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"° ��",�1:. ' - — '- __-- --- - - <br /> ._..�....__...,.:a4:.JP=x?.��— - <br /> 98- 112999 <br /> Part of tf�e Weet fialf of the Sautheaat Quartez (W�SEi) o� <br /> Section �leven (11) in Townahip Eleven (11) North, Range <br /> Nine (9) Weet of the 6th P.M., in ttAll County, Nebraske, <br /> more particularly deaczibed as follnwss Beginning at the <br /> Northeaet Corner di the West Hr�lf of the Sou�heasx puartesr - <br /> (W}SE#) af aAid Section L7.even (11� , running thenae South <br /> a].onq and upon the Ettst line of said Wpst Iialf of the <br /> Southeaet Qudrter (W}SEj) of said Section Eleven (11) , tt <br /> distance of 344.96 feet to the actual point of beginningj <br /> running thence South alonq and upon the East line of the <br /> West Hnlf of the Southeaet Quarter (W}SE�) of r�aid Section <br /> Elevert (111, a distance of 241.44 feet to the Nor.tti line of <br /> the State and F2deral Highway No. 30 right-of.-way; running <br /> thence Southwesterly along and upon the Northerly line o� <br /> said Hiqhway No. 30 right-of-way a distance of 300.0 f�ett <br /> runnir�g thenc� North parallel �o and 300.0 feet distant from <br /> the Sast line oE said West Half of the Soutlieast Quarter <br /> (W}SS}) oF said Section Eleven (11) , a distance of 241.44 <br /> feett running thence Northeasterly parallel to and 291.44 <br /> feet die�ance from the North line a� 9aid STate �nd Federal <br /> Highway No, 30 riqht-of-way a dis�ance of 300.0 feet to the <br /> actual po int oP beginning. <br /> �.��° �"---:-r:'-zr��i%..:'(-�--r7� �+::,�xi�t'n'�.w�"�'"'-s= — — ---- - <br />