasonable causo 1or the Inspection. - <br />=i�".;:,;n°.>! 10. Condemnetlon. The proceeds of any award or Clem for damages, direct or consequentlel, In connection wNh any <br /> condemnatlon or other teking of any part of the Property, or for conveyance in Ileu ot condemnatlon, are hereby Assfpned and sh411 ba pald <br />�,�,�; ,��+� to Lender. — <br /> • ,`�'��s In the event of e total takfnp of the Property, the proceeds shall be epplied to the sums secured by this SeCUrRy Initrumbnt,whether or <br />_��;ti.,� not then due,wRh any excess paid to Borrower. In the avent of a parttal tekhg o(the Property h wh�h the (ak merket valua of the Property <br />-_� y . knmedlatey beforo the takhe Is equal to or greater then the emount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument Mmedytay betora the <br /> ��' _k•• � tekhQ, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise aqree In wrkk�p, tha sums seCUred by thls Security Inst�ument shall be roduced by the amount <br /> ';i.'x�..- ': <br />.�,.,. , pt lhe proceeds muRfplled by Ihe folbwinp(ractlon: (a)the totel amoun[the of sums sacund knmedlltely befon the takHy, dNid�d by(b)the <br /> t..` fek market value of the Property imr►iedietely before the takinp. Any balanCe shall be paid lo Borrower. In the event of�partial t�khq of the <br />- 1••.i.�+; <br />°'A'' �'' Property in whfch the fak market value of the Property Mmedlatey before the takhp Is less than the amount of the 6ume 6ecurod Ynmediatey <br /> �''�' ' before the takinfl, unless Bortower and Lender otherwise epree In wrfthp or unless applbebl� law otherwise provldes, Iha proceads sholl be <br />'•^•�.' ��r aoolied to the sums secured by this SecurRy Instrument whether or �ot the sums are Ihen due, <br />'� ���+' If the Property is abendoned by Bortower, or N,eRer not�Ce by Lender ro Horrower tna tne condemnvr oriars iu �t�&�e .��a:+a�� �r Sa:i'� <br />-�$i`�w�:.;�..%. <br />,yF�z,i.;:.:,;-. a clakn for demages, 8urtower lails to respond to Lender wkhln 30 days atler the date the not�e is yNen,Lender Is authorized to collect and <br />----- »� � apply the proceeds, at ks oplbn, ekher to rastoration or repak of the Property or to the sums secured by this Security Inatrument, whether <br /> =;u:,;�� or not then due. <br />�:.";���,�,�y Unless Lender and Borrower otharwise agree in wrRinp, eny applbatbn of proceeds tn principal shall not extsnd or postpone the due <br /> a'���i date o1 the monthy peyments referted to h parapraphs 1 end 2 or chanfle the amount of such pnymants, <br />��'�tg,�� 11. Borrowtr Not REICa6Cd; Forbearance By Lender Not e Waiver. Exlensbn ot the time for p�yment or modH�atfon <br /> -,:��_,aG� <br /> :,,,,d,�.,A,�� 01 amortWtlon of the sums slcured by this SeCUrity Instrument yranted by Lender to any successor In Intersst o}Borrower shall not operate <br />._,�-�,�-`�Y�-� to releese the Itebflky o}the aighal Borrower or Borrower's successors in hterest. Lender shell not be requked to commence proceedfnqs <br /> �,._���� aqehst any successor In inturest or refuse to extend tkne for peymenl or olherwlse modNy amortlzetbn of the Sums secured by thls SeCUrky <br />-"';����� Inslrument by reason of any demend mede by the oriphal Borrower or Borrower's sucesssors h hte�est. Any fortxar�nco by ��ndsr In <br /> _.L:r�e� <br /> �'r�.—�..,,� —��—�— exercisinp aay riqht or rHnedy shall not be a weHer of or preclude the azercisa of any rfpht or remcdy. <br /> == 12. Succeasora end Aealqns Bound; Jolnt and Severel Llebility; Co•siqnera. The covonanls end aoreeme�►s o� <br /> -�._���;ss� <br />�a;T.;s,.��:� this Security Instrument shaN 6hd end benefit the successors and asslpns of Londer and Borrower, subJect to the provisbns of pereprep <br /> __�,� 17. Borcower's coven4nts and aqreements shall be Joht and severd. My Borrower who co•sipns this Security instrumant but does not <br />��� execute the Note: (a)Is co-sqning thls SecurRy Instrument only to mortpepe, prant, end convey that Borrower's hterest h the Property under <br /> _'b;rul=��: <br />— ,-..