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. �uv�rzv-rx:����,.:'�'� _ ----_-_---_— - �_ . <br /> L�_"_ __,.r...�.,..t_...r:=��se-�� . . <br /> . . _....-._.. <br /> ..yl� .; - ... ..� an . �.�..�m <br /> 98- 11�� ORIGINAl. <br /> I[tbe powar ot�ale[s lavoktd,Trwtee rYall rocad a aotice of det�ult In wch county in whlch�ay p�rt of tbe <br /> Propa�ty 1�Iowtr.d wd rhwll mall coplea ot�uc6 nalk�In the rn�nnerpre�c�ibal by�ppllcnble law to Borrawer and to <br /> otLa�person�pre�cribed by�pplicable lqw. ANa tbe titne reqvlrod by�ppilcable I�w� Tnrtee�hall Rlve public <br /> notla of aik to the penoo�u�d In the m�nnerpr+a�cr[bed by�ppllc�bk I�w. Truelee,witbout dam�nd oa lbrrower� <br /> �hall ydl tbe Proparty�t publlc�uNlaa to the hl�lwt 6ldder�t the time�nd pi�ce�nd under the ta�na dedpuited In <br /> lhe noda o�Mle In ooe or more p�rcrL aad In aur o�der'�tee d�termina. Tn�t�e rn�Y P�P�Mle ot�II or <br /> wy p�rcd o�the Propaty br pubtic�aaouooaaenlK tbe time�a�d pl�ce ot�ny previotaly�chedul�d ule. Ladderor <br /> it�ck�i�tee m�r purch�the Propertr at any nult, <br /> [Tpon reodpt ot p�ymeet ot the prk:e bid,7�[a�hall ddlva�to the purchaei Tnated�dad conveyln�{ tbe <br /> Property, T6e redtaL in the Truda'� deed s1Wl be prinu�bcie evidence ot the tnith ot the�t�t�matt� m�de <br /> tberdo. Tnutx�6aU apply the procYe�h ot tbe�le In the tollowin�order.(a)to all cod and expen�a ot exa�cida� <br /> ���ow�or w�,.�a cn�..i�, iocludin�tt�e p�ynknt ot the'[Y�uta's fea�ctually incurred,not to excad 96 0� <br /> the prindpal�mouatot the note�t t6e tlme ot t6e�dantion ot delaWt�ond re�sonable pttorney�'tea ar permftted by <br /> I�w;(b)to s�l auYU�ecured by thb Saurity Irotrtime�t�and(c) �ny excae to the pa�aon or peraon�Ie;Ally eatitlM to <br /> it. <br /> 22. Reoonveyana. Upon p�yment of all�urro iecured by thte Securiry Instruinrnt, I.ender sh�ll rcqueat Trusta to <br /> reconvey the Property Aad sh�ll surrender 71�is Sa:urity lnstrwnent�r►d all notes evidencing debt secured by thie Security <br /> Irusuvment ta Trusta. Trusta sh�ll reconve� the Propecty without wxrrenty xnd without chnrge to the pe�son or peraons <br /> legally entttled to it. Such person or penwna sh�ll p�y any r�cordulon costs. <br /> 23. SubtltuteTnata,Lende�,u its option,wy from dme to tlme remove Trusta and appoint a aucceasor trusta to <br /> wy Tnuta appointed hercunder 6y an instnrrneat cea►rded in the county in which this Secudty Inatrument ie recorded. <br /> Without conveywnce of the Propeny. the successor tmstee shall succeea to all the titie,power and duties canferrod upon <br /> Tnutx henin uid by applicable lew. <br /> ?A. Aequest tur Noticea. Borrower request��hat copies of the notice�of defAUlt and sala by sent to Borrower's <br /> addreas which li the Pcoperty Address. <br /> 2S� Ridas to thi�Secu�ity Instrument. lf ont or more ddera Are executed by Borrower and recorded wgether with <br /> thie Security In�trument,the covenants and agreecraeme of each such rider shall be incocporated into and ah�ll unend�nd <br /> supplrnxnt the c;ovenants and agracnents of this Secudty Instrumeat aa if the rider(s) were �part of thls Secuaty <br /> Instrumrnt.[Check�ppUcable box(es)l <br /> ❑AdJustable Rete Rtder ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 1-4 Famlly Rider <br /> ❑Greduated P�yment Rider ❑ Plu�ned Unit Development Rider ❑ Biwakly Payment Rider <br /> ❑Salloon Rider ❑ Rre Impmvement Rider ❑Second Home Rlder <br /> O(hheKa)[sPx►fY] <br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, Borrower acapis uad agrees to the terms and covrnants containod in thia Securlty <br /> Inattument u�d in any rider(s)executed by Bormwer uid recordod with it. <br /> Witneaees: <br /> (�) <br /> P IC J.H •9orro�er <br /> I <br /> (�) <br /> •Bo�rower <br /> D�NAL . BORKA <br /> ���) <br /> •Borrower <br /> ��) <br /> ^ ' •Bortower <br /> [Spce HeMr 7W IJna Po�AtkaowlM�eweay <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA HALE.County ss: <br /> On this, the 21ST day of DECEMHER,1998, before me, the subscriber, the undersigneci ofticer,persc�nally <br /> appeued PATRIC[A J, BOfiKA *t* known tome(or satisfactorily proven) to be thc person(s) whose name is/are <br /> subscribed to the within{nstrument and acknowlaigcd t�at HE executed the same for the purposes herein containecl. <br /> and AONALD L. BOEKA, WIFE AND HUSBAND <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I hereunto set my hand and official seal. <br /> MyCominissionexpires; 7/2/2000 �� �Q� <br /> :J/ l��/5/1/� h .�� � ✓ / ..7/,.� .. <br /> GENERAL NOTARY•SUte ol Neh��s►o � � � " v <br /> If� MARGARET M.OILLON <br /> My Corom.Ecp.luly Y,�000 <br /> TITLE O OFFICER <br /> 308AB (DNEO)Jl9A NEHRASKA Form 30is 9/90 Q�ngtS oJ S pngrsl <br />