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T� <br /> 1• <br /> � � <br /> � ���..• r .. _ "_ � —"�t��.—.u�� <br /> 5' :I^7:: - • . - -__- _.�w....�v_,,.�.�..�.. __ _ <br /> ,�, . _ . ..y..r..ti.•-�- - ��...,.�,��. <br /> NJ�L..���'d'T . ff -• '�'� '_'_—_..._—_ `t . <br /> t � <br /> �� 98— �sz'75� �,_ <br /> �u <br /> :.,:: ,.� : � � <br /> •20. bECURITY INT£REdT UMDER 7HE UNIFdIM COMMERCUI CODE. ThI�DMd of Tru�t�haN b�consldK�d +u�d bs�tlndiw a�e Bnentlnp <br /> �L � q�l�rtrnt yxJ s 1lxtun Nirq rwvri lo th�proMdom ol ItN Unilorm CorrrrrrGal Cod�(et�dopt�d In th��tet�wh�n Ih�nel prop�rty I� locat�d) �; <br /> : � rav�k�p fixtun�,chanN�,�srlkNa olp�rwnal prop�rty now owrNd or h�neh�r atl�cFwd to a�o b�uNd In conn�cllon wMh th�Prop�rty top�IM►wllh R_.. <br /> �ny�nd aN r�Uartrnts th�raf and eddlfon�M►KNO(ih�'Ch�ttNs'),�nd Qmta h�nlrYpr�u�t�Und+r�s�axity InlK�st In wch Cfu�nN�. Th�dM�1a Is <br /> �{ tha Onuita d��ufbM�bov�.Thb DNd oi Tn�st wW b��H�qlw u a�ip ttai�nt flNd u�flxfun fllln�with n lo all Axtun�Indud�d w�hln e�_ <br />• � �sid �ss and b�01»Il�d tw record In tl»rNl�suu noord�of�nch caxny wpM�n�ny pert ol wld pnmlas(I np uld li�tuni)I��Iwt�d. Thls �- <br /> . ol Tru�t�heN uw b�dl�o�r���of M D{�i�d o�l Tr�uil or of a�ny hnandnp�t 1�rrMrit rNatlrq lo thli D�i�d o1 Trut�t�NI�w��t�i s �-_" <br /> oHla. A cerbon�P���+�P� =� <br />_ �!� Ar►�nclnp tut�rtrrd Iw�ny ol th�p�xpoMS nl�rt�d to In 1M�Pw��ph. TM Nax�d Wv►Y Is tM L�nda dnall»d�bav�. UPon d�rtw�d,(3ranta�hall _ <br /> �,,�x�ut��nd d�liwr wch�xiry prMrrrnts p� wch I�rtn I�dMn�d in wld UMlorm Comrnrdal Coci�)�s UrKMr et any tirt�rtry dNm <br /> nacassary or proper or re+quimd to grem to Und�r e p�rf�cl�d wcurfty Int�n:t In th�ChadN�,and upon Orenta's fNlun to do w,Lend�r Is euthariz�d to �,•._ <br /> � Npn�ny weh 1 a�th�ap�nt of arantor.Qranta hK�by wlhorit��Und�r to HN firwidi�y a�1«�rnu(o�urch torm ie clotlnad In cnld Unilorm � <br /> Cormrrcl�l )wBh nspci to tM ChatlN�,�1�ny tkrn,wilhoul th�alpnnurr of(3ruila. Cimta wNl,how�wr,�t sny Ikrw upon r��l ol L�rd�r. <br />- . -�� �Ipn weh Anandnp�ist�rtrnu. Qrantor wiM p�y�N ANrq IN�la 1M f�1n�of wdi flrwidnp�t�t�rrnnta uid for th�nNir►p th�r�ol nt 1M tirrw�nqulnd,fn <br /> .•"�.. '' � ttN opfnbn of Lmd�r,by�a�d Unilam CoRrrrrdN Cod�. If tM Ii�n oi thTs I�d ot Tw1 b�wbjat to�ny s�curity prMrrMnt cowrlrp th��Ch�tlNs.tlx►n <br /> '� In 1M e+rmt of�ny d�feufl ixid�r thl�OMd ol Trun,aN IM rlpht,tNN eid In��n�t of Onntor In�nd to�ny�nd eN ol th�Ghatt��Is ne�'suy aaslprNd io <br />�� L�nd�r, 1op�ihn wf�h ttw brNflt of any d�posit�a payrtrrd�now a h�nah�r m�d�th�rwf by t3renla or th�p�onwr�a wcuaaa In ti1N of <br />'�= Oranlor Inth�PropMy. <br /> _ x.. - <br /> 21. RElIABUREE�IEt�1T OF AMOUHTS EItPENDED BY LENDER. I.