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i <br /> � ��14��597 <br />� �3EED DF TRUST <br /> Lvan No: "i�'i�73"�49 �Contlnued} Page � <br />, WARRANTY C�EED FILED 1N THE REGISTER DF DEE�]S �FFICE AS ❑�CUMENT N�. <br />� 94�'1�291�. <br />� <br />� The Real Prvperty �r its address �s commvnly knvwn as 9�8 N H�11VAR�3 AVE Sll1TE ���, <br />' GRAND ISLAND, NE �ggD�. <br /> CR�55-C�LLATERALlZATI�N. ln addition to the Note, this Deed ❑f Trust secures a�l obligafiians, deb�s and I�abilities, <br />� plus interes� therevn, oi` either Trusfior ❑r gorrower to Lender, ar any one or more af them, as well as all cIaims by <br /> Lender against Borrower and Trustor or any one or more ❑f�hem, whe�her now exis�ing ❑r hereaf-ter arising, whe�her <br /> rela�ed vr unrelated t❑ the purpose �f �he Nvte, whether ��lun�ary ❑r vfherwise, whe�her due ❑r nat du�, direct or <br /> , <br />; indirecfi, de�ermined ar unde�erm�ned, alasolu�e or contingent, liquidated or unliquidated, whether Borrvwer o�- Trustor <br /> may be liable indi�idua��y ❑�- joint4y wi�h ❑thers, whether olaligated as guarantor, sure�y, accommada�kion party or <br /> ofiherinrise, and whe�her reco�ery upan such amvun�s may 1ae ❑r hereafte�- may became barred by any s�atute of <br /> [imi�a�ians, and whe�her �he ❑bligatian t❑ repay such amaunts may be or hereafter may hecome atherwise <br /> unenfvr�eable. <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. In additivn tv the Nate, this Deed of Trust se�ures all future ad�an�es made by Lender �a <br /> Barrvwer❑r Trusto�-whe�her❑r not the ad�ances are made pursuant t� a �ammitment. 5pecifically, without limitation, <br /> this I�eed vf Trust secures, in additian t❑�the amounts spec��ied in�he Note, ai[ �uture amoun�s Lender in its disc�eti�n <br /> may��an to Borrawer or Trustor,tage�her wi�h all interes��hereon. <br />� Trustv�- presently assigns to Lsnder �also known as Ben�ficiary in �his Deed o� Trus�} al� of Trustor's right, tifile, and <br /> interest in and t� all presen� and future leases of the Properfiy and all Rents from the Praper�y. ln addi�ian, T�ustor <br /> gran�ts ta Lender a Uniform Comme�cial Cade se�urity Fnteres�in the Persona� Praperty and Ren�s. <br /> THIS DEEI] DF TRUST, iNCLUDING THE A551GNIVIENT �F RENTS AND THE SECURITY �NTEREST �N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSaNAL PRDPERTY, �5 GEVEN TD SECURE [A� PAYMENT QF THE INDEBTEDNESS AND {B} PERFDRMANCE �F <br /> ANY AND ALL �6L[GAT1�N5 LJNDER THE N�TE� THE RELATED DDCUMENTS, AND TH1S ❑EED DF TRUST. TH1S <br />: DEED�F TRUST 15 G1VEN AND ACCEPTED DN THE F�LLQWIN�TERMS: <br /> TRUSTDR'S REPRESENTATIDNS AND VIIARRANTlES. Trusfior warran�s that: �a} this ❑eed o� Trusfi is execu�ed at <br />� Bvrrower's reques� and not a��he request o� Lender; {b} Trustvr has �he ful[ power, right, and autharity t� enter infio <br /> �his Deed of Trust and �v hypo�hecate the Pr�per�y; �c} �he pra�isians of this Deed vf Trust do not conflict wi�h, ❑r <br />; �-esul� in a de�ault under any agreement vr vther instrument binding upan Trustor and d❑ na� resul� in a �iolation of any <br />, �aw, regulati�n, court decree vr order applicable tv Trustor; {d} Trus�or has established adequa�te means o� obtaining <br /> �rom Barrawer ❑n a con�inu�ng basis �nfivrmation about B�rr-�wer's financial canditi�n; and �e} Lender has made no <br /> representa�ion to Trus�ar about