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� ' �: <br /> ..� . <br /> ,.. ...�.�..�+M���'.�:. - �. <br /> . 98-� . .��:���- ;- <br /> _ �a''��8i LOAN NO. i 5 3 s 2 1 e 1 31 <br /> If Lender exerclses thls optlon, Lender shall glve Borrower notice of acceleratlon.7he notice shall provide a poriod �� � <br /> of not less than 30 days from the date the n�tice Is delivered or mailed withln whlch Borrower must pay all sums secured <br /> • by thls Security Instrument.If Borrower falls to paythese sume prlor to the expiratlon of this perlod,Lender may Invoke I � <br /> ' any remedlAS permitted by thls Security Instrument without iurther notice or dAmand on�orrower. I <br /> � is.Borrower'�RI4ht to Relnat�te. If Borrower meets certaln condltlons,Borrower shall have the right to have I � <br /> ! enforcement of this Securfty Instrument dlscantlnued at any time prior ta the earlier oi:(a)5 days(or such othar perlod I <br /> " ' as appllcablA law may apecify for relnstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contalned In i • •'�" <br /> ' thls Seourlty Instrument;or{b)entry of a Judgment entorcing this Security Instrument.Those condltlans are that f �� � <br /> �.:.. <br /> Borrower.(a)pays Lender all sums whlch then would be due undar this Security Instrument and the Note as if no �_�=-1 <br /> acceleratlon had occurred; (b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (�)pays all expanses Incurred :�.�'.-�L- <br /> --Y-� In enforcing thls Security Instrument,Including,but not Iimited to,reasonable ettorneys'fees;and(d)takes such actlon : �- =;��;,,=`: <br /> � -+� as Lender may rvasonably reaulre to assure that the Ilen of thla Security Instrument, Lender's rights In the Property and g.:; ,�y;,,�y""'-- <br /> " Borrower's obligation to pay the sums securocl bythis Security Instrument shail continue unchanged.Upon •-�u�����,;.�=— <br /> -., ..;.;�_ <br /> relnstatement by Borrower,this Security Instrument and the obligatlons secured hereby shall remaln fully effective as if ,, •>t,���;��-�-_: <br /> no acceleratlon had occurred.However,thls rlr�ht to relnstate shall not apply In the case of acceleratlon under �"�Y�' <br /> �,.a_._�.__ _.___ <br /> i paragraph 17. �� ,'�"_'_= <br /> i 19.S�le of Note;Change of Loare Servicer. 7he Note or a partlal interest In the Note(togethor wfth thls Securlty �„c�- <br /> Instrument) may t�e sold one or more times wlthout prlor notice to Borrower.A sale mey result In a change In the entlty �' <br /> � (knuwn as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note end this Security Instrument.There , :'`''�" <br /> } also may be one or mare changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there Is a change of the Loan ;;;�- <br /> � Servlcer,Borrower wlll be gPren written notice of the change in accordance with ragraph 14 above and applicable law.— <br /> • � The notice will state the name and address of the new Loan Servlcer and the ad ress to whlch payments should be -�;p„_� <br /> mede. The notice wili aiso contaln any other Infonnation requlrecl byappllcable law. ,�_ <br /> �� 20. H�zurdou:Sub�tanr,ea, Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use,disposal,stora�e, or release of =x�K.��_ <br /> any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall notdo,nor allow anyone elsa to do,anything affecting �' � <br /> the Property that is In violation of sny�nvironmental Law.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, �,._�«._: <br /> �, use,or storage an the Property of small quantlties of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be ���_ <br /> approprlate to normal resldentlal uses and to malntenance of the Property. "��c�. <br /> Borrower shall rom tl fve Lender written notice of an investi ation,clsim,demand,lawsuft or other action by � �~W <br /> P P Y9 Y 9 �- <br /> any governmental or regulatory agency or privato party Involving th�Property and any Hazardous Substance or �+=°- <br /> Envlronmentel Law of whlch 8orrower has actual knowledc�e.If Borrowar leams,or Is notlfled by any governmental or j,. C. <br /> � regulatory authorfty,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property(s �� <br /> `� necessary,Borrower shall promptly take all necessary reniedlal actlons in accordance with Environmental Law. __ <br /> .