<br /> �or �he repairs an� restora�i�n in a s�ngle pa�m�n� or in a s�ri�s o�pt�ogrc�s paymen�s as t��� �ork is
<br /> compl��e�., If th� insurance o�� �on�ier�inatiot� �ra�eet�s are no� sl�ffici�nt ta r�pa�r or restor� the P�aperty,
<br /> Borrovc�er is r��� relieved af Borro�er's obl�gation ��x the com�Ietion of suc� r�pair or �estoxa�ion,.
<br /> Len�ler or its agent may inake reasonab�e en�t��es ��pon and inspec�io�ns oi'�he Pr�p�r�y, If i�has r�asonabl�
<br /> �aus�, Len�ier may i�spect �he ii�texiar ��th� �mpr�ven��nts an �he Pt�o��r��. L�Il[���' Shc��� �1�� Bdrra��r
<br /> n�tzce a� �he time af or p�i�r to s���h an in�eriar inspecti�n �pe�if�ing s���h reasanabl� cause.
<br /> $. ��rrawer's L�an Applicat�on. Borra�er sl��.11 �� in d�fa��lt if, �luring the Loan appli�ation pr�cess,
<br /> Bor���we� or any persons or �n�it�es acti��g at t�7� c�irectiai� �f Bot•ra�er �i� with Borz�awer's knou���dge or
<br /> �onse��� g��r� m��ei�ially fa1s�, misl�adii�g, or ir�a��ura�� informa�i�n or sta�em�n�s to L�n�1er �or fa�Ied �o
<br /> pr�vide L�nder w�th ma�erial informa�ion} tn conn��tiQn wi�1� �he L�an. M arerial represen�atio�s incl����e, bi��
<br /> are no� lim it�d to, re�resentatians �onc�rning B arrow er's �ccupancy af �he Pr�p�rt� as B��rou�er's princi�al
<br /> z�esi�l�n�e,
<br /> 9. Pro�ec�ion of L�nder`s [nt�res� Mn'the P�oper�y and Righfi� Under �his Securifiy Instrument. �f �a}
<br /> Bor�ower fails to p�rf�t�m �1�� cov��nants and agre�na��ats contained in ���is Securi�y �nstruinent, �b} th��e is a
<br /> lega� p��oc�eding t�at migl�� signifi�a.nt�y aff�c� L�n�le��'s interest in th� Pro��rt� �nd�or i�igl�ts l�n�er th�s
<br /> S�cu�i�� �nstrum��7� �such �s a pr�cee�l�ng in �ankrup�cy, probate, foi� c�nr��mna�ian ar �orf�fture, for
<br /> �nfa���en��nt of a �ien �hich n��y a��ain prior'ity a�er t��is S�curi�y 7ns�rutnent o�� to �n�orce Ia�v s ar
<br /> r�gu�atians}, or {c} Bo��ro�e� has a�anc�oned the Prop�rty, the�a L�nd�t� m�� do anrl pay f��� �rha��v�r is
<br /> r�asot�a�le or appropria�e t� pro��cti Len��et�'s inter�st in the Prop�rt� a�d i�t�hts untler this Sect���ity
<br /> Instrum�nt, �nc�uding pro�ecting ai��ilor ass�ssing the �a1ue �f t��� Propert�, and s�c��ring an�lJot� repairing
<br /> t�� P����erty, Lender's act�ons can includ�, but ar� not lim�ted ta; t�} paying an� s��ms s�cured b� � li�t�
<br /> �rhi�l� ha� priarity a�r�� tlais S�curity Ii�s�rum�nt; �l�} appear�ng in court; and �c} p��i�g i��asona�l� at�ot+n�ys'
<br /> �e�s to pt�otect i�s in��r�st in �h� Prop�rty and�or rights ��nder t��is Security Instrl�metit, including its s�cur�d
<br /> posi�ion �n a ��nkrixp��y px�oceeding.. Securi�lg tl�� Pt�o��t�ty inclutiesy �ut is tio� Iin��te�l ta, entering the
<br /> Pr�perty to inake repairs, change lo�ks, r��I��� or baard up doo�s an�� �vin�aws, �li�ain wa�er from pipes,
<br /> eliminate �uildii�g or ot��er co�e �iola�ians o�� t�ar�g�rol�s �an�it�ans, an� ��a�e utilities turnecl an or off,
<br /> Altl�ough Lender ma� �ak� actiot� undet� this S.ectian 9, �.�n�er cl�es ��at ha�� �� d� sa anc� is nat i�nder any
<br /> �ut� or obligati��� to �1� s�, Z� is agi��ed that Len�er incut�s no Ii�bilit� fa�� t�ot taking any ar �lI ac�ians
<br /> authori��� unr��r this Sect�an 9,
<br /> A.ny am�un�s tlis�urse�� by L�nd�t� undcr this Sectian 9 shall b��oi�ae a�lditional �.ebt of Borrow�r s�cuz�ed �y
<br /> ttlis Securit� Zns�ruim�n�, T1�ese amounts shall b�ar ii�t�r�st a� the Not� ra�� fra�n th� dat� of dis�ursem�nt
<br /> a��l s��all be �ayab�e, �vith such int����s�, upon notic� f��ona Len�.�r to Barra�rer r��l��sting paym�nt,
<br /> If�l�is S�curit� �ns�rum�nt is �n a leasehold, Barrow�i� �ha�I camply v�ith aIl t�ae provisions o�tl�e lease. �f
<br /> Bari{o�r��� acqui�+es fee title tn the Prap�rt�, t�.� �easeh�I�. anti �l�e fee �i�le s��al� n�t nae��g� ��nl�ss L�ndet�
<br /> agrees to the met�g�r ii� writing.
<br /> �4. �I artgage Insurance� I� Lender r�quir�c� M oxtgage Insuran�e as a can��ition of maki�ag t17e Loan, Bo��r��er
<br /> shatl �a� the prem i�xm s i��qu i�eci �o tn ai��ain th� M a���g ag� �nsuran�� in �f�ec�, If, for an� ���asa n, th�
<br /> M ortgage I�nsura��c� �o�e�ag� �equi����1 b� L�i�dei� ceas�s tio �e a�ailable fram th� mot�tgage inst�ret ���at
<br /> �reviously provid�� such i�suran�� an�i B ot�row e� w as i�equir�� to make sep�ra��ly desigt�ate�l pa��n e�ats
<br /> towar�� �he pxenl ium s for M o��tgag� Znsuranc�, B�rro�r er st�a�l pa� tlie prenl i��m s �eq��ir��l to ob�ai� cover���
<br /> su�stantial�y eq��i�al�nt �o the M ortg�g� Insui°ance pr�vi���s�y in �f�e�t, a� a cost substantial�y �qu��a��nt to
<br /> �he �ost ta Bo��xaw��� �f tl�e M ortg�ge I�lsura��ce �:reviously in e�f�ct, �rot� an alte����a�e m���tgage insurer
<br /> s�I�cted by L�ntler. If s���stantiall� eq�ziv�len� M ortgage Insuraiace co���{age is nat �vailabl�, B�rrav�er shall
<br /> 24D05727
<br /> N�BRAS KA•Single Fam ily-�'annie M.ael�raddie M ac U N IF�RM �NS�'�UM�I�T ��rm 3Q28 1 I�]
<br /> VM�Q VMPB{�l�f�1302�
<br /> Walters 1Ciuwer Fi+�a�cial 5ervices page 8�f 17
<br />