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' � 98� 11�'7� _ <br /> 1�s:i �.I <br />,:tn�r•�I ,�� <br />_s�4�i�.. -- <br /> "����`'� paymuits may no longcr be requircd,at the opdon of Lcndcr,if mortgugc insurancc covcragc(in thc amount and fur the pericxl — <br /> `s fi ur%k4, �. <br /> , ti; thaz Lendu rcqu'vaa�provided by an insurer approvcd by Lcndu again bocancs availablc and is obiaincd.Borrowcr shall pay U�c <br /> pccmiums rcquired to maintain mongagc insurance in cffxt,or to pro�►►iue a I�ss rc�:rvc, undl thc rcquircmcnt for mortgagc <br /> • insumcG ends in accordance wllh any wriucn agrocment t►ctwccn Borrowerend Lcnder or npplicablc Inw. <br />-,}�, ,:;. l,Inapection. L,cndrr or it9 agant may makc rcasonablc cntrics upon and inspa:dons ot thc F'roperry, Lcndcr shnll givc __ <br /> '-�"''' ' Borrowcr notkc at thc dmc of or prior W an inspocdan spocifying rcasonabkcause for thc inspcction, <br />�;�';., 10. Condemnation. 'Ihc procceds of nny award or cleim Por darn�3cs.d'ucct or wnscqucnuut, in conncc:uon wi�h any = <br />—,._;:F� condannwion or other taking of any psrt of the Property,or fo�convcyence in licu of condemnauon,are hereby sssi�ned and — <br /> shall b� pafd to Lcndcr. <br /> ' �_; I�the event of a totel teking of the Property,tlie proceetis shall be applicd to lhe sums secureG by Ihis Securiry Inswment, <br /> ,,�� wtYeiher or not then due,with any Bxcess paid ta Borrower,l'n�he event of a partial�alcing of thc Property in whlch the fair merket <br />.- value of the Property immedlately beforo the teking is equal to or grcater�han the amount of the sums sxurcd by this Sccurity <br /> �. �•%�� Inswment immediately bcforc the taking, unlcss Borrower and I.cnder otherwisc agrce in wridng, the sums secured by this <br />�iy6... <br />=_,,��„�..• Secwiry Instrument shall be reduced by Ihe amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following fraction:(a)the total amount o <br />:�;,�r��. �he wms sec�red immediately before the taking, divided by (b) the fair markct valuc of the Property immediatcly before thc <br /> -'�-�"' taking, Any balance shall be paid to Boaower.In the event of a parcial taking of the Propecty in which the fair market value of the <br />=r�'�•i,r Propaty immcdiately bcforc the taking is lcss lhan the amount of thc sums sccurcd immecliatcly bcfore the taking, unless <br /> -�"��+ Borrower und Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable law dherwise provides,iha proceecls shnll be appGed lo the <br />.-''�^�x.:. ., <br /> � .;�r.� sam�secured by this Security Instrument whether ar not thc sums are t�en due. <br />-_��.,-�,,- It the Property is abundoned by Borrower,or if,after nodce by Lender to Borrower that�he condemnor offers to make an _ <br /> "_`�< awaed or sectlo a claim for damages,Bo�rower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the notice is given,L.ender <br />"�'"'"'�'•��•, is au�hor'v.ed to collect and apply the proceeds,nt its opdon.either to restaation or repair of the Property or to the sums secured <br />���>':r�i� by this Sxurity Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower otherwise agroe in writin8.�Y ePPlication of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postponc <br />��rL������ thedue date of the mon►hly puyments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments, <br /> ��n,���' 11.Borrower Not Rekascd;Forbwraace By Leoder Not A WAiver. Extension of the Gmc for payment or modiGcation <br /> �`i'� oE tmortization of the sums secured by�his Securiry Instrument granted by L.ender to any auccessor in interest of Bornowu shall <br /> �J����`��� notop�rate to relea5e thc liability of t�e original BoROwer or Boaower's successocs in interest. Lcndcr shall not bc required to <br /> -'° _Y,�=�;�� commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to eatend urne for payment or otherwise modify amortization of <br /> _ �_� � iheaums socured by this Securiry Insuument by reason of any dcmund mede by the original Bonower or Bo�rawu's successors <br /> — ua w��� f+ny far� Len3�::.