�:w� the terms of this SeCUrity Instmment; (b)is not personolly oblqated to pay the sums secured by thls Security Instrument; and (c)apress t et <br />- Lender and any other Borrower may aqroe to extend, modify, forbear or make any accommodatbns wkh repard to terms ot this SecurRy <br />�"".'"�'"`Y•' Instrument or the Note wfthout thet Borcower's consent. <br /> ya��� 13. Loen Charpes.If the loan secured by thls Securily InsWmenl Is subJect to a law whfch sets maxknum ban charp�s, end that <br /> -_g;,;_.t�� law Is finally Interpreted so that the Interest or other loan cherpes collected or to be colleCted h connectlon wkh the ban exceed the <br />;.:?��=�� permitted limRs, then; (e) any such ban charpes shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charpe to lhe permkted IknR; end <br /> ...-...-.�.-ai <br />=�;ac��• -- ; (b) any sums akeady collected irom Borcower whfch exceeded permilted limks will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to ma e <br />�*-:��- this retund by reduchp the princfpal owed under the Note or by mekinp a d'rect payment to Bomower. II e relund reduces pnc�lpal, the <br />� �M��� � reductbn wlll be treated as e partlal prepayment without eny prepayment charge under the Nole. <br />=- � 14. NOtIC�b. Any nol�e tc Borrower provldvd for {n this Security InsWment shell be piven by delNerinp R or by mallhp k by first <br /> ,. cless mall unless appllcable�ew requkes use ol enother method. The not�e shall be diected to the Property Address or any other address <br /> � , �: � Bortower desfgnates by notke to Lender. Any nat�e to Lendor shell be 4fve�� by lirst class mall to Lenders address steted hereh or any <br /> ' ��. other address Lender des�gnates by notice to 8orrower. Any not�Ce provlded tor In this Security Instrument shall be deemed to heve been <br /> �� gNen to Borrower or Lendar when given es provlded In thls paragraph. <br /> 15. Governing; Severablllty. Thls Security Instrument shall be poverned by federal Iflw and the lew of the Jurlsd�tlon h <br /> whfCh the Property Is bcated. In the event that eny provlSlon or clause of thls Securky Instrument or the Note conll'�cts with epplicehle law, <br />- � such contllCt shall not aHeCl other provlslons ot thls Securlty Inslrument or the Nole wh�h cen be gNen eNect wkhout the confllcthg <br />� .1 provlslon. To thfs ond the provislons o1 thls SeCUrity Instrument and lhe Note flre declared to be sev5rable. <br /> ' 16. Borrower'a Copy. Borrower shall be gben one conformed copy ot the Noto and of lhls 3ecurdy Instrument. <br /> _.._ __._. . _'_' <br /> ' �_ n__..�...� �� �1...�.n.....a..n v {nlerne/h <br /> __ ... . __'_ _ _ � '. . . .''__" ' .• _n ""'" ".. • <br /> 17. Trensier ot xne Properry o� e denenoiai inaCrca� �u vv��v..��. �� o�..,� o.,� ,.a.. ..• .••..• •-.-•-, -• -•. -••-�---- <br /> it Is sold or trensterred (or il a benefiCfal interest � Borrower Is sold or transterted flnd Borrower Is not e naturel person) without Lender's <br /> prior written consent, Lender may, at ks optlon, roquke knmediate payment In lull of ali sums secured by thls Security Instrument. Ho�vever, <br /> thfs optlon shell not 6e exercls9d by Lender if axerclse I5 prohibited by federel lew as ol lhe date of thls Securky InstNment. <br /> II Lender exerclses tl'iIS optlon, Lender shnll gNe Borcower noC�ce ol acceleretlon.7he nolice shall provlde e perbd ol not bss then 30 <br /> days trom the dete the nol�ce �s delNerod or mgll�d within whlch the Borrower must pay ell sums secured by this Security InSUument. If <br /> Borrower fells to pey these sums prior to the expfratfon of thls period. Lender may invoke eny remedles permitted by thls 5ecur�ty Instrurnent <br /> ` � , without(urther notice or demend on Bon'owor• <br /> � � � I Form]0?E 9�80 <br /> ' I F100A LMC3(+0/BE) P�O� J o�5 � <br /> � <br /> eesso <br /> - � _ — _ <br /> . _..._. _ __ __ _ <br /> - .. � _ __ . <br /> _.. _ <br />