Borrower{inc�uding without limi�a�ion the creditworthiness of Borrawe�-}. <br />� <br />; TRUSTDR'S 1NAlVERS. Trustor wai�es all righfis ❑r de�enses arising by�easvn v��any "on� action" or "ant�-d��iGiency" <br /> law, ar any a�her law which may pre�en�t Lender from bringing any ac�ion agains� Trustvr, including a claim -�or <br /> de�iciency�o the exten� Lender is o�herwise enti�led �o a c�aim �vr deficien�y, before or afker Lender's cvmmencemenfi <br />. ❑r compl�tivn of any fivre�lvsure acfiion, ei�her�udi�ially vr by exercise of a pawer af sale. <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Except as otherwise pro�ided in fihis Deed of Trust, Borrawer and Trus�or shall pay�o <br /> Lender- all lndeb�edness secured by �his Deed of Trust as it becames due, and Bor�-�wer and Trustor shalf s�rictly <br />: perfarm all their respecfii�e❑bliga�ions under the Nofie,�his Deed of Trus�, and the Relafied Documents. <br /> P�55ES51�N AND MAENTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Borr-ower and Trustvr agree �hat Borrower's and Trustor's <br /> possession and use af�he Property shal� �e go�ern�d by the�a�lowing pra�isions: <br /> Possession and Use. Un�il the v�currence v� an E�ent ❑-� ❑efau[fi, Trustor may �1} remain 3n possess�on and <br /> control of the Proper�y; (�} use, operate or manage the Proper'�y; and 43� co�l����he Ren�s from the Property. <br />� Du�y to Ma�ntain. Trustor sha[I main�a#n �he Property in fienantable condifivn and promp�ly per�arm all repa�rs, <br /> replacemen�s, and maintenance necessary fi❑ preser�e i�s�alue. <br /> Compliance 1Nith En�ironmenta� Laws. Trus�ar represen�s and warrants �❑ Lender�ha�k: �'€} During the per�od vt <br /> Trus�or's owne�rship of the Prvperty, there has been no use, generation, manufacture, storage, treatmen�, disposai, <br /> release or �hreatened release af any Hazardous Substance by any persvn ❑n, under, about or from the Property; <br /> �2} Trustor has no knowledge of, or reasvn t❑ belie�e �ha�there has laeen, excep� as pre�iously dis�losed to and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writEng, �a} any breach or �iolativn of any En�ironmen�al Laws, {b� any use, <br /> genera�ivn, manufac�ure, stvrage, fireatmen�, dispvsal, release ❑r�hrea�ened release ofi any Ha�ardous 5ubstance <br /> vn, under, abvut or from �he Prvperty hy any prior owners vr ❑��upants of the Proper�y, or {c} any a�fiva� or <br /> threa�ened li�kiga�ion ❑r �laims af any kind by any person relating to such matters; and �3} Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed t❑ and acknov�rledged by Lender En writing, �ay neither Trustor nor any t�nan�, con�rac�or, agent vr o�her <br />, autharized user v��he P�oper�y shall use, generate, manufacture, stvre, treat, dispvse ot ar rel�ase any Hazardous <br /> 5ubstance❑n, under, abou�or frvm fihe Proper�y; and (by any such ac�i�ity shall be canduc�ed in �vmpliance with <br /> all applical�le �ed�ral, s�a�e, and loca� �aws, regulatians and ordinances, inc�uding without limitation a�� <br /> En�iranmental Laws. Trusfior authorizes Lender and its agents t� enter upvn fihe Prvperty to make such <br /> inspec�ions and �ests, a�t Trus�or's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate �a de�ermine camplian�e of the <br />� Property wi�h �his sec�ion o�the Desd of Trust. Any inspec�ions �r tests made hy Lender shall be for Lender's <br />