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��14��S1S <br /> ful� af all sums secured by th�s Security �ns�rument. Hawe�er, this �pt�on shall not be exercised by Lender if <br /> exercise is proh�b�ted by federa� �aw as of�he da�e of th�s Secur��y�ns�ru�nent. <br /> If Lender exercises �h�s aption, Lender sha�l �ive Borrower no�ice Qf a�ce�erat�on. The notice shail prov�de a <br /> per�fld of nat I�ss than the m�nimum number of days establ�shed by Applicable Law from the da�e the no�ice �s <br /> delivered or ma�led �v��hin which Barrawer n�ust pay a�l sums secured by �his Security Ins�ru�nent. �f Sorrower <br /> faiis �� pay these sums �riar�� the expira�ion of th�s peri�d, L�nder rnay �nvflke any remedies p�rmitted by this <br /> Security�nstrumen�vvi�h�u�fur�her notice�r de�nand�n Borraw�r. <br /> Borro�ver's Righ� �� Reins�a�e. �f B�rrower meets cer�ain �ondxtians, Borrower sha�l ha�e the �ri�h� to ha�e <br /> �nfo�rc�ment of this Secur�ty �ns�r-ument discantinued a� any time prior to the earl�er of: �a} S days �or such o�hex <br /> period as Applicab�e Law may specify far re�nsta�emen��before sale of�he Pr�per�y pursuan�to any power of sale <br /> con�ained �n thxs Security �ns�rument; or �b� en�ry of a jud�ment enfarcin� �h�s Security Instrumen�. Those <br /> conditions are �hat Barrflwer: �a} pays Lend�r a1� sun�s which then wauld be due under this Securi�y Ins�rum�n� <br /> and the Cantract as if na acce�eration had accurred;�b�cures any defau�t af any�ther c��enan�s or a�reements; �c) <br /> pays aI�expenses �ncurred in enforcing this Security Instrumen�, �nc�udin�,but nflt li��ted t�, reasonable at�arneys' <br /> fees ta the extent permitted by �aw; and �d�takes such act�on as Lender may reasonab�y requir�ta assure�ha��he <br /> �ien of�h�s Security �nstrument, Lender's ribh�s in th� Property and Borrovver's ob�i�ation to pay�he sums secured <br /> by th�s Security Instrumen� shal� continue unchan�ed. �p�n re�nstatement by B�rr�wer, �his Secu�•i�y Ins�rument <br /> and �he ob�iga��ons secured hereby sha�� �-emain ful�y effe��ive as if n� ac�elera�ion had occur�red. H�we�er, this <br /> ri�ht�o r�ins�ate shal�no�app�y �n the case of aG�eleration under�he section titled Transfer of�he Proper�y or a <br /> Benef���al Interest in Borrawer. <br /> Hazardous Substances. Borrovver shal�na��ause or per�ni�the presence, use, disposal, stora�e, ar release of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�anc�s on or in the Properry. Barr�wer shali not da, nor allow any�ne else to d�,anything affec�zn� <br /> �he Praper�y that is ir� viola�ian �f any Er�vironrnental Law. The precedin� two sentences shall not apply �o the <br /> presence, use,or s�rorage on�he Property of sma�l quantities of Hazardflus Subs�ances�hat are�enerally reco�nized <br /> tQ be appr�pr�ate�a normal res�dential uses and to mazntenance�f�he Pr�per�y. <br /> Borrower shal�pramp�iy�i�e Lender vvrit�en not�ce of any �nvesti�a�ion, ciaim, d��nand, �avvsuxt ar other action by <br /> any �o�ernmen�ai or re�u�a�ory a�ency or pr��a�e �arty in�a���n� the Proper�y and any Hazardnus Su�s�an�e or <br /> Environmen�al Law of �hich Borrov�er has actual kno�vled�e. �f Borr�wer learns, or is no�if ed by any <br /> �o�ernmenta� or re�ulatary au�hority,�ha�any rema�a� or a�he�r remedia��on of any Hazard�us Substance affec�in� <br /> �he Property �s necessary, Borrovve� shal� pt�on�p��y �ake a�l necessary rem�d�al actians lt7 acco�dance wi�h <br /> Environxnenta�Law. <br /> As used �n this para�raph, "Hazardous Substances" are those substance� defned as �oxxc or hazardaus substan�es <br /> by Enviror�men�al Law and �he