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��14��771 <br /> sa�isfa��ion, pro�vid�d that su�h inspe�tion sha�� b� undertaken pr�mptily, Len�er may �ay for th� r�pairs <br /> a�cl r�s�oration in a single dis�urs��n�n� or in a s�ri�s o�pr�gress p��ments �s th� wflxk �s �omple���. <br /> U nless an agre�m�n� is m a�e in w�iting or A pplica�l� L a�r requires i��t�r�st to �e �aid on su�h <br /> M iscellan�aus Pro��e�is, L�nc���� shall nat be r�qu�r�d ta pay Bo�r��ve�� a��y interiest or ea��nings on such <br /> M l�cel��neous Pr�c�e�ls, If the ���stora�i�n �r r�pait� is not�c�n��n�cal�y feasibl� �r L�nder's s�curity would <br /> b� l�sseneci, th� M Is�eZlaneous Proce��ls sl�all �e app�i�d to tlle �ums scc��red �y �his S�curit� �nstr��in�nt, <br /> �h�ther ot� na� then due, �vith th� ex��ss, i�any, paid �o B�ri�ow�t�. �u�l� M iscell�n�aus P��oc�ec�s sha�� be <br /> appli��. in th� order �r�vicled f�� i�a Sec�ion 2, . <br /> �n the �v�nt �f a �o�al tak�ng, des�ruction, or lass in valu� �f the Property, t�e M iscellan�aus Proce�ds sh�l1 <br /> b� appli�d to the sunas secui{ed by �his Secu��ity znstz�u�l�nt, �1���her o� �aat tl��n c�u�, with the e�c�ss, if any, <br /> pai�l to Borro�rer. <br /> � <br /> In the event of a p�rt'ial �aking, destructi�ny ar Ioss in value o�the Praperty in ��lzc� th� fair mark�t va�ue of <br /> �he Propert� imm�c�ia��l� ��fo�� �h� par�ial taking, ciestructi�n, o�� loss in value is eqE�al to or gi�eat�r th�n th� <br /> amo��n� of�he sl�ms se���r�d �y th�s Securi�� 7i�str��m�nt imna�diately befare th� pa��ial taki��g, �l�str��c�ion, o�� <br /> �ass �n v�lu�, i�nless Borrower and Lender otl��r�vis� ag�e� in �vriti��g, �he s«m.s se�ur�d �y �his Secu��i�� <br /> 7nstrument shall be reducetl �� the �tn�un� �f the M isc�Il�neous Pr�ce�tls multiipli�c� by� the fallov�i��g <br /> ft�ac�ian: �a} th� to�al �inount of th.� sums s���Xr�d immediately ���are tl�e p�rtial taking, �i�structian, o�� lass <br /> in value tli�i�ed �� �b} �1�� fair marke� �a�ue o��he Prop�rt� imme�iately �efare �he p�r�ial taking, <br /> d�struction, or loss �n �valu�, Ai�y �alai�ce sha�l �e pa�c� �o Bo��ro�r�i�, <br /> In th� e�ent o�a par�ial �aking, d�s�ructton, o�� loss ita �a�u� af tl�� Pro��r�� �n v�hich �he fai�marke� �alue af <br /> �he Proper�y �mnl��li�tely b�for� the partial taking, des�ruct�on, or Ioss in val��e is le�s �han the amoun� of th� <br /> st�ms s�cure� irrrmediately �efore xh� p�rt�al ta�ing, �lestruction, or lass in �all�e, u�aless Barrower anc� <br /> Lei�der �tf�er�vis� agr�� in �rrtting, the M�s�ellane�us Proc�cc�s shall �e app�i�� to the sums secur�d by this <br /> S�C�I�I��' �i15�1�r�men� whetl��t� o�� nat the ,sums arc th�n clu�, <br /> �f th� Propert� is a�anci�n�� b� Bari�aw�r, o�� if, af��r r�otic� by Len�le�� to Boi�rower that the �p�osing Farty _ <br /> �as �iefine�l i�� th� n�xx s�nte��c�} aff���s t� make a�a a�vard ta se�tl� a claim �o�� tlamages, Boz�row�r fails �o <br /> respnnd to Len�.�r within 3D da�s afte� tl�� �a�� th� no�ic� is given, Lend�r �s autl��.rize�l �� c�llect ancl aPply <br /> the M is��llaneous Pr�c�eds eittler �fl ��stio��ati�� or repair of tt�e P��opet�ty ar to �he sums s�cured �y this <br /> 5����rity Instrum�nt, v�het�e�� or na� t��ei� due� "�pposing�Par�y" means th� thir�. part� that o�ves Bo��ro�v�r <br /> M zs�el�aneous Pra����ls ot� th� part� aga�nst wh�m Borrow�r��as a t�igh� of action �n ��e�ard �� M i��ellan�ous <br /> Pi�acee�ls. <br /> B�rrow�z� sha�l �e in de�aul� if any action or p��flceecii��g, �vhetl��r civil or c�imin�l, is �egun tha�, i�a Lenc�er's <br /> ju�gm�nt, c�uld ���sult in far�eiture of�he P��pert� or ot�ler mate��i�I i�npairment of L�nder's intez�es� in the <br /> Propert� oz� rights l�n�i�r this�S��l�rity Instrum�n�, Bar��o�ver can c�lr� su�h a ��fault and, if a�celeration has <br /> �cc«rred� reins�ate as p��o�idec� ii� S�c�iota �9, b� causit�g t�e ac�ion oi� pz�oceedtng to �e dism issed �u it11 a <br /> rcXlii�g th�ty in L�nd�x's juc�gnl��t, �r��lu���s f�r��iture of the Pro��i��y ar other n�aterial im��iz4me��t�f <br /> Lend�r's in�eres� in �he Prap����y or z��ghts ��n�er this Secu��ity �nstrun�ent. T��e p��o���ds af�ny award a�� <br /> claim f�t� da��aag�s that �re attri�ut�b�e �o the im�airment of Lenclet�'s iziteti�st in the Pi�oper�y ar� hc����� <br /> assign��l anti shal� �e paic� �o Lent��r, <br /> All M is�el�a��eaus Pro�ee��s �hat are i�ot �pplze� t� �est��ation a�• r�p�iz� o��he Pr�pe���� sha�I �e appli�d fn the <br /> at�der pr��i�l��� f�r in Sectzon 2, <br /> 2q��05727 <br /> N�BRASKA-Single F�mily-�an�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM II�STRi1Nl�N7 �arm 3p28 1IOi <br /> v��a vM�84N�f R1�a2� <br /> VII olters KI�Ew er�inancial Services Page 1�a#�7 <br />