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� ��14��51� <br /> [3EE�3 �F TRU�T <br /> L�an iV�: ������57� ����$��7u�d� �age � <br /> P��SESSI�N AIIID 1V��4�NTEiVANCE QF THE PR�PE��'Y', Borrower and �rustor agree �ha� E��rrower`s and Trus�or's <br /> possessivn and use of the Proper�y sha�i be go�erned by�h���llvwing pro��s�ons; <br /> �'ossessi�n �nd( Lls�. �nt�� the accurrence o� an Event �� �e�au[t, Trus�or r�ay �1� rer�ain in possession and <br /> control o�t�e Prc�pert�� 42} use, vperate or manage�he Prop�rty; and �3� co�lect�he Ren�s�rom the Prvperty. <br /> Du�y to itilia�ntain, Tr�stor shall main�ain �he Proper�y rn good condi�ion and prvr�nptly perform a[[ repa�rs, <br /> �ep�acernents, and main�enance necessary�fl prese�ve its�a[ue. <br /> GompIiarace 1Nith En�ironmental Laws. Trustor represen�s and �rvarrants �o Lender that: ��� Durin� �he period v� <br /> Trustor's ownership of the P�operty,there h;as been n❑ use, generation,manu�acturer s�ora�e,trea�men�f disposa�, <br /> release o��hreaf�ned re��-ase o� any Hazardous Subs�ance by any pers�n on, under, about vr from �he Property; <br /> ��� Trustv� has n� knowledge of, or reason �o believe tha�there has been, except as previousiy d�sclosed to and <br /> acknow�edged by Lender En vrrri�ing, {a} any breach or vivlation o� any Environrr�en�al Laws, {b} any use, <br /> generafi�on f manufacture, storage, �reatment, d�sposal, release o�threa�tened re[ease �� any Ha��rdous Substance <br /> �n, under, �bo�t or �rQm fihe Prvperty by any pr�o� �v►rners �r occupar�ts of �he Prope_r�y, vr �c� any actua[ or <br /> �hreateneci fitiga�iora or claims a� any kind by any �erson re�at�ng to such ma��tersf and �3� E�cep� as pre�rious[y <br /> d€scCosed�o and ac�nov�rledged by Lender ir�vtirriteng, {a} neither Trustor n�r any t�nan�, contractor, agen�or o�he�- <br /> authorized user o��he Proper�y shall use, generate, manu�acture, store, treat, dispose of or r��ease a�y�--l�zardous <br /> Subs�ance onF under, about or€rom the Prvperty; and �b} an�r su�h ac�i��ty shall be conducted in comp�'rance with <br /> aI! applicah�e �edera[, sta�e, and [oca[ �aws, regulat��ns and vrdinances, inc.luding withaut �imita�ion al� <br /> En�ironmenta� Laws. Trustar au-�horizes Lender and i�s agen�s t� en�er upan the Proper�y to make such <br /> inspect�ons and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine �ompliance of �he <br /> Prvperty wi�h this sect�on of�he Deed o�Trust. Any inspectivns ❑r tests made by Lender sha[I be for Lende�'s <br /> purposes on[y and sha11 not be �ons�rued to cr�ate any respvnsibili�y or iiabi[ity on the part o�Lender to Trus�or or <br /> to any�-ther personr The �-epresentativns and warrant��s Con�ained herein are based on Trus�or's due diligence in <br /> inves�iga�ing the Property�o� Ha�ardvus SubstanGes. Trusto� hereby {1} re�eases and wai�es any�uture claims <br /> against Lender -�or indemnity or cvntribu�ivn in the e�en�Trustor becomes fiahl� for cieanup or �ther costs under <br /> any such [aws; and ��� agrees�o indemni�y, de�end, and �o�d harm[ess Lender against any and af[ clair�s, �osses, <br /> fiabilities, dama�es, �enalties, and expenses which Lende�rr�ay directly or indirectly sustain or suff�r resulting frvm <br /> a breaGh o�this sectson of the �ee� of Trus� or as a consequence o� any user ge�e�atfon, manu�act�re� storage, <br /> disposa�, release vr threatened release oceurring prio�ta Trus�o�-'s�wnership or inte�est in the Prvp�rty, rrvhe�he��r <br /> nv� the same was or shou[d �ave b�en known fio Trustor. The provisions o� �his se��ion o� the ❑eed af Trust, <br /> including�he abliga�€on to indemni�y and defend,shall su�-�i�e the payment ofi�he [ndebtedness and�he sa�isfaction <br /> and recon�ey�nce o�the lien of�his Deed af Trust and shall not be aff�cted by Lender's acquisition v�any interesf <br /> in fihe Propsr�y,whe�kher by forec�.osure or�therwise. <br /> Nuisance� Waste. Trus�or sha[C no� cause, conduc� or permit any nuisance nor cflmmit, perm�t, or suffer any <br /> stripping of or waste on or to the P�operky or any por�tion vf the Property. 