<br /> cons�nt Sha�l ��ot b�uz�reasopabl}�«�ith��eld, ar unl�ss ex��nuat�ng�ircu��s�an�es exis�w���ch are bey�nd Bo�ro��ver's
<br /> c�n�r�].
<br /> 7. Pr�s�rvat�an, Main�ena��ce and PrQtect�on �f the Prop�rty; �ns�ectivn�. ��rxawer shall not destro�,
<br /> dama�;�or i��npa�r�h� Pr�perty, a1low���e Praperty �€�deteriorate ar cc�mmit was�e oY�the Proper�y. '�hether o�•nat
<br /> Barra��er xs residin� ��� the P�operty, Borro��Ter sh�l� mair�tair� �he Property in order�a pr�vent t��e Prope�-ty° �ro�m
<br /> de�eriaratir��,�r decre�sip�jn value due ta i�s candi�i�n. Ur�l�ss if i�determined pursuant�o Sectiai� S t�aat repair�r
<br /> r�s�ora�i�3�� is not ��ono�n�ca��y f�asible, �3a�•z-o��e�• shal� promp���� re�.�air t�e P�•���e�•t�� if dan�a�;ed tc� ��oid fi�rt��er
<br /> j deteri�rati��n or dama�e. �f insura��rce or co�tdemna�ion proc�eds a�•e paid in connec�ian�vit��dama�e to, or t��e takin�
<br />� o�; the Property, F3c�r�o�ver sh�.�� be responsib�e for repairin� ���- �-estorin����e P�•oper�y on��� if L�e��de�•has reieased
<br /> Iprace�ds for �u��� p�irposes. Iaender�na�d�sburs�p��ceeds�'�r�he repairs and rest�ration i�� a sin�le pay�nent a�• ir�
<br /> a series of progres�pay�n�n��as��ae wo�•k�s co�rtp���ed. �f t��e insuranc�or c�nd�n�anation proceeds are not�ufficic�n�
<br /> �o repair ar�•es�ore the Pr�per�y, I3orro�r�i-is na�re�a��ed of�orr�ti��er'�obliga�iol� for the comp�etion of such repair
<br /> ar resYoratTor7.
<br /> L,e��de�-�r its a������nay�r���.��-easonable en�r�e�upon and insp�e�tio��s af the P�-ope�•ty. �f'i�has reason�.ble cause,
<br /> I.ae��der ma��i���pe��tl��interior �3f�h�i�n.provem.ents on�h�Prap�rty. I����d�i•shall�ive Barro��ver na��ce at�he t�me
<br />� of or prior tic� such an inte�-�ar �nspection s��eci#��in�; s�ch reas�n�ble cause.
<br />,
<br /> 8. �3orrawer's Laan Applicatian. �3orrow�r shall �e in defau�� �f, durin� �he l�oan applica�ian pro�ess,
<br /> Bo�-�-�wer or�.ny persox�s or en�i�ies ac�ing at�he dir�c�i�t�.af Bo�-rower or w�th Borrfl�n�ei-'s knovvled�;e o�•cansent ga�e
<br /> ma�eriall}� false, mis�eading, or inaccurate i��farmafio�l or s�atemen�s �a I.�ender �or fail�d to p�•��ide Le��der wi�h
<br /> ma�er�al infa.r�nat�or�� in �anne�:ti�3�� w�ith �he Loan. Mate�•ia� �-epreser�t�.�ions �ncl��de, bu� are no� limi��d �o,
<br /> re�r�senta�ions concernin�Farro��ver's Qcc��panc�af�he Praperty as Borrow�r's pz-incipal �•esidence.
