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��14��795 <br /> B. AII futur� advances fr�m Bene�"ic�arSr �a Trustor ar nther f��ur� o�li�atio�s of Trustor to Beneficiary und�r any <br /> pror�ussory nate, contract, guaranty, or ��her e��den�e of deb� e�ecu�ed b� Trus�a� �n favor of Benefi��ary executed <br /> after this S�curitsr �ns�rument v�he�her or not thi� Secur�t�r ��st�ument is sp�c��'�c�.ly referenced. rf more �han one <br /> ' ' r r s h' Securit Ins�rumen�vvill se�ure a�.I fu�ure advances <br /> person slgns thls Secur�ty Instrument, each Trusto ag ee that t �s � <br /> and future a�l�gations �hat are gi�en ta or incurre�i b� any ane ar more �ru�stor, ar any one or more Trustor and <br /> o�h�rs. All future a�vances and o�her future obliga�i�r�s are s�cux�d �y this Secur�ty �nstrumen� e�en thaugh a�� ar <br /> parx may not yet be advanced. A11 fu�re a�vances �nd ath�� �ture�bligations are secured as if made on�h�date of <br /> th�s Securx�� �nstrum�n�. No�hing �n �h�s Securi�� I�st�n��.t sha�� const�tute � comm�itment ta,make additional �r <br /> future laans or advances in any amou.x��..A�y su��i c������t r�t�st be agr�d�o in a separate wr�t�ng. . <br /> C. All obi�ga�l�ns Trustor owes to Benef�c��, whi�h ma���ter ar���, �o�h�e�tent not p�ohxblted b�ia�r, includ�ng, bu� <br /> nat��mited to, liabili�ies f�r a�erdrafts relatxng to�y��p o��t accoun�agr��me�t bet�veen Trustor and Benef�c�ary.. <br /> D. Al� add�t�ona.� sums ad�ranced ax�.d ex enses incurred b �Bene�'ici far �nsurin xeservin or a�herwise rotect�n <br /> , p Y �' , �� , � P h g <br /> t h�P r o p e r t� an d�t s�r a l u e a n d a n y o t�e r s u m s a d v a n c e d a n d e�p e n s e s x n c u r r e d b y �n e f i c 1 a r y u n d e r t h e t e r m s o f� s <br /> Security�ns�rument. <br /> This Security �ns�rument wi1� not secure any �ther debt if Benefi�iary fa�ls ta give any required no�ice of th� righ� af <br /> rescission. <br /> 5. PAYMENTS. Trus�or agrees �hat al.� pa�ments under th� Secured Deb� wil� be pai� v�h�n due and in ac��rdance w�th the <br /> ��rms af�he Secured D�b�and�h�s Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> 6. V� Y UF TITLE. Trus��r �varrants tha� Trus�or is ar wi�I b� lawfully seized of the esta�e conveyed b�r this <br /> Se�urity Instrum.en� and has the right to irrevacably gran�, c�nvey, and sell the Praper���o Trustee, in trust, wi�h pavver of <br /> sa�.e. Trus�or a�so warran�s�hat th�Property�s unencumbered, e�cept for encumbranc�s�f record. <br /> 7, PRI�R SECT,TRITY INTERESTS. �1'ith re�ard �a an� other mo�gage, deed af trust, securit� agreement ar o�her l�en <br /> dacument tha�crea�e�a pr�ar security in�erest or�ncuxnbrance on the Praper��, Trus��r agrees: <br /> A. To mak�al.�payments when due and to perform ar c�mply�vith a�1 co�venants, <br /> B. To promp���r deliver to Benef�ciary any no�ic�s�ha�Trust�r recei�es from the holder. <br /> �. No� to allovv an modificat�on or e�tensrnn �f nor ta re uest an future ad�ranC�s under an n��e vr a reement <br /> � , �� q �' �' � <br /> secured by the�ien document w��h�u�Ben��ciary s priar wr�tfien c�nsent. <br /> S. CLAIMS AGAINST TITLE, Trus�or w�11 pay all �axes, assessmen�s, l�ens, encumbrances, 1�ase payments, ground r�nts, <br /> u���i��es, and ather charg�s relating ta the Proper�y when due. Bene�ciary ma� requ�re Trustar tn pravide to Beneficiary <br /> c�pies af a11 not�ces that such amoun�s are due and �he r�ceipts e�ridenc�ng Trustor's pa�ment. Trustor wi11 defend t�t�e to <br /> the Prop�r�� against any claims �ha� wauld impair the lien af this Security �nstrument. Trus�ar agre�s to assign �o <br /> Benef�ctary, as re�u�s��d b�Bene�'icia�`y, any righ�s, claims or defenses �'rus�nr rnay have agains�parties who supply �abar <br /> or ma�erlais to ma�ntaln or improve the Fropert�. <br /> 9. DIJE �N SALE �R ENCUMBRAN�E. Beneficiary may, at i�s optian, declare�he en�ir�balance of the Secured I�eb� ta <br /> be�mmediatel�r due and payable up on the crea�i�n af, transfer�r sa.��.of a�I or any par�of the Pr�perty. This r�ght�s sub�ec� <br /> to th� restr�ct��ns �m ased b federal law 12 �.F.R. 59� as a I�cable. Th�s covenan� sha11 run. �v�th �he Pro er� and <br /> . . P , Y �, , }? ,PP , , � � <br /> shal.