<br /> require� by RESPA, and Borrow�r shall pa� ta Lender th� amount n�cessa�y to make up �he defi�i�nc� in
<br /> a��orc�an�� wi�la RLSPA, bu� in na more than �2 m�nthly pay�nents.
<br /> Upon payme��t ii� full of aI� sums s�cured �y tf�is Sec�xi�� Instr«me�.�, Len��r shall ��amp�ly r�f��t� ��
<br /> Barr�wer any Fun�is l�eld by Le�tl�r.
<br /> 4. Charges; L�ens� Bo�ro�v�r shall pa� all taxes, assessment�, charges, �in�s, and zmpos�tions att�i�utabl� �o
<br /> �he Property ��ich �an attai� p�iarity o��r �his Se�u��ity �nstt�um����, �easel�old paymen�s or ground ret��s on
<br /> th� P��oper��., if any, an� Cammu�ii�y Associatio� I�u�s, Fe�s, and A�s�ssments, if any. To the �x��nt �ha�
<br /> �he�e item s are Es�ro�v It�m s, Bor��ow e�� shall pa� t1��m tn th� m ann�r pravi�ler� in Secti�n 3,
<br /> � Borro�ver shall ��om�tily dis�harge an� li�n �hich has priorit� �v�r this S�curit� �nstx�ument unl�ss
<br /> B�rrr�wer; �a} agrees in �r�itii�g t� the payme��� of�lie o�liga�ion secured by th� lien in a ma��t�er acc�ptai���
<br /> to L�nder, but onl� so lo��g �s Bor���wer is pe�forming such agr��met��; ��} eant�s�s �h� lien in goad faith by,
<br /> ar defen�s against enforc�m�r�t of�h� lien �n, Iega� p�ocee�lings which in Lend�i�'s opinion operate to �r�vent
<br /> the enforcem�nt o�th� li��a whil� those proc��di»gs a�� p�nding, �u� �nly until such proce�c�in�s ar�
<br /> canclut����; ar �c} se�ures from �h� h�Ic�er ��the li�n an agre�ment satisfactory to Lenc�er subordinating th�
<br /> l�en ta this �ecuri�y Instrutn ent, z�Lenc�et� tleterm ines �h at any p�rt�f�he Prnper�y is su�jec� to a lien w�ich
<br /> can attain pri�r�ty over t�is Secuz�ity I��str«m�nt, Lend�t� m a� gi�e B ot�t�ow�t� a i�oti�e idc��tifyii�g the �ien.
<br /> �ithin 1� ��ays af�h� ��t� an w�ic�. til�at not�ce is gi�en, Borrou�et� shal� s�tisf� the lien or take on� or m���
<br /> of�h� actions �et forth above i�a this S�c�ion 4,
<br /> L�n�ler inay require Borrow�r to pay a one�tim� �l�arg� �or � real �st�te tax �erification an�.l�i� rep�r�ing
<br /> . serv i�e used by Lend�i� in ca n���ctio n ��th this Lo an,
<br /> 5, Property Insurance. Bo�rower s1aall keep the impr�ve�n�e��tis now existi�ag or h�r�after ��ect�d a�� �h�
<br /> P��a�erty insut�e� agains� �oss by firey ha�ar�s incluc�ed �ithin �lle t��m "ex��nded caverage,,' and any oth�r
<br /> �a�ar�s �neluding, but �i�� Iit��ite� ta,.earthquak�s an�l fl��c��, for which L�ii�.�r requit�es insurance, This .
<br /> insu��an�� shal� �e �aa ai��tained in the �m�un�s �inclu�ling dedt��ti���� Ievels} anci fo� th� p�riot�s tl��t Len�er
<br /> rec�uir�s, �h�t Lentl�r re�uir�s p��rs��ant to the pr�ce�ling sentenees can chai�ge tluring the t���m of t�ae L�an.
<br /> The insurai�ce carri�r pt�o�ic�ing ���� insurance shall b� ch�sen �� Borrower�subj�ct to Len�lez�'s t�igh� t�
<br /> disapprov� Barr��uer's ch�i�e, which ��igh� shall no� b� ex�rcis�� unr�asonably, L�ntler may x�qui��e
<br /> Bo��rov�er �o pa�, �n �annec�ion �ith tl�is Loan, either; �a} a on��ti��� chai�g� �flr fload zan� �.�termin��ion,
<br /> certi�ic��i�n an� trac�ing S���IC�Sa or �b} a oi�e��ln1� C�1�iT'g� �4�� ��oad �on� t�et�rm.inatian an� cer�if�catiian
<br /> se��ices ant� subse�ue��t �ha�g�s �ach time i���nap�ings �r similar �I�anges o��t��� �vhich reasana�l� tnight
<br /> aff��t such �et�rmination or c�rtifica�ion, �orr���r shall al�o b� ��esponsible for t1�� payin�nt of any fecs
<br /> impos�d by the F�c�eral Emergeta�y M anage�.en� �.geiacy in con����ti�n wi�h th� review a��ny f��od �an�
<br /> de�erminatian r�sulting �ronn an obje�tian by Barra�rer,
<br /> If Borr��ver fails �o �na�t�tain any of tl�� c�ve�ag�s described abov�, Lender may o��ain insui�ance �overag�3
<br /> �� L�n�ex�'s opti�n anci B�ri�ou�er's exp�ns�. L���cier �s un�e� na abligatian to put�chase an� pax�ticular type or
<br /> amount of coverage, Ther�far�, su�h cover�ge s�all covex L�nde��, �u� mig�� or migl�t nat pratec� Borrowerf
<br /> Borra�v�r's eq��i�y i�� th� Prop�rty, or �he cont�nts of�he Prap��,t�, against an� t�i�ky hazar�i or liability and
<br /> m�ght p��o�i�le gr�a��r o�� l�ss�r coverage tl�an was pr��iously in effe�t. �axx�ow-�r acknowledg�s that the cast
<br /> a�tlle insu�ance cavet�age so a��ain�d might sigi�ificantly exceed til�� cast af ins��r�irc� that Borrow�� could
<br /> ha�� o�taii�e�l. An� amaunts disburs�� �y Let�d��� unt��r this Sectian S sh�ll becat�e a�t�itioi��l d�bt of
<br /> �a��ro�er sec����ed by this S�cu��ity 7i�st��uin�n�. Th�s� am�unts sha11 ���r i��t����st a� �he No�� rat� fram the
<br /> r�atc of disbursein ent and shall be payab�e, �v i�h sucla intieres�, up�n no�ic� fi{oin Len��e�� ta B o��ra�v e��
<br /> r�questing p aym en�.
<br /> 24d46727
<br /> iV�BRASKA•5it�gle�am ily•Fannie M aelFredd€e M a�U N I�DRM INST�UM�N7 �orm 3�28 i I�1
<br /> VMP C] VMP6�N�1{13a2y
<br /> 1Nal#ers Kluwer Financial Services Paga 6 vf�7
<br />