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. .1. "N�+rtr�[.�.R,� �Rl��i��„��� . <br /> .s�f. 1.��l:.TTwP�� fiu►�N'�lir��; <br /> ""k .�+wFls�+:��bi!'1Y.Nd-.� _ _._._.. <br /> y� yy 3l: - <br /> � r1..��4/�'R)�T%1{�p,�1'. . . ` �l�[t(j�{S _ _ __ . <br /> ��� 5� .�'�"�5��1'�-ZfT: T�•-�, • T���•":�y�iJ��tl531fT .. .. <br /> .�r.Yb..u.,.i� .L..!-_ <br />..�._ ..1�'�'[�G;rS`_.'!'f�._._._.._...,-�`:c�".iY.l.:a=6`RZ,��7ac'mewE�^�`^ —_—_ _ '. <br /> � li2'738 <br /> • ' .��,' 98- <br /> 2, TAXES, Truator shall pay each installment of all taxes end apeclal assessments of every klnd, now or <br /> heresiter levied ayalnat the Ttust Estate or eny part theraai,before d�llnquency,wfthout n4tice nr damend. <br /> 3. INSURANCE AND REPAIRS. Trustor shell malntain flre and extended coverage Insurance Insuring the <br /> Improvemenls constkuting part of the Trust Estate for such emounta and on such terms reasonably sat�sfactary to <br /> Beru rement of tlhe fgiret dteed of n�iat orlmortgage st all bersuffice nttotsatlsfy the�eque ments of thlsepa ag�ph�3 relating <br />_ to Insurance. � <br /> Trusta shall promptly repair and replace tha Trust Estate or any part thereof sa that, except tor ordlnary wear and <br /> tear,the T�ust Estate ahall not deteriarate. In no event shall the Trustor commftwaste qn or to tha Trust Eatate,or commk, <br /> suffer or permit any act ta be done In or upon the Trust Estate In violatlon of any law,ordinance or regulatbn. Trustor shall <br /> pey and promptly discharge et Trustar'g cost and expense all Ilens, encumbrances and charges levled, Imposed or <br /> assessed agalnst the Trust Estate or any part thereof. <br /> 4. ACTIONS AFFECTING TRUST ESTATE. Trustor siiall appear in and contest any action or proceedtng <br /> purpc�rting to attect the securtty hereof or the rights or powers of BeneNciary or Trustee, end shad� pAY ell costs and <br /> expensas. ��Nud�nQ If Trustor fails to�make any�payment or to do any act a and in the nannee�r provided n a Beof the Lryoan <br /> 7rustee mayappea . <br /> Instrumenta,Beneficiary sr�/or Trustee, each In thelr own dlscretion,wkhout obllgation so to do and without not�e to or <br /> demand upon Trustor and wfthout releasing Trustor from any obligation,may make or do the same In such mam�er and to <br /> such extent as efther may deem necessary to protect the securiry herec,f. Trustor ahall,Immedlately upon demand therefar <br /> by genefialary, pay all costs and expenses Incurred by Beneficlary In connectlon wi�h the exerclse by BeneNciary of the <br /> foregoing rlghts,including without limftattan casts of evidenco of title,court cos�e, appraisaig,surveys and attomey's fees. <br /> 5. EMINENT DOMAIN. If the Trust Estate,or any part thereof or interest therin,be taken or damaged by�eason <br /> of any public Improvement or candemnation proceeding, or in any other manner Includfng deed In Iteu thereof <br /> ("Condemnetion'), or if T�ustor receNes any notice or other informatlon regarding such proceedlnfl,Trustor shall give <br /> prompt written notice thareof to Beneficlary. Trustor shall be entftled to all canpenstlon, awarcls and other payrneMs or <br /> rp�ro�c tedingsa Trustor shall als bet ntftlepd to tmake any compromiselorasetdement n onnection wfth such t king or <br /> damage. <br /> 6. APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE. Beneficiary may,from time to time, by a written instrument <br /> executed end acknowledged by Beneficlary, mafled to Trusior snd recorded In the Counry In wh�h the Trust Estate Is <br /> located and by otherwise complying wfth the provisions of the appl�able law of the State of Nabraska substftute e <br /> ;u��$„cr pr�u��srsots*_�ihe Tr�!�taP,named heretn or actlnq hereunder. <br /> 7, SUCCESSORS AiVD ASSIGNS. Thls Second Deed ot Trust�pplles to, inures to the be�efft of snd binds all <br /> parties hereto, thelr helrs, legatees, devisees, personal represernatfvea,successors and asslgns. The term'Beneflcia <br /> ahall meanthe owner and holder of any promissory note gNen to beneflclery.(whether or not named as Bensficlary heraln. <br /> 8, MERGER, CONSOLIDATION, SALES OR LEASES. Trustor convenants that Trustor wYl not sell, leese or <br /> otherwlsc�dlspose o(any d the Trust Estate. In the evem that Trustor sells, leases or otherwiae dispoaes of any pa�� <br /> Tn�st Estate, Beneflclary meY et fts aF�t�on declare the Indebtedness secured hereby immedlately due and peyabl <br /> or not any default existe. Beneficlary shall consent to a transfer of the Trust Estate to a third pa�j►to the excent such third <br /> ��I��t eln sphall�n with h Property and shallmemain fn�fulg foi�egand�fect until he Indebtedness Is pekl fuN. �a <br /> conta <br /> 9. EVENTS OF DEFAULT. Any of the following events shall be daeme�d sn event of default hereunder: <br /> (a) detault shall bo made in the peyment of the Indebtedness or any other sum secured hereby when due; <br /> or <br /> (b) Trustor shall perform any act In bankruptcy;or <br /> (c) a court of competent Jurisdictlon shall ent�r an order,�udgment or decree epproving a petftlon fHed <br /> aga7nst Trustor seeking any reorganizstion,dlssdutlon or similar relief under any present orfuture federal, state <br /> or other statute,law or regulatlon r�lating to bankruptcy, Insolvency or other rellef for debtors. end such order, <br /> judgment or decree shaU remaln unvar,ated and unstayed for an aggregate of slxty (60) days (whether or not <br /> consecutNe) from the flrst date of entry therof; or any trustee, receiver or Ilqukiator or Trustor or d all or any <br /> part of the T�ust Estete, or of any or ell of the royaltles, revsnues, reMs, Issues ar profits thereoi, shall be <br /> appointed without the consent or acqulescence'of Trustor anti such appolntment shall remain unvacated and <br /> unstayed for an aggregate of sfxty(60)days(whether ar not consecuttve);or <br /> � <br /> 2 <br />=..� - <br /> , <br /> , __.._._... �, <br /> -, . � ! � x 3�5 ��+5��_ <br /> — .• . _ . .. 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