�^arr_'isin°?ny rivht or remuiy shall not Ue u waiver of or preClude lhC exerCisc of any <br /> _---_�� ri�htor rerr►edy. <br /> —�_ - � 12.Successors and Assigna Bound;Joipt t►nd SeverAl LiAbflity;Casigoers. 'I'he covenants and agreem�nts of this <br /> - Searity Instrument shall bind and benefit the succes.wrs end asstgns af Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> -- -= p�ngraph 17. Borrower's covenants end agreements shall be joint and several. My Bonower who co-signs this Security <br /> Inswment but daes not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securiry Instrument only to moctgage, grant and convey thac <br /> _ Barowa's interest in the Prope.rty undcr the terms of this Security Inswmenr (b)is no t perso n a U y o b l i g a t e d t n p a y t h e s a m s <br /> �--- secured by this Security Instrument; and(c)agroe.s thac L.ender and any other Borrowu may agra co eatend,modify,forbear or <br /> ' cr»lu any accommodations with regard to the tem�s of thi5 Security Instrumtnt or the Note without that Borrowu's consenG <br /> 13.Loan CbArges. If 1he loan secuced by thi�Security Insavment is subjxt to a law which secs maximum loan charges, <br /> � amd Ihat law is finally interpreted so thac the uuuest or other lo�n charges collected or to be collecled in connocdon with tho loan <br /> o�cceai the p�rmiued limits,then:(a) any such loan charge shall be reduce� by the amount nocessary co reduce the charge to ihe <br /> ppmit�ed limit;and(b)ony sums already collxted from Borrower which exceedai permitted limits will be cefunded to Socrowa. _ <br /> L,ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal ow�d under the Note or by making a direct payment to <br /> ----------- Barowu. If a refund reduces principal, the reducdan will be tre.ated as a partiel prepaYmcnt without any prepaymenc chacge <br /> tzndrr ihc Note. <br /> _ 14.Notkes. Any notic;c to Borrower providul for in this Securiry Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailirig it <br /> --- by�irst class mail unless npplicable law requires use of anothu method.'Ihe nodce shall be dir�xted to the Property Address or <br /> any�thcr address Borrower designates by nodce to Lender.Any noGCe w Lender shall be given by first class mail to Lender's <br /> —' �ddresy staud herein or any other address Lec►der designates by nodce a Borrower. My notice provided for in ihis Security <br /> �—=- Inswmcnt shall be deemcd to have bea►given to Borrower or Lender whu�given as provided in this pacagraph. <br /> 15.Governing LAw;SeverAbflity, This Security Inswment shall be governed by fcderal law and the law of the <br />-'"!�`'`�'"'—a jwisdicGon in which the Property is located. In the event that any provisian or clausc�f this Sxuriry Instrumcnt oc the Note <br /> �-�-=--�� canflicts wilh applicabla law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or thc Note which can be <br /> .-^,5�� <br /> ---_ givu► effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instiument and the Note are dec to <br />_,--'_°�,�.���a1 besevuabic, <br />_�<<,�,���- <br /> �. ;.3;r�,'' • Form 30II0 4100 <br />�'�r�� :�•.- .�; �� Pap�4ol8 Inlllab:�— <br /> _,�: , ,- r (�-eR(NE)lox,z,.o, <br /> .' . . . � <br />� "� �......-.� �.._...o... ' . ...��+�"�..�.�.�w�.......---- - .. .. ..: `- � ... <br /> ..� }( ' .. . � . . ..� <br /> ._..�__��` !_._ ._ ' ' ' � _ <br />___. +.i�.� -. _�f -:_�.�.-____...--.._.�. . .... . . ..-._- .-,-_. __ __. ' _ , _'.-_ ....-_ ._' __.-. ' -_ __ , <br /> _ .z- � .. _____ ._ '. _.___. ` -' -• � � , <br /> . y yi .. <br /> .. � c.. „ , . . . <br /> . „ <br /> , .. . 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