�nd�r�nt Lender'eop1lon�meiY�xP�nd fundt(lnduding enortNy�'f�s�and Iqd z <br /> �xp�na�)to p�rfortn eny ed nqi�lnd to b�tdcsn by C3rurta or to�x�rdw ony rlphl or nrr�dy ol L�r�r u�uMr thl�DNd ol Trust.Upa�d�mu►d,Ctremor <br /> . �haN kmrdat�ly r�imburw L�nd�r(a all wch artnunU�xp�rM�d by I.�nd�r top�th�►wNh Im�n�t tMnon et th�lowe of 1M hl�a nu dnail»d in�ny <br /> � Obllpatlon a th�hiph�st raN allowed 6v law trom�f»d�a of pnyrrnnt unul th�dat�of rolmbursanent. Thees eums sha�l I»Irx,�xlyd In th�dNlnitlon o1 _ <br />;'" ,... �, ObNp�tian�h�nin and�hall f» wcund by 1M b�fldal Im�nttpr a�t�d h�r�in. I I 1M Oblipatlone ero,h�Ol�NO�tlon�a�ir tt i bqlnninp of pubikatlon I <br /> rab,ss Mnin provld�d,a in ih�ewnt Lsr�r eh�N,at h�soN uqlon�P�rrT�t(3rantor to po anY Wu� <br /> ' ' notia ot�eln�ai h�roln provld�d,th�n,Qrontor�hdl yon d�mer�d�I•xp�n�s kwu�by th�Tru�tN and Lsnde In oonn�elbn with seld pualcatbn, <br /> t -';'. Indudnq nawnN�N ettortwy�'tNO to th.enom.y�for�ih�Tn,�1M�nd la tM L�nd�r,end e r�ewnaW�be to th�Trusl�e,end tM�DNd of Trust ahM tr <br /> ;+,�,�. , s�axity fa dl wch�xpmf„sr�d INa. <br /> ' � �� 22. APPUCATION OF PAYAIENTS. Th�TrustN�haN�ppIy theproa�ds of iM tructee's�els I'w�l,lu the castc end axpaiws ofr�ord�n9 the p�+TNS I f <br /> �• w j,•,.,. s a N�n d o f t t��e l��I n dudkq t�t Hpa y rt»n 1 0!t h e T r u s i M'c I N�sciu a l N inairrsd rrot ta sxcMd 1�»ertpuM whkh mey bs provided DNd <br />�'� �'�°: "` a�eond,to payrtrM of tM obNgei b n wcur�l bY th�OMd ol Trutt,t h k tM pnyitrnt o f wn b r c M s d�o f w�t,m o r t p a p n o r o t l w r I b n h o k M r��a n d t M <br />_" belana,If eny,to tM psrsan or qrson�I�peMy�mitlsd th�nto. <br />�"-'�"'��� ' 23. PO�WER OF A7TORNEY. f3rsntor F»nGy e�o�t�Lax�r ss lU epomsyIn-tacl to�ndorse Orentor's nerrr on all Iniin�rtwnis end oti»r docurtrnU <br /> i,; ;� � psrlalnlnp to 1M ObHgetlont o►Deed of Trust. in sddtkxi.L�nd�r�hall be snthlsd,but not rcquInd,top�(ortn eny adlon a�x�cute any documsm <br /> .,-•,3y.��'' r�quk�d to bs idun or wxkut�d by Orantor urxMr thli OMd ot Trutt. Lond�r's psrfortnanc+ot wch actlon a sxea�tlai of wdt doairtrnt�shW no1 <br />::t:r!'