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��14��943 <br /> con��nue to pa��n L�nd�r the amount of�he separate�y designa��d paymen�s�hat were due vvh�n the <br /> insuranc�c�v�rage ceased�o be zn effect. Lender vv�il acc�p�, use and re�ain th�se pa�ments as a <br /> non-refunda��e�oss reserve in��eu af Mortgage�nsurance. Su�h loss r�serve shall be n�n--refundable, <br /> no�vvi�hstand�ng the fact�hat the Loan is ult�mateiy paid �n fu��, and L.ender shall not be required to pay <br /> Barrow�r any interes�flr earnings on such loss reserve. Lender can na langer require loss reserv�payments <br /> �f M�r�gag��nsurance ca�erage�in�h�amount and f�r�he per�od�hat I�nder requires}provided by an <br /> �nsurer selected by L�nder again be�ames a�ai�ab�e, is ob�ained, and Lend�r re�uires separa�ely des�gna�ed <br /> payments toward the�remiums for Mor�gage Insurance. �f Lender requir�d Mortgage�nsurance as a <br /> c�nd�t�on of mak�ng the Loan and Sorro�er vvas required�o make separateiy designated paymen�s�oward�he <br /> premiums for Mortgage Insurance, Barrovver sha11 pay the premiurns required�a mainta�n Mar�gage <br /> �nsuranc.��n�ffec�, or�o pro�r�d�a n.on-r�fundab�e loss reser�e, until Lender's requirement far Mor�gage <br /> �nsuranc��nds in ac�ordan�.e w��h any wri�t�n agre��rnent be�ween Borrawer and L.�nder pro�iding far�uch <br /> ��rmir�atio�or un����ermina�ian�s requ�red�y App��cab�e Law. Nothing in th�s Sec��nn 1� affects <br /> Barrow�r's obliga�ivn�a pay�nteres�at�he rate prv�ided in�he No��. <br /> Mar�gage Insuranr.�rexmburses Lender(ar an�r entity that purchases�h��Vote� for c�r�ain�osses�t��y incur <br /> if Barrower does na�repay�he Loan a.�agreed. Borrawer is not a party�a the 1V[or�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mortgage insurers e�alua�e the�r to�a� r�sk�n aI� suc�insurance in force firom��me�a time, and may enter <br /> into agreemen�s w��h o�her par�ies tha�share or madify�heir risk, or reduce Iosses. These agreements are an <br /> ��rm� and condi�ions�hat are sat�sfactary to�he nzar�gage insurer and the other par�� (or parties}�o�hese <br /> agreements. These agreexnen�s may requ�re th�mor�gage�nsurer�a make paymen�s usxng any saurce of funds <br /> that�he mortgage�nsurer may ha�e a�ailah�e�which may �n��ude funds obtained from Mor�gage Insurance <br /> prem�ums}. <br /> As a result af these agreemen�s, Lender, an.y pur�haser of the Note, ana�her insurer, any reinsurer, an�r o�her <br /> en�i�y, or any affi��a�e of any af�he faregoing, may r��ei�e�direc��y ar indirec��y} amounts that derive from <br /> �or m��ht be character�zed as} a portion of Barrovver's�aymen�s for Mor�gage�nsurance, in�xchange for <br /> sharzng or modYfying the mar�gage znsurer's risk, or reducing�asses. If such agreement pro�ides�ha�an <br /> af��ia���f Lfender�akes a share of the insur�r's risk in exchange for a share of�he prem�ums paid to the <br /> insurer, the arrangement is often fermed "cap�i�re reir�surance." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any such agreements w���not affect the amaunt�that Borrov�er has agre��ta pay far Martgage <br /> Insurance, or any ather term�of the Loan. Such agre�ment.�wili nat xn�rease th�amount <br /> Borrower w��I owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they wil�not entitiQ Borrower to any r�fund. <br /> �b} Any such agreements w���not affect the r�ights�orrower has-��f any-with r�sp�t to th� <br /> Mortgage Insurance under the Homeowners Protect�on Act of 1998 or any other law, These r�ghts <br /> may include the right to rece��e c�rta�n disclosures, ta request and vbtain cance��at�on of the <br /> Mar�gage In�urance, to ha�e the Mar�gag�Insurance term�nate�l aut�matically, andlor ta r�i�e <br /> a refund af any�Vlvrtgage Insurance premiums that were unearned at th�time of such <br /> cancel.lation vr term�natxan. <br /> 'I 7. Ass�gnrnent af tlliisce�lane�us Proceeds� Forfeiture. A�� Miscellaneous Praceeds are hereby ass�gned�o <br /> and shaii be pa�d ta L�nder. <br /> �f�he�'roper�y�s damaged, such Miscellan�ous Proc�eds shall be appX�ed tQ res�orat��n or repair of�he <br /> Proper�y, �f the res�orat�an or repa�r is economical�y fea�ib�e and Lender's s�cur��y is not�essen�d. Dur�ng <br /> such repa�r and restorati�n per�od, Lender sha11 have�.e right to h�Id such Mi�cellaneaus Praceeds unt�� <br /> L.�nd�r has had an oppor�unity ta inspec�such Proper�y�o ensure the vvork has been comp�e�ed ta Lender's <br /> N�BRASKA-S�ngle�ami[y-Fa�nie Mael�rec�die Mac UNIFaRM INSTRUMENT Fflrm 3028 i 103 <br /> VMP� VMP6tNEy ti�QZy <br /> Walters Ktuwer Financial 5sr�i�es Page 9 af�7 <br />