�rema�n�n effec�un���the Se�ured Deb�1s paid in full and�h�s 5ecur�ty�nstrumea���s released. <br /> 1�. PR�PERTY C�NDITI�N, ALTERATI�NS AND INSPE�TI�N,.Tru.s�ar wil��eep�he Proper�y in g�od canditian and <br /> make aI�repairs�hat ar�reasonably necessary. Trustvr shal�no�c�rnmlt nr al�ovv a.ny waste, �mpa�rment, or deterloratlon af <br /> �h� Property. Trus�nr vv�ll keep the Praper�y free of noxious v�eeds and grasses. Trustor agrees �ha� the nature of �he <br /> accupancy and use wi11 nat subs�an�ia��y change vvithaut Beneficiary's x�or w��tten c�nsent. Trustar wil� not perm�.t any <br /> �hange in any, res�ri��ive c��venan� or easement w�tho�t Bene �ciary's prior written consent. Trustor wiXl notxf� <br /> Beneficiary af all demands, prvc��dings, claims, and ac�ions against Trustor, an�of any loss or damage to�he Prop�r�y. <br /> Benefxcxary or Benef��iary's agents may, at B�nef�c�ary's option, enter the Property at any r�asonable�ime far �he purpose <br /> of inspect�ng �he Proper�y. Ber�eficxary sha�� g�ve Trustor nnt��e a� �h� t�me of or before an inspection spec�fyzng a <br /> reasonabie purpase for the inspec�ian. Any inspec�ion of��e Proper�y shai�be entirely f�r Benef�ciary's benefit and Trustor <br /> �vill in na�vay rely on Beneficiary's inspec�ian. <br /> 11. AUTH�RITY TU PERF�RM. If Trustor fails to perf�rm any duty or ax�y of the covenants contained in �his Se�urity <br /> �nstrumen�, Beneficiary may, �i�hvu� no�icea perform or cause �hem t� be p�rformed. Trus�or appoints Benef�c�ary as <br /> a��orn�y �n fact �� sign Trus�ar's name or pay any amoun� necessary for perfarmance. Beneficiary's r�ght to perform for <br /> Trus�ar shall na� create an obliga�ian tn perfarm, and Ben�f�ci 's failure to perfflrm�i�� n�� preclude Beneficiary fram <br /> �xercisin an of Benefic� s oth�r ri h�s under the law or th�s�eGur�t Instrumen�. �f an cons ruc� n n h Pr <br /> . . � Y . �Y , � Y Y � �o o t e aper�y�s <br /> dlscantxnued ar nat �arried on �n a reasonable manner Bene�c� ma �ake a11 ��e s n�c�ss to ro�e�� Benefrcl ' <br /> securi in�eres�in�he Pra er� includin com 1et�on of�he cons�r�u i � p � p � S <br /> �Y P Y� � P ct an. <br /> l�. ASSIGNMENT �F LEASES ANI� RENTS. Trustor irrevocably assigns, grants and con�reys, to Trustee, in trust for th� <br /> benef�t of Beneficiary a� additiana.� se�urity a11 �he righ�, ����e and �nterest in the fol�owi�.g �a11 referred �n as Proper�y}• <br /> . <br /> ��xst�ng or futur� leases, subleases, 1lcenses, guarant�es and any other,wr�tt�n ar �erbal agre�ments far �he use and <br /> occupancy of the Prope , �ncluding any ex��nslans, renev�rals, modif�cat�ons or replacemen�s �a�� referred �a as Leas�s}; <br /> and rents, �ssues and pro ��s �a�.� referred to as Rents}. In �he e��n� any �tem I�s�ed as Leases or Ren�s �s de�erm�ned to be <br /> personal�roperty, this Assignment will be regarded as a securit�agreement. Trus�ar will pr�mptl�provid�Beneficiary <br /> �v�th coples of�he Leas�s and w�11 cer�ify these L,�ases are tr�e and carrec��ap�es. The exlst�ng Leases w�11 be pr�vided on <br /> execut�on of the Ass�gnment, and a1I future Leases and any other �nfor.�x�.at�ar�v��th respec�ta �h�se L�ases v�rill be�rav�ded <br /> immed�atexy after they are e�ecu�e�. T�-ustor may collect, recei��, �nj�y and use the Rents so ��ng as Trustor �s not �n <br /> defaul�. <br /> Upan defaul�, Trustor w�ll rece�ve any Rents in �rus� for Be�.eficiary and w�l� n�t con�mingle the Rents vvith any ��her <br /> funds. Trus�or agr�es that this Securi�y�nstrumen�is irnmedia�ely eff��tive be�ween Trustor and Benefxciary and effective as <br /> to thxrd parties on the recording of th�s Ass�gnment. As long as�his Assignm�nt is in�ffec�, Trus��r warrants and represents <br /> that no d�faul�ex�s�s u.nder the L�ase�, and th�pa.r�ies sub,�ec��o the Leases ha�ve n�t�ialated any appl�cable 1av�on leases, <br /> �icenses and landlords and tenan�s. <br /> 13. LEASEHULDS; ��ND�M S; PLANNED UNIT DEV�LQPMENTS. Trus�or agr�es, ta comply. v�ith the <br /> pra�ls�ons of any lease if this Secur�t� �nstru.ment is on a 1eas�hold. If the Pr�perty inc�udes a unit 1n a condarruruum or a <br /> lanned unit devela ment Trustor �v�11 erfarm all af Tru��or's du�ies und�r the coven - <br /> p p , , p ants, by �aws, or regu�a��ans of the <br /> candaminium ar planned u�ut developmen�. <br /> � �page 2 of 41 <br /> � 1994 Wofters Kluwer Finar�cial Ser�ices-Bankers 5ystemsTM �orm RE-OT-NE 121151�00� �1 <br /> VMP�-G"�65tNE� �o�osy <br />