%;k. . rNf�w Cirsntor hom any Qd10n11on a ain eny ddwlt und�r ihl�DMd ot Trun. All Mw�n of ettorrwy d�scdb�d In this ONd of Trus1 er�ooupl�d wyh an <br />-t,,;,�-�a i IniKat�nd an krwocabl�. <br />'� ' 24, 8UBROOATION OF LENDER. L�r �fWll b�wbropsted to tM rlght� of ths hold�r ot any prwious Ii�n, ssau�ty krtenri or�ncumbnnd <br />��,���:, d�y��wr�s�hryksd byr Lx�r nperd�as of wM1Mr th�w Ilen�,Wcurity Int�resu a oth�r�ncurcbrena+haw bsan nlsawd�f reoord. <br />���•;. . .. <br />-;,a�':r1.. �, Cp�,LE�CTIq�I COSTB,To th��xt�nt p�rt�d by law�Grantor apnu to pay Land�r'�na�onabM fM�and oosts.Indudirp,bul not irtitod to,I� <br />�=;;•_• arxl co�t�of anort�ys wid otha t�pmt�(�ndudrip wm�ari YmitaV��nP�►le�or���d�er�v rlwaht at�rertrdY u�thli De�id of Trusi.wMth�r�a nd <br />---_.. :�-e oi i.�nda,iNidvh�:�+�,�STCJ b';:»T.t'«^t!n�!.__.:^g n,_ _ �3 <br />�-,ry.r�;,�;`�: ��t,Inducfn0�bA not Nmit�d ta��II fe�s end ooatt I�curmi on app�al�In b�nlvuplcy,and(a po�t-j�wprrrrn ooliadan aawns. <br />�l:Yfll.�+. r. port rop�ty �� <br />�.,.�—�?� 26. PARTIAL RELEABE L�ndar mey nlsaw it�krisn�t Ilon of th�P�rop riy. Nothing hs�rNn�aN�b�i d irtrd to oblioe�is lx►drtoi�to��an�i�i <br />..73.� ;.� R�corrv�yena wNhout aHktiny fle im�nrt In itN nrnelnkp port <br /> ;:�, - Int�nat h th�Prop�rty(oxapt a�roqulred undsr P�apre�h 3B a ae msy b�oth��rwyit�nqulrod by law)�nor�lteU La�d�rb�obYpet�d to rN�a�e anY P� <br />�„�:�;_ � of�Propsrly II Orsnta I�����In�Dleedof Tru�l,lhat le�notltl�is e bject of t6lema�enfy P�en�la�l O�eid ol R�eoorrv°f�yana�In�Moct whh r�sp�t to <br />-r���: that bn ot th�prop�rty, <br />�"�.-.'� 27, AIOWFICATION AND WAIVER. Ths modllce�lbn or wvvsr of eny of Grenlor'� Obllgetlon�or LaMx's �t�und�r thU nMd of Trust muq b <br />=-�=K�y:s''�°,..'�� oonWn�d In s wrf1UW slprMd by��r�de►. Lenchr mny p�rform eny of Borrow��or(3remor'�ObMyetlon��dNey or fiil to�xKds��ny of ks rlphts a��p1 <br /> ;;,:,��= ��,+_;;� p�yrtrrd.hom arantor or o t t w r t l w i C 1 r e r M o r w n h o u l c e u s i n p.w a l v�r o t t h o a O b l i p atlons a t�. A wafwr on on�ausim�haN not cen�tituM <br />�:;��-_ �w���y ah�r o�ubn��pramor�Oblio�tlon�und�r thls DNd ot Truet�hall ncA b�aff�ctsd if errw�ndss.�w�,sxdw+�s,fYl�tu <br />_ �° Y f �x K d w,i rt p a k�o r r�a a t a n y o f i h�O h l i p atknt b�lm�np�to en y Orantw.Bortow�ry lhird p�r t y�b n s y i h W r 4 i o t l�d M r r�d,wy�8o l.�n c M r�h M <br /> ";;#vF^ tl�lb perly or�ny of tF�Prop�►ty. L�nd�r'�INlun to In�lst u strkt p�r fomw�cs o f en o f t M O b l <br />=�•;;'� haw 1tM r i p h t et en y tirt�1Mreah�r to In�i�t upon�iMc1 p�rfomrr►o�. <br /> �:r�-'-- <br /> -_—'""=� 2�. SUO8j1TUTE TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE UABILITY;CaMPEN8A110N. In cnw ol tha d�ath,kia6flity,nlu�al to�ct w�bs�na of th�Trusiw from tfr <br />--'��'���� suN wMr�ih�rsd�p�y is bcaud a In caw tfw hdder ot tM Odloatiom thaN d�Qro fa eny nawn to nrt�ow tt�TrusiM a any wbnitut�1tuqN u <br /> - "��°z•:.'