<br /> �. Protect�on of Lender'� 1n�erest i� the �'ro�erty ��d R.igh�s [Jnder th�s S�curit�� lnstrument, if�a}
<br /> Bor�rower fa�ls to pez-form t�e co���na��ts apd a�;�•ee�nents can�ai��ed in this S�c�.�ri� Ins��-uir�ent, ���� t��ere is a le�al
<br /> proce�ding tl�at mig��t si�;ni#ican�i��affec�Lender's inte7-�st in�he Prop�r���a��dlor ri�hts under�his Securi�v Inst�-umer�t
<br /> �such as a proce�ding in��a��krup�cy, probate, for co��de�nn���o�� ar forf�iture, for e��fox•cei�ent of a�ien w��ich ��nay
<br /> a�tain priori�y aver this Secu�-��y instr�imen� or ta enfQrc� Ia�vs o.r reg���at�o��s}, or ��} �F3a.rrower has abandoned the
<br /> P2•oper��, the�� �.�ender may da a��d pa�� f�r v��hatever is re�.��na.b�e��• app�•�p.r�����o pr�tec:� i�ender's ir���re�t in the
<br /> P�-o�perty ai�d ri�h�� under�his Secu�•i�� I��s�-un�ent, includ�n� pra�ecti���;a��d1o�•ass�ssii��the Wa�u�of t��e T�rop�r�yr,
<br /> and securing andl�r repai�•�n�;the Prope�•�y. Lender's actians�an include, but are r�ot�imitec�to: �a}payix���ny�L�ms
<br /> s�cu.i-ed b�r a lie�� which has pi-��ritti� a�er this Securi�y Instr��n��n�; ��}a�pearin�; in �ourt; and�c)pay�ng re�saii�ble
<br /> a�torn�ys' �e�s�o protec�irs int�res�����he Pr�p�rt�and,�ar.r��hts u��d�r�l�is Seeur�ty Ins�ru.men�, ii�Glu.di��g i�s sec;ured
<br /> positi�n in a bankruptcv p�•c�Leec�i���. Secu�•ing the Praperty� includes, bu� is na� limi�ed�t�, en�erin�;the Prope�•�y to
<br /> �nake r�pairs, chai��e�ocks, r�place or board up doors a��� ���indow�, drain wa���•fi•om pipes, zl��ni��ate buildin.� or
<br /> other c�de�i�lations or dan��raus ca��di��ons, anc�ha�e u�il��ies turned.an or a#�. A�tho�.��h Lender�nay take actian
<br /> unde��th is S���io��9, t.lender does no���a�ve to d�so and is not under any duty� or obl i�a��a�� �o do s�. ��is agreed�hat
<br /> Lend�r incu.rs po iiabili�y for not�akin� an}� or al1 ac�i�ns�authori�ed �.�nder���is Sectio�7 9.
<br /> An�a���oun�s disb�.�rsed�y I.�ender��nd�.r this S�c�io�9 s��all becarr�e add��ional debt af`l3orrow�r se�u�•ed by�his
<br /> Sec��rity ir�s��•u�n�r�t. T��rese amaunts �ha�l b�a�-inte.rest at�h��otz rate fram �he da�e�f disbu�-seme��t d��d shall be
<br /> payab�e, v►rith such in�eres�, up�n no��c� f�-�m Len�er to BQrrc���er re�u�stip�payr��en�.
<br /> If����s Sec�trity Ir�s��•u�nen� is on a ��aseholc�, Bor.ro��ver shali �amp�� w�ith ail the p�•o�isions o�`the lease.
<br /> Barrower shaii����surret�der����l�asehold esta�e an�in���•es�s he�•ein con�•eyed or tern�ina�e or can�el the�rou��d lease.
<br /> �BorrovUer shal� no�, ��it��o�.�� th� express v►rritten consen� Qf Laex��er, alte.r or ar��e�ad the ��-ou��d lease. Zf�3or�-ower
<br /> acauires f�e�i�le to �he�Proper�yr, �he�easehold and��ae fe�tit�e shall pc�t rner�e unles� I�ender��rees�o t��� �ner�er
<br /> in v�r��in�.
<br /> �.a. Mortgage Insurance. If I.lender�•equired Ma�-t�a�e I��surance as a condition of maki����he�.�aan,�c�rror�ve�-
<br /> shal i pa�r tihe prerniu.ms required to maintain �he ��rtgabe Insurance iri effect. If, for an� reasa��, �he Mar�ga�e
<br /> ��su�•ance caverage�•equired b��Laender ceases to be a��.ilable fi-a�n�he mor�ga�;e insurer that preWic�usly provided such
<br />, .
<br /> lnsurance and Bnrrower vva5 rec�u ir�d�a m ake �epara��ly desi��a�ed paym�nts�oward the prem�um s or M ort�a�e
<br /> insu�-ance, �3c��•�•o�e�• shall pay ���e p.remiurns required t� Qbtain co�e�•a�e substa�a��all�� �c�u��aien� to �he Mor�bage
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Famify--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT - MERS D�c�llag�c _ � _ �
<br /> Form 3U28 �1�� Page � o� �� www.docmagic.�orn
<br /> . .
<br /> s
<br />