<br /> �� .
<br /> �
<br /> � ��14��7��
<br /> �
<br /> , . ,
<br /> It �s the �ntenti�n of the part��s that a�� I�ens an� security �ntsrests des�ribed in th� Loan
<br /> aacuments ar� h�reby renewe� and extended un�l the Modified Prin�ipaf Ba�a�ce and
<br /> �ther ob��gat�ans to Lend�r, ha�e b�en fully paid. The Borrower an� Lender
<br /> acftnowledg� ar�d agr�� that �h� ext�nsion, amendment, m�dif�catian ar r�arrangement
<br /> eff�ct�d by this Agr�ement sha�� in r�a manner affect or impair the N�te ar th� f�ens and
<br /> security interests se�t�ring sa�ne,the�urp�ses af th�s A�reem�nt�eing�imply to��ctend,
<br /> modify, amend or r�arreng� the tim� and manner of payment of t�e Lo�n Documents
<br /> and the �nde�t�dness �v�dence� #�ereby, and t� carry f�rward a�1 I��r�� and s�cu�ty
<br /> �nt�sts secu�r�g� �� �.va�n D�uments �indud�n�, �f applicab�e, any a�d all ve�d���
<br /> liens secur�n� the Laan C]vcuments}, whic� ar� expressly ackn�wte�g�d �y Borrainr��t�
<br /> be valid an� subsis#ing, �n� �n fu�l fvr� �nd �ffe�t to fu�[y s�c.�r� the ��ym��t �►f t��
<br /> No��. Borr�w�r�er��y�xpr�s�ly v�►a�v�s#he ben�fit�f any and a#��#atut�s�f li��tat����
<br /> whic� m�ght �therwis� �nur� t� 8�-o��r's ber�e��, or be in any �vay app�ica�l� to
<br /> Barr�wer's Qb��ga#�ons under the terrns of any and all �nstruments d�escr�bed herein.
<br /> Bvr��w�r f�r�h�r exp��ss��wa�ves �r�y r��ht of set-of�or�aunte�taim� �r a�n�de�e�s�tr�
<br /> the oh��ga�ons�f t�s I�c�te�r��curity�nstrument.
<br /> 1�1.N�1Nai�er_of L�nde�"s Ri ht� R�gard�n� Qefault:
<br /> Ali the r��hts and r�med��s, s#�pu�at�nns, and oonditians contained in #�e Lvan
<br /> �a�me�nts relat�ng to defau�t in the mak�r�g of paym�nts under the L�an [3ocuments
<br /> sha�� a#s� apply to d�fault �n the mak�ng of the m�di�ed payments hefsun�er. Th�s
<br /> Agre��e�t sha�� �n��way be de�r�n�d tv be a wa�v8r of L�nder`s r�ghts and rerr��dies�y
<br /> r�asvn of any defat��t by Barro�v�►er under the Laan �3�cum�nts as h�r�e�n m�d�fisd,
<br /> inc�uding v►�thout I�mitatian fu�ur� pay�ent defau!#s, and noth�ng con#a�n�d her�in sha�l
<br /> be deerr�d t� be a wai�er by L�nd�r of any terms ar r.and�tiar�s �f the L+a�n Docur�ner�ts
<br /> as m�dified herain. Nnthing herein sha�f canstitute an agreem�nt by L��d�r t+� any
<br /> future m�d`�ficat��n of tt�� L��n C�ocum�n'#� and Lend�r �xpressly �eserv�s th� ri��t to
<br /> refuse to agre�to a�y fu�ure mad�f�rations.
<br /> 1�. nd VI� i� er�[ i •
<br /> As an express induc�nent t� Lend��'s �gr�em�nt to th�s A�re�rr��nt, �afr�w�f, �o�nt�►
<br /> and severally, her�by �nc�ntfit�ana�ly re�ease� Lend�r, it,� �e�ai r�pr�:s�nt��es,
<br /> af��iat�s, �ubs�d�a�ies, parent campan�es� agsnts, a�fi�ers, err�pl��e�s, attorr��ys,
<br /> sue�ess�r-s and ass�gns ��al�ecti�ely the "R�leased Parties") from any a�r�d all cla�m�,
<br /> derr��n�is, ac��s, da�nag�s a�d �aus�� of a�dc�ns ►�►�ic� 8 r has a���e� �r
<br /> claimed or rri�g�t now �� her�aft�r assert ar cia�m against afl or any of ths �t��eased
<br /> Parties, whether #cn�wn �r unknown, ar�sing o�t �f, related ta or in any way canne�ted
<br /> vr�th or based upon a�y Priar F��lat�d E�ent �as such term is here�r��fter d��n�d�. A,s
<br /> used here�n, the term "Pr�ar Re�at�d Ev�nt"�ha�� mean any act, �m�ss�on, circurr�s#ance,
<br /> agre�:ment, ioan, �x#�nsian of credit, transaction, transfer, paym�nt, err�n�, act�on �r
<br /> a�curr�nce between or in►►o��ing B�rrQ�r�r ar Bor�ower's pr�pe�ty a�d a�l or any �f the
<br /> R��eased Part�es a�� wh�ch was made or �xtended or wh�ch occu�ed at any t�m� or
<br /> tim�s pr�or to th� ex�cu#ion �f�his Agr�ement, �r�c�ud�ng with�ut I�n�iting in �ny r�espec�
<br /> the ��n�ra��#y of �he forego�ng. �i} ar�y acti�n taken to obta�n pa�rn�nt of any
<br /> �ndebtedness vr t� othervvise �nfarce �r exercise any r�ght ar purported �ight +vf Lend�r
<br /> gvrrawe�tnitial L�nss
<br /> ��
<br /> Page 5 af the Loan Mod`�fication Agr�ment *P�+ease edd th�appnvpr"rat�r�umber�#in'�1�nes for ea�h
<br /> C�der tVumber:85572�4 sig�a't+�y vver 4
<br /> MERS MIN:'�0�73334'�7�4� l4�ERS�'hvn�1�-�-�7��
<br />