<br /> [3EED DF TRUST � �
<br /> Loan No: ����73'14� {Continued} Page �
<br /> Trust in the real property reco�ds, Lender may, at any �ime and withau� �urther au�horizafiion fram Trustar, �ile
<br /> executed counterparts, capies or reproductians ❑f �his Deed ❑� Trusfi as a fiinancing statemen�. Trus�or shall
<br /> reimburs� Lender-fvr a�� expenses incurred in per�ecting or continuing this security interes�k. lJpon de�Fault, Trustar
<br /> shall nvt rema�e, se�er or de�ach �he Persanal Praper�y from the Property. Upon de�ault, Trus�vr shall assemble
<br /> any Persona� Praperty not a��ixed t❑the Proper�y in a manner and at a p�ace reasonably cvnWenien�to Trustar and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ailak��e fi❑ Lender within three �3� days after receipt ❑f written demand �rom L�nder �o the
<br /> exten�permitted by appfi�able law.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trus�or {deb�or} and Lender �secured party} firom which informativn
<br /> can�erning the s�curity in��rest granted by�this �3eed o�Trust may be ❑bta�ned {each as required by the Unifarm
<br /> Commercial Gvde} are as sfiated on the fiirs�page ofi�his fleed o�Trus�.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The �ol�owin� pro�isivns rela�ing to further assurances and
<br /> afitorney-in-fact are a part❑��his ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Fur�her Assurances. At any�ime, and fram time to time, upan reques� af Lender, Trustor rrvill make, execute and
<br /> de�i�er, or wii� cause ta be made, executed vr delivered, ta Lender ar to Lender's designee, and when reques�ed by
<br /> Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, r�filed, ❑r rerecorded, as the case may be, at such times and in such vffices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem apprvpriafie, any and a!I such mortgages, deeds of trus�, securi�y deeds, security
<br /> agreements, �inancing s�a�ements, continua�ion s�a�emen�s, instruments af �ur�her assuran�e, �erti�icates, and
<br /> o�her documents as may, in fihe sole opinion of Lender, be ne�essary or desirable in ❑rder�o e�fec�uate, comple�ke,
<br /> perfeG�, c�ntinue, ar preser�e {'�� Borr�wer's and Trus�or's ❑�ligations under the No�e, �his �eed ❑f Trust, and
<br /> the Rela�ed Documen�s, and ��� �he liens and security in�eres�s created by this I��ed ❑f Trust an the Praperfiy,
<br /> whe�ther now awned or hereafter acquired hy Trustor. Unless prohibi�ed by law ❑r Lender agrees t❑�he con�rary in
<br /> writing, Trus�or shall reimburse Lender�or af[ casts and expenses incurred in connecfian with�he matters re�erred
<br /> t❑in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney�in-Fact. ��F Trus�or€ails to do any o��he things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lende�-may do so
<br /> �or and in the name of Trus�or and at Trus�or's expense. For such purposes, Trustar herelay ir-re�ocab�y appaints
<br /> Lender as Trus�ar's a��arney-in-�act�vr the purpose vf making, exe�uting, deli�ering, filing, recording, and doing.all
<br /> o�her �khings as may be necessary ar desirable, in Lender's sole opFnion, ta accamp�ish �he ma�ters referred �o in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RN[ANCE. lf gorrower and Trus�or pay al� the lndebtedness, inc[uding withou� lim�ta�ivn all future
<br /> ad�ances, when due, terminates the line v� credit, and Trusto� �therwise per��rms all the obligations imposed upvn
<br /> Trustor und�r�his Deed af Trus�, Lender shall execute and deli�er�a Trus�ee a �-equest�ar ful� recon�eyance and shall
<br /> execute and de�iWer to Trustor suitabfe sta�ements of termination o�F any financing statement❑n�ile e�idencing Lender's
<br /> security in�erest En the Rents and �he Pe�svnal Properfiy. Any recon�eyance fee required by law shall 1ae paid by
<br /> Trus�ar, i�permitted by applicab�e law.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Ea�h of the follawing, at Lender's aptivn, shall c�nsti�ufe an E�en� ❑� De-�aul� under this Deed
<br /> o�Trust:
<br /> Payment De�aulfi. 6orrawer fails to make any payment when du� under fihe )ndebtedness.
<br /> ❑ther Defauifis. Barrawer or Tr-usfiar fails t❑ comply wi�h or ta per�arm any ❑fiher �erm, obiiga�ion, co�enant ❑r
<br /> condition contained in�h�s Deed of Trus�❑r in any ❑f the Re�ated I�ocumen�s or to cvmp�y wsth or to perform any
<br /> �kerm, ❑bligat��n, caWenant or candifiivn con�ained in any o�her agreement between L�nder and Borrow�r ar Trusfiar.
<br /> Compliance De�Fautt. Failure �o camply wi�h any other term, obligativn, ca�enant vr canditi�n cantained in this
<br /> Deed❑�F Trust,the No�e or in any af�he Rela�ed Do�umen�s.
<br /> De�au��on�ther Paymen#s. Failure of Trusta�w�thsn the�ime required by this Deed ❑�f Trust to make any payment
<br /> for�axes or insurance, ❑r any other payment necessary t❑ pre�en�t#i�in� of❑r to effect discha�ge of any li�n.
<br /> False 5�atements. Any wa�ranty, representafiion or statemen�made or turnished�❑ Lender by 6o��-ower ar Trustor
<br /> ❑r on 6vrrawer's ❑r Trus�or's beha��.under this ❑eed ❑�Trus� ❑r the Rela�ed Do�uments is #a�se or misleading in
<br /> any material respect, either now or at �he time made vr furnished or becomes �a[s� or misleadin� at any time
<br /> thereaf�er.
<br /> Defec�ive �ollateralizat�on, This ❑eed v� Trust v�- any v� the Related Documen�s �eases t❑ be in fu�� force and
<br /> effect �including �a�lure o� any co[lateral documen��o crea�e a valid and perfected security infierest vr lien� at any
<br /> time and for any reasvn.
<br /> lnso[r►�ncy. The dissolu�ion ar�ermina�kion�f B�rrower's ❑r Trustvr's exis�ence as a going business,�he insol�ency
<br /> af Bvrrawer o�- Trus�or, the appointment ❑# a recei�er for any �art of Barrow�r's ❑r Trustor's prvperty, any
<br /> assignmen� for �he benefit ❑��credit�rs, any type ❑fi credifivr wvrkout, or the commencement o� any praceed�ng
<br /> under any bankrup�cy ar insol�ency laws by❑r against Borrower�r Trusto�-.
<br /> Creditor or For�eiture Proceedings. Commen�ement of foreclosure �r for�ei�ure proceedings, whether by �udicial
<br /> proceed�ng, self--help, �-eposs�ssion ❑r any other method, by any creditor o� Borrower o�- Trus�or ❑r by any
<br /> ga�ernmental agency agains� any property securing �he Indebtedness. This includes a garnishmen� of any of
<br /> gorrower's or Trusfia�-'s ac�vunfis, in�luding depvsit accoun�s, with Lender. H�we�er, �h�s E�ent o�f l�e�fau�t shall
<br /> � not apply if there is a ga�d fai�h dispute by Borrower or Trustor as ta the �alidi�y or reasonableness ❑fi the ��aim
<br />