�� lN{1W f1�ffUfldM Blld� to ePPokn a n�w truste�In hl�plaa end�1NC� th�hold�r of tFw 0611petlons i�h�nby pnm�d IuN PowN'to appdnt In wrhinfl� <br />--�W�,�� wb�thul�w�t»for said TrustM,and tM wlxUhAs 1ruqM�hall,wMn an(�okn�d,I�OORM N10WSlDf 10 BN fl�ll�OI TNi1N FNflUlldK�1d tiw earrn sh�l <br />�,�„���,,,m„�� b�oortr wst�d in him for 1M purpow�and ob�t:01 this Deed of Truq wnh ell th�pow�r,dutN�and oblipnt►o��Mrsin conf�rt�d on th�Tru�tN. TNStM <br />- --.��_,r.•,. sfwN not b�Ilabl�for eny rrrar ot or act done by Truttao�or bs othsrwla n�pon�a a000uMabl�und�r any dreumttanoe�wfudwwK. <br /> r�:�wc;... Trut1M�haM not ba pna�elly In cata ol Mtry by N or anyor�ocllnp by Wn•,�of iM pow�rs iwrelng�ent�d It upon 1M DNd of Trust(or d�bu <br /> �hell haw 1M 1 to r on�n Instnrnsm, <br />�,P'�•"'".:'" contracl�d or Hebillry ordmep�e Irwurt�d In 1M �nap�r nt or oparatlon of�ald prsmla�. Tru�l�e in feNhto bsp irK. <br /> .��,,,�.».�.:._. �a�tun au�orizirp a s�PP���►0�►�y��i�ek�n or propowd to l»tek�n by fl h�raund�r a belNved 6y� nu <br />_ ,r:: . TrutiM�haq b��n1flMd to rslmburwrtNrd for a�n s�s Inaxred hy It in tii�p�rtomdna o111t dutles heroundsr a�i to roe�on ump�nent{on fa such <br />_.�� k•,• ol N�arvfo�a h�nundsr as shaq be rend�red. Oranlor wlll,hom tirrr to iNir,p►Y comp�nsatlon du�Tru�ls�herwnda end nimburss Trustaa fa and <br />- � uw and hold II ham�ss Irom end epalnat sny end aM bs�.co�t��I�dIMY,der►�and sxpsnee whntsowsr Incumd by h In the p�rfomrna of fl�diAbs. <br /> -_-_ ti�x:� <br /> °;�,�i��•��� AN maMys ncelwd by Trustw�I►ell,umil used a applisd a�hsn�n bs h�ld In tru�t for itwpurposaa tor whid�tMy wen reaN�d,bu1 ns�d no1 <br />�'� ������y�from eny othsr money�(�xapl to t exteni requlnd by law)end Trustee shall be under no Ilabllky lor intsrost on any <br /> : . .+nt�.'.r ft <br />�,.�al�!'"'�,, <br />-�'�"'s'"'•'�' 2!, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIQNS. Thla D�ed of Trunt ohall be bindlnp upon end inure lo tha bsneflt ot(irantor and Lender and ihelr reapeclNe <br />� '.�:�-�' wa�fars.a�tigit.truatws,nceivxs,edminiauatora,Pxsonel rspreaentatives,legatees end dovlsaea. <br />^ � 30, NOTICEB. Exc�pt a�oth�rwlN requind hy law,eny notba w otMr communkation to bs aovidud undu thle��ed of Truet�hdl bs in wrNinp and s�m <br /> 101fN�i11I�{91 iM BdI�LMf fMfUIb�I In ihb Dsad of Tru�t or sueh oti»r addroa a�tta panies rrey d�s�Onate In w�l�ngi hom 11me to tlma. Any such <br /> . notlo�w piwn and aont bv Hnt dase mell,poetepe prspaki,shal�ba daemed pivsn th°earlier of ihree(3)day�e8er such notia ls wnt a when nceiwd <br /> by th�p�rson to whom aud�notica i�bsinp given. <br /> � �.