�_ As used in thls paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances deflned as toxlc or hazardous ���_ <br /> - � � substances by Environmental Law and tne ioliowing substanoes:gasolinc�,kn�u�ena,�ti�e�iiamrrabla or,axlc — <br /> � petrdeum pralucts,toxic pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials contalning asbestos or formaldehyde, �. — <br /> .'�i� and radloactive materials.As used In this paragraph 20,"Environmental"means federal laws and laws of the - �;, <br /> " n , Jurisdlctlon where the Property Is located that relate to health,safety or envlronmental protectlon. �;,: <br /> � NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: . �" <br /> 21.Accsleration;Remedie�.Lender shall yive notice to Borrowar prlor to accaler�tion tolloWiny Borrower's '�� <br /> bre�ch of�ny covenant or agreement in this Security In�trument(but not prior to acceteration under p�ragr�ph = <br /> 17 unle��epplicable I�w provides otherwise).The notice shall�pecify:(e)the def�uR;(b)the action requlred to - <br /> curA the defauR;(c)�date,not leas then 30 deys trom the date the notice i�ytven to Borrower,by which the <br /> def�uR must be cured;and(d)that i�llure to cure the dehult on or before the dete speciiled In the notics m�y _ _ <br /> � resuR in�ccalaration of tha sums eecured by thls Security Instrument�nd sale o1 ths Property.Ths notice sFuill <br /> turth�r in}orm Borrower of the rl�ht to reinstate�iter acceleration end the riyht to brin��court action to�s�ert <br />- the non-existonc�of�dsi�ult or any other defense of 8orrower tn accetentton�nd�ale.If the d�f�uit i�not _ <br /> cur�d on or before the dete spectfied fn the notice,Lender et its option mey requlre immedlate peymeM tn full of <br /> sll sums secured by this Security Inatrument wftl�out tunher demend and may tnvoke the power of sale snd�rey = <br /> ° other remedles permitted by eppliceble lew.Lendgr shall be entltled to collect all expenses tncurrad in punuing �, <br /> .. � tha remedlea provided in this peragraph 21,including,but not Iimited to,reaaonAble attorneys'feea�nd coets ot �_ <br /> tRle evidence. ` <br /> If the power of sule is Invoked,Trustee sh�ll record e notice of defeult In each county in which eny part of = --- <br /> _1 �� the Propeny is loceted and ehall mefl copies of auch notice In the menner preacribed by epplicable law to ,-�� <br /> - Borrowar�nd to the other persons prescrfbed by�pplicable law, After the time required by applicable lew, :r� <br /> � Truatee shall give publlc notice of sale to the persons�nd in the manner prescribed by�pplicable law. Truatee, -• - <br /> without demand on Borruwer,�hAll sell the Property et public auction to the highest bidder at the tlme�nd plece '='_-�"�"°�` <br /> and under the terms deaignated In the notice ot sale In one'or more parcels�nd In any order Trustee determinea. �� _°� <br /> i?�7;.=-__- <br /> Truatee mey postpone sale of all or an Arcel of the Pro ert b public announcement et the time end lece ot �•�^'��-" <br /> Y P P Y Y P ....:�.;�,�,Y.—. <br /> any prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or its destgnee may purchsse the Property et eny sale. : ^,";�-='- --- <br /> -�.��„ <br /> Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid,Trustee ahell deliver to the purcha:er Trustee's deed conveying .' .�s��- <br /> �;-�;_t: ;��-e. <br /> the Property. The recitats In the Truatee's deed shall be prima tacfe evidence of the truth of the atetements mede - ,�_,__; <br /> therein. Trustee thall apply the proceedn of the sale In tho following order.(a)to all costs and expenaes of :^,;;�,1�� - <br /> �LV. <br /> NEBRASKA••SINfiLE FAMILY--FNMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT FORM 30269/�0 � "�'L'l=�" <br /> -• 'S. <br /> ISC/CMDTNE//0792/3028(9•90)•L a • , PAGE 6 OF 6 '" <br /> � � <br /> � � i� <br /> �� I _ _ _ _ _ � ► <br />