fa�lowin� subs�ances: �asfl�ine, �erasene, other flammabl� or �oxic pe�ro�eum <br /> products, tox�c pesti�ides and herbicides, vo�atiie solwen�s, ma�eria�s can�a�n�ng asbestos or farma�dehyde, and <br /> rad�flac�i�e mater�a�s. As used�n this paragraph, "Environn�ental Law"means federal lavvs and �aws of�he s�ate of <br /> Nebraska�ha�relate to health,safety ar environxnental pra�ectian. <br /> Acce�erati�n; Remedies. Lender shall g��e notice to L�rravWer prior �o acce�era��an fol�ow�ng �arrower's <br /> �reach of any co�ena��or agre�men��n �hzs Secur��y �n5trument or the��ntract under vvhich acceIera�ion <br /> is perm�tted (but not prior to acce�eratian u�nder the section ��t�ed Transfer of the Praperty ar a Bene�cia� <br /> Int�res� �n Forravver, un�ess App���ah�e Law prQ��des o�herwise�. The no�ice sha�l spec�fy: €a} the default; <br /> �b� the ac�ian required to cure �he defauZ�; �c� a da�e, no� less �han the minimum numb�r of days <br /> es�ab�ish�d by App�xcahle Law from the date the no��ce �s gx�en to Borrovver, by which the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d} that failure �a cure �he defaul� �n or before �he date speci�ed in the notice may resu�t �n <br /> acce�erat�on of the sums secured by th�s Se�urity �ns�rument and sa�e af the Property. To the ex�ent <br /> permi���d by �aw, �he r�otice�ha�l further inform Bvrrower of�he rxght to reins�ate after accexeration and <br /> �he right�a brir�g a eourt action�o as�ert the nonw�xis�ence af a defau�t or any other defense of Sarrower to <br /> acce�era��an and sale. �f the defauI� is no� cured on �r before �he da�� spe��f�ed �n �he not�ce, Lender a� xts <br /> op�ion may require immediate paymen� in full of ail sums secured by �his Secur�ty Instrumen� wi�h�ut <br /> further demar�d and may �n�oke �h� pow�r of sale and any ath�r rem�d�e� perm�tted by Appl�cab�e Lavv. <br /> T� the ex�ent pQrmxt�ed �y law, Lender shall be entitled to col�ect al� expenses in�urred zn pursuina �he <br /> remed�es pra��ded �� this Secti�n, inc�udinb, �ut nn� l�mi�ed to, rea5onable a��orneys' fees and cos�5 of title <br /> ��idence. <br /> �f the power of sa�e is in�oked,Trus�ee shall reCord a notice af defaul� in ea�h caunty �n which any par� af <br /> �he Praperty is tflcated and sna[� max� �opies af such not�ce �n �he manner prescri�ed by App�irab�e Law to <br /> Barrower and to the other persons pr�scr�bed by App�ica�I� Law. Af�er the ��me required by Appl�cahle <br /> Law, Trus�ee �ha�l g��e public no�i�e of saIe ta the persans and �n the manner pre��r�bed by App�icab�� <br /> Law. Truste�, without demand on Borrawer,shail s�il the Proper�y at public auc�ian �a the h�ghest bidder <br /> at�he�xme and p�ace and under�he�erm5 des�gnated �n the no��ce af sa�e in an�or m�r�parce�5 and in an� <br /> order Trustee de�ermin�s. Trus�ee may pQs�pane �a�e of a�� or any parce� of the Prap�rty by public <br /> announceme�t at�he time and plac� of any pre��ously scheduled sal�. Lender�r i�s des�gnee may purchase <br /> �he Property a�any sa�e. <br /> Upon r�ceip� of payment of�he price bid, Tru�tee sha�Z deZ��er �o the purchaser Truste�'s de�d c�n�ey�nb <br /> the Proper�y. The recitais in the Trus�ee's deed shall b� �rima facie eWidence �f�he truth af�he s�atements <br /> made �here�n. Truste� shal� app�� the proceeds o�' the sale in the faliowing order: (a} �o all cos�s and <br /> exp�nses �f exerc�s�ng the po�ver af sale, and �he sa�e, �ne�udin� the Payment �f the Trustee's fees actua�l� <br /> �?�04-'�a I�Campliar�ce Syster��s,inc.8EB3-CC3G-2�13L�.O.E 1.7�2 <br /> C�i�sumer Real�sta�e-Security Instc•um�nt DL2�3G �'a�e 4��'S�Y��liar�ces_yster�is.cvm <br />