` I�a1iv.sEaVny pAo�l�tulon ot ihif Deedrof Truct vlolatiiho�aw or i�tunsnf«�eble�ths ett o iha De�idt o�f Trust sheil�ooml�ie o�be vNid end e fo�eble. atat� <br />" s <br /> ., � to�IxrAvvPsPeuGre8loEconseNS to�the�sdidlon end ven e�of emn oori eselsctedtby LenderWn its b di�etbnnaceled In�that stelea applicabte law provides <br /> � �� 33. MISCEI.LANEOUS.(irantor end Lender apree that tima Is of ths esaence. (irentor waivsa pree�ntrt�nt,demand for payrrent,notice of dishonor erd <br /> - -�--- -- � F! _._._.�..,..,..M e.�e.,�a.�n�iaw !ui rataranee�to Grentor In this Deed of Trust shall Induds ell penona slpning bolow. If there is more than ono Oranta, <br /> . . ' .r__�.'�"_���������.1 1�..L�uw.M{r�n In <br /> _.._._ _".. ._____..__r �nv�vv��rnv� ��._ �..__�i <br /> } thelr Odipatl�ons sha�be'pInt end severel. Thls Oeed of Trust represents the cortpeta imograiea unawD�enar�y w�..��������� ary�o��w�w••��•••r•- <br /> � the temis and conditlons hereof. <br /> 34, NO THIHD PARTY AIGHTS. No person is or shall 1»a thlyd party bonefldary of anypr OYI6IOf1 OI lhl6 D9ld 0�TNfI. All pf0V1610�t O�lhl6 Ds@fIO� ; <br /> �;stelnt to the�rta if)catia�i of eny�provlsilon ot this Oeed o�Trus$in ls�s eola dis�crollonell rs emitled to asaume or axpect that Lender will not wafve or , <br /> I 36, pRESERVAi10N OF LIABIUTY AND PRIORPfY. Without alfecting ihe Iiebility of Bortow�►,Grentor,or eny puarentu of�ha Odigatlons,or eny otMr <br /> peracn(exapt a parson ex caal relea�ed in writln )for the payTrrnt endp�rtomiance of tM Obligatlon�,end rrithout effecting the righte of Lencier whh <br /> " � retpect lo enY Properly nol e�xprensly released h w n(ng end wlthout Impelring In any way the priortly o11hU�eed of Truet over the imerest o1�a�ny perwn <br /> ecquIrad or first evidenced by record�ng aubsequent lo the recording ollhie Deod of TrusL Lend�r mey,of�he O�bligatlorn�rtieke a�ny�urity�ol t��hn'e1odpatia�» <br /> " � an d wlllwut no!Icx or consenL re leasa eny per a o n I l e b l e f o rpa y m a n i or p erformance of oll or en y p a n pgr g <br /> lerma oi peyment or�erlarnence oi all or any part of the O b l lgatione;exerdee or rofreln from exerdeing or weive eny riaht or remedy I hat Lender may F i ave <br /> � � undar Ihe Deed of Truar,eeeept additlonal security of nny kind for any of the Obligatlons;or release or otherwiee deal with eny re�r��ai��op�tY <br /> � • Interest orher��ngt�eny evAd�n�thereof�,t�have conse nod to alo r eny suGi actions�by�Lendeature In the Propany shall be dee ucf <br /> v,p,��ao <br /> � NEDOTD Rev.1297 <br />