11Vithaut fimi�ing the genera���ty o��he <br /> �roregving, Trustor wil� no� remv�e, vr grant to any v�her parfiy the rsght ta remo�e, any timber, m�nera[s �inc[uding <br /> oil and gas}, caa[, clay.scoria,soil,gra�ei vr roc�products wi�hout Lend�r's prior wri�ten consent. <br /> Remo�a!vf I�nprov�men�s. Trustor sha[[ not demv�Esh or remv�e any Impro�ements fr�m the Real Properry withvut <br /> Lender's prior written cansent. As a condi�ion�a the removal at any lmpro�emen�s, Lender may require Trus�or�o <br /> rriake arrangements satisfactory to Lender to repface such improvements wi�h lmprv�emen�s of at least equal <br /> �a1ue. <br /> Len�srps Righ�tv IEn�er. Lender and Lender's agents and representa�i�es rnay enter upon �he �ea� �roper�y at af[ <br /> reasvnable times to at�end �o Le.nder's in�ere�ts and �o inspect �he �eal Property for purpvses of Trustar`s <br /> cvmp[ian�e w��h the terms and conditions o�this Deed of Trust. <br /> Gornpiianc� wi�h GoWernmental �equirements. Trus�or shall promp-�ly camply with a[[ [aws, ord�nances, and <br /> r�gu�atEons, now or hereafter in �ff�ct, o� a[[ governmentai authari�ies applicable tv th� use or occupancy v� th� <br /> Prvpe�ty. Trustor may contest in good�ai�h any su�h [aw, ordinance. ❑r regulation and vvithhold comp�ian�e during <br /> any proceedingr inc[uding appropriate appeal:s, so long as Trus�or has notified Lender in writing prior�o doing so <br /> and so ��ng as, in Lender's sflle vpinion; Lender's �nteres�s in the Prvperty are nvt jeopardEzed. Lender may require <br /> Trustor to pvst adequate security or a surety bond, reasonably satis�actory�o Lender�to prots��Lender's interest. <br /> Duty#v Prote�t. Trus�ar agr��s neither ta a4andvr� �r �ea�e unattended the Property, Trustor shaf[ da al� ather <br /> ac�s, in additifln�o those acts se��arth aba�e in t�is sec�ion.which frarn�he cha�acter a�d use of fihe Pr�per�y are <br /> reasonab�y necessary fio protect and preserve�he Property. <br /> DUE DN SALE-CaNSENT BY LENDE�, Lender may, a�Lender°s ap�ivrt, declar� immedia�e[y due and payable al� surns <br /> secured by this Deed of Trust upvn the sa�e or��ans�er, wifif�ou� Lend�r's privr v�rrit�en consent, o�a�� vr any par�o�the <br /> F�eaf Property, or any in�erest in th� �eal Proper�y. A "sale or�rans�er" means the c�nveyance of F�eal Prvperty or any <br /> �igh-t, ti�l� or interest in the Real Property; whether [egafr bene€icia� or equi-�abler whether volun�ary ar in�aluntaryr <br /> whe�her by autright saie, de�d, Enstallment saie contrac�t, �and cvntrac�, cvn-�rac� �for deedr leasehaCd in�erest with a <br /> �e�m greater than three �3� years, [ease-optivn con�rac�, or by sale, assignmen-�r or�rans�er��any bene��ciaC interest in <br /> ar to any Iand �rust ho[ding tit�e�o �he fteal Property, ar by any other method of con�eyance �f an interest in �he Real� <br /> Property. However, this �ption shal� not be ex�rcised by Lender if su�h exercise is prohibi�ed by federal law or by <br /> Nebraska law. <br /> TAXES AND L�ENS. The fvllow�ng prv�isivns re[a�ing to �he taxes and 1_iens on the Proper�y are part �f this Deed of <br /> Trus�; <br /> Paymen#, T�ustor shaC1 pay when du� �and in al:I e�ents prior to delinquency} afi tax�s,specia[faxes, assessmenfis, <br /> charges ��nc�uding water and sewer�r �ines and �mpvsiti�ns levied aga'rnsfi ar on accaun�of�he Praperty, and sha�� <br /> pay wh�n due all cfaims for work done on or fvr ser�ices rendered or mate�ial �urnished to �he Praperty. Trustor <br /> sha[f ma�ntain the Prvperty free of aii I€ens ha�ing priority ove�or equaf to the in�erest v�Lender under this Deed o� <br /> Trustr except �or �he �ien vf ta�es and assessments not due and ex�ept as atherwise pro�ided in this Deed vf <br /> Trust. <br /> Right to Cantest, Trustar may withhold payment o�any tax, ass�ssment, vr cla�m in connectinn with a good�aith <br /> dispu�e vver the obligation�a long as Lenderr5 interes�in the Property'rs nofi jeopardized. lf a lien arises or <br /> �s filed as a resu[t of nonpayment, Trus�or shalf wi�hin �ifiteen ��5} days a��er the [ien arises or, if a Iien is filed, <br /> within fifteen {15} days after Trus�o�- has notice of�the filing, secu�e �he disGharge a�the �i�n, or if requested by <br /> Lender,deposit virifih Lender cash or a su�ficient corporate surety bond or ather securrty satis�actory�o Lender in an <br /> amount suffrcient�o discharge the lien plus any cas�s and attorneys' �EESr or other charges �hat could accru� as a <br /> �esu1-�of a foreclosure or sale under�he �ien. [n any evntest,Trustor sha�[ de�end �tse[f and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any adv�rse�udgmen��e�ore en�orcemen�against�he Prvperty. Trustar shaf I name Lender as an add�tiona[ ob��gee <br /> under any surety bond�urnished in the contes�proceedings. <br /> E�riden�e of Payment. Trus�or sha[f upan demand �urnish to Lend�r satisfactory evidence of paymen�q��he tax�s <br /> or assessments and shaf[ auth�rize the apprvpriate gouernmen�al of�icia[to deli�er to Lender a� any t�m� a written <br /> sta�ement of�he taxes and assessments agains��h� Property. <br /> Not��e of ConstrucfY�n, Trustar sha[[ natify Lender a�leas���fteen t'!�� days before any work is commenced, any <br /> ser�ices are �urnished, or any materia[s are supp[ied to �he Proper-�y, if any mechan�c's lien, materialmen's lien, vr <br />