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---.__.___-.. - --- - -- �.. <br /> , .�._ _�.� .•-.;r''N:.•.� • � � -- --- '- �- -- <br /> i � ,4..-. _ ..___ _. � <br /> J-i/s� ---_-- "_ _ — . <br />_. _ .. _ .. . . <br /> __. .. ____ . __ _. _. _ . . _ . . .__ _ _. <br /> 98- ssx�z <br /> Upon receipt ot pWyment ot tbe price bld, �'ruatee ahall deliver to the purcha�r Trusta'R deed canveying the <br /> prpperty. The raltals in the Trwtee'�deed ahali be prima fACle evldence ot the truth of the stAtements mwde therein, <br /> Tn�rtee slud��P�ly the proceeds d Nu swle In the follawin�order: (N) ta�all cost�knd cxpenx�.w ot exercising the powcr of <br /> �le,�nd IMe sale,Includln�the �ymmt of the Trustee's he�xMunlly Incurrcd�not to exceed `� <br /> of the princlpA�amount of t6e note at the time at the decl�ratton af defwult,s�nd�npble attorneys' Pee.s s�s permittctl <br /> by I�w;(b)to qll swa�stcured by lhls Secu�ity Instrument;and(c)any excess to the persun or per.s�ns IegAlly entitled to <br /> it. <br /> 22. Ra:onveyance. Upon payment of �tl sums secured by this Securiiy Insin�ment, Lender shall request rustee to _ <br /> recanvey the PropertY and :h�ll �uRender this 5ecurity Insin�ment and dl notes evidencing debt secured by this Security <br /> Instrument to'truata,Tcuata shall reconvey the Pr�perty wlthout warranty and without charge'�o the person or persons legally _ <br /> entitled ta it.Such person or}xrsons sh�ll pay any recordatton costs, <br /> 23. Substitute Trustee. Lender.�t ita option, may fcom time to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trustee ta <br /> �ny Trusta appointed hereunder by nn instrument recorded in iha county in which this Security Instrument is recarded. Without <br /> conveyana of ihe Properly, the successor tn►stu shull sucead to all the tide,power and cluties conferred upon Trus[ee herein <br /> �nd by applicable law. <br /> Tq, Requqt for Notica. Borcox�er requests that copies of the notias of default and salc bc s�nt to E3orrower's address <br /> which is the Property Address, <br /> 25. Ridera to thts Seeudty Instniment. If one or more riders are ezecu�ed by Borrower and recorded together with chis <br /> Security lnstrument,the covenants and ograments of each such rider shall be incorporated inta and shall amend and suppiement <br /> the covenants and agre�ments of this Security Instn�ment as if the ridor(s�were a paa Uf this Security Instrument. <br /> [Check applicable box(es)] <br /> �Adjustable Rate Ridcr ❑Condominium Rider � 1-4 f�amily Ridcr <br /> [�GraduAt«i Pa,yment Rid�r ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweekly Payment Ridcr <br /> [�Balloon Rider ❑Rate Imptovement Rider 0 Second Home Rider <br /> �VA Rider ❑Othcr(s) (specify] <br /> BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower acr..epts and agras to the terms and covenants contained in this Security Instrument and <br /> in any rider(s)ezecut�d by Borrower and recorded with ic. /�^'� <br /> Witnesses: � �% - -O C�C.� OO..�n...�J (Seall <br /> � � C�,�pN -Borrawer <br /> (Seal) <br /> CHA�8TI2�1E M CP►I.LI►Fil►21 •Borrower <br /> � �(��) l��t��r.� ���.���(Seal) <br /> •Rorrox•er •Botrower <br /> STATE OF NEBkASKA, C.ounty s�: HA�L <br /> The foregoing instrumcnt wu acknowledged before mc this 1 BTH day ofDECE�1BER, 1998 � � <br /> bY �q YIqON� E CALLAHAN ANO �HRISTINE �1 CALLAHAN, HUSBANO AND WIFE, satd unt ,th date aforesaid. <br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal at <br /> My Commission Expires: - ` <br /> Noury Poblic <br /> .��� <br /> �� GEfIEkAI HO'fART•Sbte al HeDqska ' <br /> DONNA L.RUHTER <br /> IyCom�n.Eip. y-1^OCl <br /> • �•6RINE1�e2�2�oi Pepe E of 6 Fam 3028 9/90 <br /> -- t _ ��?'�+' . — — _— � _ <br /> �-fr.�r • '`.T'S : �wt'����- .-"-- . — — — - ._�.__ �...-._ _. <br /> A _ ttt� .>.'-. c:.:,uir ,xC,♦ .�.. �, _ <br /> Y . .. • . ,`. +�^^`a �r'!�'7�,455�':' -- - ---- `°r6��,�� <br /> �)� � ai�rti .xascu�,- <br /> .7�}N�"i� ��,�if^ � -S A .:jJt.4id' � - — ������ <br /> fi . ry` - � - 'i � ._ . _ -_ . _ - __ __ . _ _. <br /> ,� - - - f r v'�T� .._�� �� .�.�-- <br /> C # , . - . . . 1 1/' �NMi`! 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