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ci • 'a+�^�"�'�"'^ ' � �j 1q�� _. .. . . <br /> .. • .. :cy�,t,n� ,`-,_.. , - - -�-- - . .. . _.._ _..._ _ . . .. <br /> °.�,_-�J`�•... __.._ _ _ _ <br /> . 98, i12'738 <br /> or Tru�tN in such order end manr�er es they or either of them rr►aY�n their abaotute discretbn determine. No rsrtNdy <br /> Fwre(n con(erred upon or reserved to Truetee or Beneficlnry le I►�tended to be exdusive of eny other remedy h�►rreln a'by <br /> lew pravidsd or permkted,but eech efx�ll bs cumuletHe and ehell be in eddkion to ewry other remedy Qive�t�ereurxfar or <br /> �ow or heree}te►existin�et law or in equiry or by statute. Every power or remedy tven by any of the Loen Instrumer►ts tu <br /> Tn�etee or Ben�ticl�ry or to wh�h elther of tham may be otherwlae entkl� mey be exerolsed� concunendy or <br /> indeperxleMly,iram time to time erxi ss dten as rru�y be deemed expedlent by T�ustee or BeneNciary and elther of the►n <br /> rtry puraue Inconabtsnt rerr�edbs. NotMrp hereln ehaN be canstn►ed ae prohlbitlnp Beneficlary ftom seeklnp a defickmcy <br /> )udymerrt apa�nat the Truator to the exteM such actlon la parmitted by law. <br /> 13. REGIUEST FOR N0710E. Trustor end eH other partlea aet fath heretn hereby requesta a copy of any Nd�e <br /> of Defeult and a copy d eny Ndice oF Sale hereunder be meNed to tham at the acidreae set forth in the flret peiroy��l�of <br /> thla 3econd Deed d Truet. <br /> 14. GOVERNINQ IAW. Thls Second peed d Tn�st shall be govemed bY and conatn�ed In accordence wkh the <br /> luwa of the State d Netxeaka. In the event that any pro�vlsbn or deuae of arry d the Loan Inatrumenta corrA�ts wkh <br /> epplkmble lewe,s►uuch coMlicl:aF�ell not etifect other proviebna of such Loan Inatrumente wh�h can be�fven e(fect wkhout <br /> the c��llktinp provlalon, and to thla end the provlalons W the Loan InetrumeMs are dedered to bs severable. This <br /> inatnune�'�t cennot be welved,chanyed,diacherged or terminated orally,but only by an Instrument In writh�y alpned by the <br /> pe�ty a�►��st whom eniorcemarit of any waNer,chanqe,discharge or termination la souqht. <br /> 16. RECONVEYANCE BY TRUSTEE. Upon wrkten request of Benellclery statin0 thet all sums secured hereby <br /> heve been paid and upon surrender of thia Sacond Deed of Tn�at and any note to Truatee for canceNatbn and rateM{on and <br /> upon perymer�t bY 7rustor of Trustee's fees, Trustee ehell reconvey ta Trustor, or the person o�' perea►s Ie�paHy eMkled <br /> ne�ers�or�fe��cts shall b�e oor due�ive prod of the tMtMulti�thereof.fiTh�e 0 ntee tn �Itals���h��be descrlbed <br /> e�s`the person or persona le�ally entided theret�." <br /> 1B. NOTICES. Whenever BeneRiclary, Truetor or Truatee ahall deaire to pive or eerve an1►:notice� demend, <br /> reqwet or other communk:etion with reapecx tA thla Second Deed d Tn�st, eech such not�e demand, requeat or other <br /> re servics or meMecl by <br /> comm�x�lcatlon sFx�N be In wrltiny erxi atwll be effecthre only M the seme la delNered bY I�� <br /> certMled maN� postAqe PrePaid,retum rer,eipt requeated,eddresaed tn the eiddress set forth at the bepinnhq of thls Second <br /> ps�d of Truat, My party mey at any time chnnge Ita addreas for such ndices by dellverinp or maNirp to the other partles <br /> hereto,as atoreeald,e�not�e of such chenqe. <br /> 17. ACCEPTANCE BY TRUSTEE. Truatee accepts thla Truat wF�en thls Second Deed d Truat, duly executed <br /> and acknowledqed,is mede a publ�reccxd as pravfded by law. <br /> 4 <br /> .� ° --��:,��:���.�7��Gii:._�:-�'i.;-- –=- ==----_ — - <br /> � ��.��lA[�62�4�7yC�i`��. _ — —_� - <br /> wtm��lCi�_L��U2 - -. <br /> �..,�...� .._ _"— — '__ <br /> ..�_....�........�.,�..- »�...�itLi-r_._-am�..::-.�e.,�...-���.t"-'__�___ <br /> - --_ .—___.�,�.i.'.�.r��'�Bl, — <br /> +�'e�r�l'G�161Ak1j7,' ,�•�<a,-l� ��tSBl�81V� � . �._�.�._,..�.-- ��_ ----�.� ---- <br /> �Y'.• -'f �8°➢TOB�ira�.�� � �.�s <br /> �f:�`�� �.�P:?'�:ri�^6,eY1l�°, . ���r."""�..n'�° ---�--- <br /> -.�� r r�r�re�v�a.m� <br /> •C� }� � . � i� yf�� -n� ) ��M7 � �� e. g������,F+t . _... <br /> .� `�'�'S tr '. . h �8.9(f- . rA d�4 'd' . �1:.: 'Ef!�'pa� _ __— <br /> .S -1 � a. ' >t <br /> s�r �. 3- . .� Y- ,��)y�,.,,i ir-' •:\'1 �-.- — <br /> t n l�YtW- 2.'l;z�'., �rr 1.•';1'\'�:ylY< '�`.�"sx� � .S. A`_��.r- �---- <br /> .,��v�i, w ; � 4 , ;���v�'.,k���" :� �e.�. r ra� <br /> ti� . . ' ,+'. � ,` 3 �.�.�iF�� r �r� ��� �s'�'�z{����n7,R�'k�a '� - <br /> - . � .y , ' . .. �,: i .. �7�r: -r 1,� - -_- _ <br /> ' k � ��.+;in' :ja � ' 1r�e — <br /> . r , . .--�� '.t.. ` i ar.. I � r. 'ipyy��}r},. Y.� i i -v� <br /> . . . . • . - ,�_ .17, fit1�..�A{v�.�...~.���.n��.l��'•i��������.L 3..�.��_.— ' <br />