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-,�.,�'••�.' . .w,R.�l.; _ <br /> , .-,.��,..,_: <br /> - .�, ,� ,,� . �.el.....�,. •y_�.., i'�t <br /> ' ,���. ����i�Gn�°hJ.z+.�Y�1M�:' • �r�rF:�V _"_— �SS" <br /> _ __ ' __ _ ___ .��. . _.. .. . <br />.... ".dfl'i'aeecii.-r=-. <br /> . . ._. . . _ . _. . _.._. . <br /> 98- �'isx�z <br /> TOGETHFR WITH all thc improvements naw or hercaRcr crectcd on thc property, and uil casements, appurtcnanccs, and <br /> t"ixtures now or horeafter a part of thc pr�perty. All rcplascmcnts and additions shall alsa bc cavcrcd hy this Sccurity <br /> Instrutnent. All of ihc forcgoing is rcfcrrcd to in this Sccuriry Instrumcnt as the "Properry." <br /> RORROWER COVENANTS that Borrowcr is lawfully seised af thc estltc hcrcby convcycd and has thc rigln to grant and <br /> convey tlie Propeny and that the Property is unencumhered, cxcept fur cncumbranccs of rcrord. F3orrawer warranls ;�nd will <br /> defcnd generally ttie title to the Property against all claims and demaneis, subject to any cncumbranccs of rccord. <br /> THIS 5ECURITY INSTRUMFNT combines unifonn covenwiu for national use and non-unifann covenants with limited <br /> variuians by jurisdiction to constitute a unifonn security instrument covering rcal property. <br /> UNIFORM COV ENANTS. Dorrower and I.ender covenant and agree as folla�es: — <br /> 1, PAyment of Princlpal end Interrst; Prep�ymenl and l.ate Ch�rg�. Borrowcr shall promptly pay whcn duc thc <br /> principal of and ini�rest on the dcbt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late chargcs duc undcr�hc Notc. <br /> 2, k�nds for Ts�xes wnd Insurance. Subjcct to applicable law o� to a writtcn waivcr by Lender, Borrowcr shall pay to <br /> I.onder on the day manthly payments aic due under the No[e,until rhe Note is paid in full, a surn("Funds")for:(a)ycarly t�xcs <br /> and asscssments which may attain priority ovcr this Security Instn►mcnt as a licn on thc Property;(b)ycarly lcasehold paymcnts <br /> or ground rents on the Properiy, if any;(c)yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; (d)yearly iloocl insurance premiums, <br /> if a��y; (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with <br /> the ptovisions af pzragrapl�B, in lieu of the payment of mongage insurar�ce premiums. These items are called "Escrow Items." <br /> Lender may, at any eime, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exeeed the maximum amount a Icnder for a federally <br /> relattd mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow accoun[ under the federal Real Estate Setdement Procedures Act of <br /> 1974 as amended irom time to timc, 12 U,S.C.Section 2601 er seg. ("RESPA"), unlcss anothcr law that applies to the Funds <br /> sets a lesser amoun[. If so, Lender may, at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exeeed the lesser amount. <br /> l.ender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonsble estimates of expenditures of futurc - <br /> Escrow Items ar oiherwise in accordance with applicable law. <br /> The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits arc insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity <br /> (including L.ender,if I.tnder is such an institution)ar in any Fedcral Homc Laan Bank. Lender shall apply thc Funds to pa}�the <br /> Escrow Items. L.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and appiying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or <br /> verifying the Escrow Itcrns,unlcss Lender pays Borrawer interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> a charge, Howcvcr, Lender may require Borrowcr to pay a onc-timc charge for an independent real estatc tax repotting service <br /> us�d by I..ender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or <br /> applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lcndcr shall not be required to pay Borrowcr any intcrest or earnings on thc Funds. <br /> Borrower and L.ender may agrce in writing, however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds_ Lendcr shall give to Borrower, <br /> without charge, an ar►nual accoun[ing of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> debit to the hunds was mauc.Tne Funds arc piedgcd:u a�iuiii��ia1 secui iiy,vP Al:SL'��„�C:.U�C..a. b�:lz:s S�C[Si�IDSI�S1ST:nnt <br /> If the Funds held by Lender excecd the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, L.ender shall account to 8orrower <br /> for the excess Fu��ds in accordance with thc requiremcnts of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at a�iy <br /> time is not sufficisnt to pay the Escrow Items when due, i..ender may so notify Borrower in writing, and,in such case Borrower <br /> shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary ta make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up�he deCiciency in no more than <br /> twelve monthly payments, at L.ender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by this Security Instrument, L.ender shall promptly refund to Borrowcr any <br /> Funds held by Lender.If, under paragraph 21,L.ender shall acquire or sell the Propeny, Lcnder,prior to thc acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums securecl by <br /> this Security Instniment. <br /> 3.Applicatbn of Payments.Unless appiicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by l.ender under paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to any prepayment charges due under the Note;sacond, to amaunts payable undcr paragraph 2; <br /> third, to interesc due; fourth,tu principal due;and last,to any late chargcs duc under the Notc. <br /> 4. Charges;I.iens. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments,charges, fiues and imrwsitions attributable to the Property <br /> which may attain prlority over this Securi[y Instrument, and Ieaschold pay►nents or ground ren�s, if a+ny. Borrower shall pay <br /> these obligations in tht���provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time directly <br /> to the person owed payment. Horrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to bc paid under this paragraph, <br /> If Ronower makes these payments dircctly,t3orrower shall promptly furnish to Leuder receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Borcower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over!his Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in <br /> writing to the paymcnt of thc obligation sccurcd by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)contests in gaod faith thc licn <br /> by, or dcfends against enforcctncnt of the licn in, legal procccdings which in the Lendcr's opinion operate to prevcnt thc <br />— enforcement of the licn; or(c) secures from the holdcr of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lendcr subordinating the lien to <br /> this Security Instrument. If Lender dctermincs that any part of thc Property is subjcct to a lien which may attain prioriry over <br /> this Security Instmmen[, L,cndcr may give Borrower a noticc idcntifying thc lien. Borrowcr sYiall satisfy the lien or takc onc or <br />= more of the actions set forth above within l0 days of the giving of notice. <br /> — Form 3028 9/90 <br />_ �•6RINE1�s��s�oa Popo 3 0l 0 i��c�a�s- <br />�� ���,,,,,....«--�....,._�_ .. . . : `t.:c� . �•.": , � , =_- <br />.,� ' ''.!A_a �6�� ��r�' �,�. , .�ti:k�i.'.. , ~ ,�� „ �1rtYa'4*�. �x <br /> ,�.��.Li�N�,�r.. .,�.. ��.. <br /> .• . • <br /> . � .»��.�s r' S%v <br /> • a ... ` <br /> • . <br /> ; __ _ __ __ -_ - __- -_. • �iM. �a�..'=�S �[�..-1,. . ..__. _,` v�. _. <br /> . �t ��: <br /> ,� ::._. -._-.�_. ._ _. .�. _... .. . .._ ..-.__ ________.__._._. _____..--� -��...,�t� � _ � __--_+ .. ___ ___ ,� _ <br /> r �,�-. -- -�.r <br /> ..� ,�" <br /> �� -.. +.� � 4w*�.. r+1. . . . <br /> ( .� .. . ' .. .. „ ... ' . . -�...�. <br /> i . ' .. -� .. ' � - . <br /> . �• . . �� . ,. .. .'• .. <br /> _ - . � .. ' . �' .:: ..f, . . " . <br /> �i � , . <br /> '�. ' . . ' '.f'..:T. '.�`,�)fi.�.._i _ ' - . 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