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�"►"., . ,��► ____ __...... <br /> .�,y,L' �_�_�_- - <br /> '�r�'+� a:v,�.. -�x«,u 1�'^^�;'v -- <br /> ___-,r_1t'�—�f''•°•—.'-' __— -� =- - <br /> - —"—r— _'_�ffiCfrS3r_swc�cv�- --�_�._��--....�_..�. _ _. _ <br />-____ — _.�.�.._�r�-«s'!�P_RI.Y��'��.�����,� <br /> . ..__.. . ..._ ."___.._'....... . .. ......_..._.. . . ... . <br /> ASSOrNMENT OF RENTS RI�ER 98� 1�11��Z <br /> . THIS ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RIDEFi b rr�d��nd�x�CUt�d thb '2 f _day of D�c�mbK . 1��� 1ed M <br /> Incorpontsd hto �nd Sh�N bs de�rt►ed t0 ammd and suppkrn�nt tM Maty+ip� o/ D»d of Trust, h�nh�11K nNrt�d to at ih� "9rcurMy <br /> InStrument", al Ihe seme date pwen by lha understpnad, herohRfiK rwlerred to ac lh• "8orrow�r", lo R�cun BOROwK'6 hd�bbdnN�, <br /> hore�nener relerred la as Ihe "Note", lo UNI7ED NEBRASI(A BANK _ •—..— <br /> , herehefte�refsrrad lo �s thp "Lendsr', 0� 1h� 6�rrw dab��d Cov�rMp tM <br /> prOperly desCribeO in ihe SeCUriiy Instrument Ynd bCatYd at: ' -' <br /> 3107 W 14TH ST GRAND ISUPlD NEBRASKA 88403 ' <br /> (PruD�rly Add����) <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> WFiEREAS, 9orrower and Lender have apreed thal eny renis and prctNs attributabb to ths propert/ eh4uld comtkut��ddNbnal paurity <br /> lo tha Le�der for the payment of the Note; <br /> NOW,THEREFORE, It is agreed lhat the Security Instrument sY�eN be emended hereby�nd desm�d to include th�foMowfnp provftbns: <br /> i, A�,t��iment ot Rents and Lender,p�ntel Colfectbn Rt�hls. Borcower heroby ebsolutey�nd uncondkbn�My �ssipns �M ra�tf,Nsua <br /> and profits ol the property to Bene(ici�ry• Le�der shaW have the riphl,powK�nd �uthorky durinp th�continwne�of th�S�curky InsWmM�t <br /> to coltect the rents, fssues and protNs of lhe property��d of�ny pertond prop�ty locat�d th�reon wkh or wNhout Wclnp posl�srfon of tM <br /> property eNected hereby. Lender, however, hereby consents to Bonox•er'e colbctbn �nd ntentbn of auch ronla, Iscuac and prolks u theY <br /> accrue and become p�Yebie, so bnq aa BorrowK k not, �t auch time,in dMauk wkh nsp�ct to paym�nt ot anY ind�bbdn�ss �c�nd <br /> hereby, or fn tha peAOmunce of any�preunsnt hereundK. <br /> 2. Auuohtment of Fiecelvar. If eny w�nt of d�fault In nap�ct to th�S�curky Inetrum�nt �haM h�ve xcurnd�nd W conttwfnp,UndK� <br /> es a matter ot rqht end wkhout notke to Bonower or anyone cMknirp undsr BortowK,and wkhout rsp�rd to tM wlu� of th�bust aub or <br /> the inlerest of th�Borcower therein, shsll haw th�ripht to appy to �ny couR havinq Jurisd�tfon to eppoMt a nc�iwr of tM propwtY• <br /> 3. Rinht to Possession. In case ol delauk fn the payment of the s�b pnc�lpal Not�or ht�r�st, or an�part th�nof,as R shaN m�tun, <br /> or in Ihe cese of failure to keep or pertorm any of the conven�nts o� aaesrtients contifn�d h th�S�cur$y Inatrum�nt, th�n tl►� Undw, k� <br /> successors or assiyns, shall ba and is hereby authorized end empowxad to tak� frnmsdi�t� possessbn of th� aakl prMnis�s�h�nln <br /> descr�bed and ta coliect lhe rents thereNom, and to�ppy lhe proce�ds thKeol to th�paym�nt of th�NOt�. <br /> 4. Aool�albn of FiQn�. Issues end Pr } , All rents colMctod by Und�r or th�r�C�IvK thaM W�pplMd frst to p�ymwit oi iiN cosii <br /> of inenaqernent of the property snd colbctbn of ronts, fncludhg,but not MmRsd to, roCSivers fees, promwms o� nceNv�� bondG and <br /> reasonable attomey's feas,and than lo tha sums 6ecured by th� S�eurily InsWrrwnt.LsndK uid th�r�caNK ehaN W II�bM to�ccouet ony <br /> for those rents eCtusMy receNed, <br /> 5. Cy�truClbn of Provlsbn�,. Each ot the provisbns contahM h this Assipnment of R�nta RidK uid th�S�CUrily Instrunwit s11�A, <br /> unless otherwise speciffcally requked, be canstrued fn accordanCe wrih Nebrask� law, �nd fn ths evsnt �ny provftion MrMn ol thMNn <br /> conieined shall be tletermined by e court of competent Jurisdfctbn to be unenforceabb, ths sams 6h�M b� Constru�d �� thouph su�h <br /> ' unenlorce�bb provisbn were not parl hereof or thereo�. <br /> 6. Enect o�Rider. Except es specBicaky modkled by or tnaonsfst�t wAh thfs Asslpnment o1 Rents Wder or by My olhK �pp�cM� <br /> rider,all of the tem,s and provisions conlahed in the SecurMy Instrument shall contfnua fn 1u11 faco and sft�et. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Bonowx has axecuted this Aaeipnment of Rsnt�RMn th�dtl�first no �bow. <br /> eo�ro H G H R <br /> . <br /> ��.���,..�.�-ID�'� - <br /> e�«a••�ELLEN R � H N <br /> S'�ATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> COUNTY OF HALL � SS. <br /> On ihis 23rd day ol December , 1998 belor� rn�� th� undsrslpnrd, a Notary PubNC duy Commistbt�d and <br /> - quahlied lor sekJ county,personaliy came TODD H GOSHORN AND ELLEN R GOSHORN . HUSBAND AND WIPE� to <br /> � be Ihe idontical pe�son(s) whoso namo(s) Islare subscribed to the�orugoing hstrument, �nd ha/she/they acknowMdp�th�aoc�CUtlOn th�nof <br /> to ba hislher/their voluntary act end dFed. <br /> - wttness my hand and Noterial5ea�et GRAND iS1.AND NEBRASI in eafd cwnty,tM <br /> _ date aforesaid. � ` <br /> _ A GEHERALNOiARYSl�leo!NeD��sk� �� AML'1�- � %�t�' . <br /> j�j_ SHERRI L.0'C11lLAGH b�� H � <br /> e� Mr Comm.E�p.5ep1 2E,199 <br /> My Cornmiss�on expkes: S�PTEMBER 28. 1999 _ <br /> F�os,svee� �aoa� <br /> PJ9 <br />