<br /> in�he Proper�y and righ�s under this Secur�ty �ns�rument; a.�d�d��akes such ac�ian as Lender may
<br /> reasonably require to assure that Lend�r's int�res�in�he Proper�y ar�d rights under�his Securi�y Instrument,
<br /> and Borrovver's obligatian�o pay the sums secured by this Security �ns�rumen�, sha�� con�inue unchanged.
<br /> Lender m.ay requir�tha�Borrovver pa�such reinstatemen�sums and expenses in one ar more af�he fal�owing
<br /> forms, as se��cted by L�nder: �a} cash; �b}rnone�order; �c}cer���ed check, bank check, �reasurer's check�r
<br /> cashzer's check, pra�ided any such che�k is drawn upon an ins��tut�on whose depas�ts are�nsured hy a
<br /> federai agency, instrum�ntali�y or en�i�y; or(d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon re�nsta�ement by Borrower,
<br /> �his Securi�y Ins�rument and obligat�ons s�cured hereby sha�� remain fu11y eff�ctive as�f no acceleratian had
<br /> occurr�d. Hawe�er, th�s right t� reinstate�ha.l�n�t appiy �n�he case af acce�era�ron under Sec�xon 18.
<br /> �4. Sale of Not�; Change af L�an S�r►►icer: Noti�� of �rie�ance. The Note or a par��a� �nterest in�he
<br /> �o�e�tagether wi�h�h�s Se.�uri�y�nstrument)c.an be sa�d one ar mare times w�thou�prior no��ce�o
<br /> Borrow�r. A sal.e n�igh�resu�t�n a change zn��.e en���y�known as�he "I.nan►S�rvicer"}tha�ca��ects Periodic
<br /> Paymen�s du�under�he�ot�and�h�s Secur��y�ns�rumen�and performs o�her mor�gage laan serv�cing
<br /> ab�igatzons under�he Na�e, �his S�curifiy Instrument, and Appl�cable Law. There also might be on�or n-�or�
<br /> chang�s af the Laan Serv�cer unrela�ed to a sale of�h�No�e. �f�here�s a ch�nge af�he Loan S�rvicer,
<br /> Borraw�r wi�i be gr�en written n�t�ce af the change which wi�I s�a��the name and address af the ne��an
<br /> Ser�icer, the address to wh�ch paymen��shou�d be made and any o�h�r�nformation RESPA requ�res�n
<br /> conr�ec��on vvi�h a na�ice of�ransfer of servi�ing. �f��.e No�e�s sald and�hereaf�er�he Loan�s serviced by a
<br /> Laan Servic�r nther than the purchas�r of the�ate, �he mor�gage�oan serv�cing o��igations�o Borrflwer wi�I
<br /> r�rnain with�he Loan Servicer or be transf�rre.d to a successor Loan Ser�vicer and are na�assumed by t�i�
<br /> Na�e purchaser unless o�her�vise prov�ded b�the Nate purchas�r.
<br /> N�ither Borrower n�r Lender may cammence,jain, �r be�a�ned to any judicia�. ac�ion�as ei�her an
<br /> ind�vidual Iit�gan�or�he memb�r of a class}that arises from�he ather party's actions pursuan��o this
<br /> Security�nstrumen�or tha�a.��eges that the other part�has breach�d any pr�visian af, or any du�y owe.d by
<br /> reason�f, �his 5e�uri���ns�runa�en�, un��I such Bflrraw�r or Ilender has no�ified the o�her par�y �wx��such
<br /> no�ice g��en in camplianCe�ri�h the requir�ments of S���ion �.5} of such al��ged�reach and afforded�he
<br /> o�her party heret�a reasonab�e per�od af�er the gx�ing of such na�ice to�ake c,orrecti�re ac��on. If Applicab��
<br /> Law pra��des a time period which mus�e�apse before cer�a�n ac�ivn can be taken, �ha��ime period wx�l be
<br /> de�med�a be reasonable for purpases af�his paragraph. 'The not�ce of a�lera�xon and oppor�unity�o�ure
<br /> g�ven�o Borrower pursuan�to S�ct�on�2 and the not�ce of acceleratxon gi�en�o Borrower pursuant ta
<br /> Sec�ion I8 sha��be de�med to satisfy the notz��and oppnr�un�ty�o�ake cflrre�tiv�ac���n pravisions of�his
<br /> Sectian 2�.
<br /> 2'I. Hazardous Sul�stanees. As used in�his Section�1: �a} "Hazardous Sr,�hs�artces"are�hose subs�ances
<br /> def�ne.d.a���x�c or hazardous subs�ances, pallutan�s, or was�es by En��ranmen�a� Lavv and�he failv�r�ng
<br /> subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, other f�arnmable or�o�ic pe�ra�eum products, �o��c pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> vola�ile sol�ents, materials cAntaining asbestos or forma�dehyde, and rad�oac�ive xna��r�a1s; (��
<br /> ".�'�vironrrze��al�a�"means federa� �aws and laws of�he�urisdiction where the Praper�y �s�oc-a��t��t
<br /> rela�e�o hea�.�h, safety or environmen�al pro�e���an; ��3 "Environment�al C`l�anup"includes any res�vr�se
<br /> action, remed�a.�ac��an, or re�nova� ac��on, as de�ned �n Env�ronmental Law; and �d} an ".Lnvironrnenl�a.�
<br /> Conditinn"n�eans a c�nd��ion tha�can cause, cc�n�r�bu�e t�, or atherwis�trigger an En�ironmenta� C�eanup.
<br /> �orro�ver s�a1�not caus�or permit the presenc�, use, d�sposai, s��rage, or re��ase of any Hazardous
<br /> Sub��ances, �r�hrea�en�o release any Hazardous Substanc,es, an or�n�h�Proper��r. �orrower shall na�do,
<br /> nor allow any�ne e�se to do, anything affect�ng the Proper�y �a} tha�is �n�iolati�n of any En�ironrn�ntal
<br /> Lavv, �b} which crea�es an�n�iranmental. Canditian, or�c�which, due to t�e presence, use, ar releas�of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, �rea�es a cond���an�ha�adv�rsely aff�cts the va�ue of�he Proper�r. The prececiing�v�o
<br /> NEgRASKA-Single�amily-�annie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNI�DRM INSTRUM�NT �orm 3028 1101
<br /> VMP� VMPF{NE)�1342}
<br /> Walters Kluwer�inar�cial Ser�ices Page 13 v#'I7
<br />