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��14��733 <br /> sa�isfac�i�n, provided that such insp��t�on sha��be undertak�n promp��y. Lender rnay pay for the repairs <br /> and res�orat�on in a sing�e disbursement flr�n a s�r�e��f progress pa�m.�nts as the work �s Camp�e�ed. <br /> Uniess an agreernent is mad�in writing�r App��cab��Law requ�res xnterest to b�pa�d an �uCh <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lender sha�� n��be r�qu�red tfl pa� B�rrower any�nterest or earnings on such <br /> Miscellan�aus Praceeds. �f�he restarat�on or repair is n�t e��nom�ca��y feasib�e or L�nder'� secur�ty wou�d <br /> he Iessene�, the Misc���ane�us Praceeds sha�l be app�ied to�he sum.�secured by�hi� �ecuri�y �ns�rumen�, <br /> whe�her or n���h�n due, with the e�cess, if any, paid to Borraw�r. Such Miscellaneous Praceeds sha�l be <br /> app�ied �n the order pro�ided for in Sect�an�. <br /> In the event flf a ta�a� taking, destruct�on, or�oss �n�alue af the Prop�rty, th�Mis�e��ane�us Prac�eds shall <br /> be applied to the sums secured b�r thi� Security�n�trument, whether or no�then due, w��h the excess, �f any, <br /> paid to Borrawer. <br /> �n�he e�ent Qf a par�ia�tak�ng, �.�s�ruction, or�oss in value of the Proper�y �n whz�h the fair mark�t�a�ue af <br /> the Propert�r immedia�ely before the partza� �akxng, d�stru�ti�n, or�oss �n�a�ue�s equa� t�flr gr�at�r than�he <br /> amount of the sums secured by this Secur�ty �ns�rurr�ent�m�med�ate�y bef�re the par�ia� �ak�ng, destruc��on, ar <br /> loss �n va�ue, unless Borrawer and Lender atherwise agree in wr�ting, ��e sums secured by th�s 5ecurity <br /> �ns�rum�nt shall be reduced by the amount of th�Miscellan�flus Praceed�mu��ip�ied b��he follawing <br /> frac��on: �a}�he�ota� amount of th�sums secured imm�diateiy befare the partial �aking, destruction, or��ss <br /> in value d���ded by �b}the fa�r market value of�he Praperty imrne�iately befare�he par�ial taking, <br /> des�ruct�on, �r toss �n valu�. An�r ba�ance shal�be pazd to B�rr�v�er. <br /> �n�he ev�n�of a par�iai tak�ng, destruction, or�oss in�alue flf��e Property in which�he fa�r market va�ue af <br /> the Proper�y immed�a�ely before the partial taking, destruction, �r�oss in va�ue is��ss�har�the amaunt of�he <br /> sums secured�ately bef�re the par��al taking, d�s�ruction, or�oss in�ralue, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender o��erw�se agree�n wr�t�ng, �he M�s�e��aneous ProCeeds sha��be applied t��he sums secured by �his <br /> Security �nstrument v�h�ther ar n�t the sums are�hen due. <br /> �f�he Praper�y is abandoned by Borrower, or if, af�er notice by Lender to Borro�er tha��he flppas�ng Party <br /> �as defined in the next sentence�offers to make an award to settle a cla�m far damages, Borrower fa�ls�a <br /> respand�o Lender vvith�n 34 days af�er the dat�the natice�s gi�en, Lender�s autharized ta c�llect and apply <br /> the M�sce�ianeaus Praceeds ezther to restoration ar repair of the Property or�o the sums secured hy this <br /> S�curity �ns�rument, whether or no�then du�. "�ppas�ng Party" means the th�rd party�hat owes Borrower <br /> Miscellane�us Pro�eed�or the party against wham Barrawer has a r�ght of action in regard to M�s����an�ous <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrawer shai�be in default if any acti�n or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is hegun that, in Lender's <br /> �judg�rnen�, cou�d resu�t�n forfezture of the Property ar other material �mpairmen�of L.�nder's interest in the <br /> Property�r rights und�r this Secur��y �nstrumen�. B�rrovver can cure such a d�fau�t and, if acce�era�i�n has <br /> occurred, reinstate as pro��ded in Sec��on �9, by caus�ng the actzon or prace��in�to be d�smxssed w�th a <br /> ru��ng tha�, in Lender's judgment, pre��udes farf�i�ur�af the Prop�r�y or other mat�ria� impairm�nt�f <br /> Lender's in�eres��n�he Property or rights under this Securit��nstrument, Th�pro�e��.s af any award or <br /> claim f�r damag�s that are attrzbuta�����the�mpa�rmen�of Lender's intere���n the Praper�y are her�by <br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> A��M�scellane�us Proce�ds that are no�app�ied�o r�s�oration ar repair af the Pr�p�rty shall be applied in the <br /> ord�r pro��d�d for�n Sec���n 2. <br /> NEgRASKA-Single Family-Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFC?ftM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3�28 11�� <br /> VMP[� VMPfi[NE�t'I3QZ� <br /> WvEters Kluwer�inanciak Ser�ices Page�Q of�7 <br />