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��14��771 <br /> B�R,R��VEI� C�VENANTS that Barrow�r is Ia�vfull� seised �f�h� estate l��r��y conv�eyed and has �he right to <br /> grant and can�r�y th� Prop�r�y an�l �hat �he Prop�rty �s unencumb�red, exc�p� �or �ncumbrances of record, <br /> Borrower v�art�a�xts �nc� �vi11 def�nd g�neral�y �he ti�le to �h� Pz��p�r�y agains� all claim� anil d�mands, su�j�ct �� <br /> any encumbrances of recor�.. <br /> T�IS SE�URITY INSTRUMENT �am�it��s unifor�n �o�enar��s for n�tiona� use and i�on�unifo�m �a�enants with <br /> lfnai�ec� �az�iatians by jui�is��ictian to c�nstitute a ��niforin s�curi�� instrument ��vei�iiig real prop����y, <br /> U niform C oven anfis� Borrou��r and Lend�r covei�ant an�� agree as fallaw s; <br /> �. Payment of Princ��al, �n�eres�, Escrow lfiems, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Bai+i�ower <br /> sha1l pa� when ���� the princi�a� a�, ancl inter�st an, the ���t��i�lenced �y �l�e Nate an� any �repa�ment <br /> charg�s a11d late charg�� �ue un�.�r t1�e Not�. B�rrower sha11 also pa� funds for �s�row Items �ur�uant to <br /> Se�tian 3. Pa�ments du� under th� Nate and this Secuz�it� �nstr��m�nt sha1l be t�ad� in U.�, curren�y, <br /> � �-Io�vc��r, if at�� �heck or �xher instrument received b� Lende�� as �ayment u��cler th� Note or this S�curi�y <br /> Ins���umet�t is r�turnetl ta Len�e�� unpaid, Lentle� tn�y r�qui�� �l�a� any or alI s��bse�u�nt�a�m�nts due und�r <br /> �he Nate �n� th�s S��uri�y Ins�rument �e �n�d� ii� on� ar in�r� of tt�e fa�l��ing forms, as sel�ct�d by Le�a�er; <br /> �a} �ashy �b� mon�y ard�r; ��} c�z�tifi�d cl3eck, bank checky �r�asur�r's check �r cashier's che�k, pravi�led any <br /> such �h��k is c�rawn ��p�n an inst�tu�ian �vhose dcpos�ts a��e insiit��c� by � fec�eral agen��, inst�um�i�tality, ar <br /> e�a�ity; or �c1} Electroi�i� Fun�s Transfe��, <br /> Payme�rts a��e de�m��. r�c�ived by Lender u�h�n t��c���r�tl at th� �oca��an ��signate�l in �he Note o� at st�ch <br /> oth��� �ocat�oi� as ma� �e t�esign���d �y Lei�der in ac�a��dan�e with th� notic� provisi�ils in Section 15, <br /> Len�ex may re�urn �n� payment or p�rtial pa�m�nt i�the paym�nt or par�ial payments are insuffi�ie�at �o <br /> bring �1�� Laat� �u�z�ent. Len�er �nay a�c�p� �ny payment or partial payment insuffi�ient ta br�ng th� Loan <br /> �u��z�e�lt, v�ithout waiv�r of any rights hexeund��� or pr��udice to its ��igh�s to r�fuse such pa�ment o�� pa�tial <br /> �a�m�n�s in t�� f��tur�, �ut Len�ler is ��t ob�igated �o app�y s���h payme�ats at the time such paymet�ts ar� <br /> a�cep���, �f�ach P�t�iodic Payinent �s appliet� �s of i�s sclaedule�i �ue date, t��en Lender n�e�i not p�� int�t�est <br /> an unapplie� �l�nds, L�nder naay hold suc1� ur�applied f�nds un�il Borr��ver makes p�ym�nts ta �ring the <br /> �oan �urre�at, z�B�t�ro�v�r do�s no� do so within a reasona�l� pe��io�l �f time, Le�x�er shall �ith�r apply s��ch <br /> func�s ar ��et«�+n them to Barro��r, If not applied earliei'y sl�ch funds wi11 �e appli�d to �he o���standing <br /> p�incipa� ba�ai��� under �he Note ina�n�c�iat�ly prior to ��r��lasure, N� of�set o�� claim whic�. Bat�ro��r might <br /> h�ve no�r o�� �n the futui�� against Le�lde� sha�I reli�We Borro��r fram tnaking pay�ne�ats d�x� under t�ae Nat� <br /> and t�.is 5ecuri�y Instrum�n� az� p���farnling the covenan�s and agr�ements secure�� b� this Securi�y <br /> Instrum�nt, <br /> �. ,Applica�ian of Payments �r Procee�s, Ex�e�� as oth��wis� �lescri��d in �his S�ctian 2, alI pa�ments <br /> a��epted and ap�lie�l b� Len�i�� sh�ll �e a�pli�ci i� th� fol�owing or�ier of priority: �a} it�terest�lE�� under th� <br /> Note; �b.} .p��incipal ����e lxn�let� the Note; �c} �inounts �«e under S���i�n 3. Such p�yments st�all be �ppli��l to <br /> �ach Pea�io�lic Paym�nt in �he ord�r in w��ich it�ecam� ����. Any t�����aiiaing amounts shall be a�p.�i��i first �o <br /> 1a�� charges, second �o an� otl�ei' ain���nts d��e u��der �his Sec�i�it� Instrum�tlt, and th�n t� r�c�uc� �he <br /> prit�c�p�I �al�nc� of the N ate, <br /> If L�n�.ex ��eceiv�s a paynlent f��om Bori���ie�� f�r � delinq��ent Per�ac�ic P��in�nt which incl��d�s � sli�ficient <br /> amoun� t� pay an� la�� �ha��ge due, the �a�me�t may �e �pp�i�d to the �ielinqu�nt paym�nt an�l th� Iate <br /> �harge. I�more thai� �i1� P�rior�ic Paym�n� is ���tstanr�ii�g, L�n�l��� may apply ai�y paymen� ���c�f�ed fr�m <br /> �a��t�ower to th� repa�rmetat af t�a� P�ri�tii� Paym�nts if, anct to th� �xt�t�t that, �acl3 pa��nent can b� pa�d in <br /> f���1, To th� �xt�n� that any �xcess exists after �he pa�m�nt is appliecl ta �i�� full paym�t�t af one or nao�� <br /> P�r�o��ic Paym�t�ts, sucl� excess may h� �pplied �o a�ay lat� charges �lu�, '�o�un�at`Y A�epaymer�ts shal� �� <br /> applz��l first to any pi��payin�n� c�aarges antl th�i� as �1es�ribe�l itl th� N ote. <br /> 2A�4a6727 <br /> NE6RASKA-Single�amily-Fa�nie MaelFreddie i�ac UNIFaRM INSTRUM�NT FQrm 3a28 1101 <br /> VM P Q VM P6�N���13fl2} <br /> Walters l�luwer Financial Services Page 4 of 97 <br />