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- - TaA1m�i�•'�V�pl�l :�qm . <br /> J�lr�l�iY� (� ty w fr� <br /> I' ,�'Nk1�+�'4��i.H1t�-y _ _� - <br /> „ r�'^'^fr��:?n�r,—rn'�:w�.... � . . .i 'i{t:'�:�i ,q'3�,'�'3,{�`'__.--- <br /> -- - --- - --- .�s.�. ___�.•s ...+,!?�"_-:�— <br /> '' "(i�Ydllfi�-�= <br /> _. Y�iIx.2A':::.'L:.Cfc�':�94'lr_'r-�v__—�_ _ <br /> ,._i`j'C _ �;��. �r77. `�:lf��_Ia:. <br /> � 9g_ i a��73s <br /> 1-4 FAMILY RIDER <br /> Assignment of Rents <br /> THIS 1�4 FAMILY RIDER is madethis 21�t day oF Docombor is98 . � <br /> and is incorporated int�and shall be damed to smend and supplement the Martgage,I�ad of Tru�t ar S�curity <br /> Dad (the "Security instrument") uf thc same datc given by the undersigned (thti "Barrowcr"1 to secure <br /> 8orrower's Notc to <br /> Hoa� F�dara�l 8avin�s �ad Lou► J1��oaiation o� Grand Ialand <br /> 221 8outh Locu�t <br /> Grand ialarid, 1�tE 6BB01 ([hc "L,cnder") <br /> of the same date and covering the Propeny described in the Security Instmment and la.ated at: <br /> 2008 NORTH 9HI'rPM1►N <br /> GR�ND Y9IJ►t�D, NZ 68801 <br /> �Property Address] <br /> 1-4 FAMILY COVENANTS.Ln ddition to the covrnants and agmments made in the Sauriry p�utrun�ent, <br /> Borrower and Lender fu�ther covecunt ar�d agree�s follows: <br /> A. ADDITIONAL PAOPERTY SiJBTE�T TO THE SECLJRI'1'Y INSCRM�IENT• �a �ddition co thc <br /> Property dacribed in the Security Instcument,the fallowing i[ems are added to the Property dexrip�lon,and shall <br /> also constitute the Property covered by�he Securiry Instrument: building materials, applianc�s ad�oods of every <br /> nature whatsoever now or h�reafter located in, on, or used, or intendal to be useii in connection with the <br /> Property, including, but not limitai to, those for the pucpos�s of supplying or distributing heuing, cooling, <br /> electricity. ga.s,water, air and light, fire prevention and extinguishing apparatus,secudty uad access control <br /> appuatus. plumbing, bAth tubs, wator heaters, water closcts, sinks, rangea, stoves,refrigerators,dishwashers, <br /> disposals. w�shers. dryer�, awnings, storm windows, storm doors, screens,blinds,shades, curtains and curtain <br /> rods,attached mirrors,cabinetn, p�nelling and atta►r.hed floor coverings aow or hereaher utachtd ro the Property, <br /> all oi which, iacluding rcpluc;c,ucr�.� w�� �dit�an� th:,rta, shy2 be dee�� to M ?nd r�mn�n a part of the <br /> Property coverod by the Security instNment. All of the foregoing together with [he Propocry descrtbed in the <br /> Security Insttument(or the leas�hold euate if the Security Instrumont is on a lessehold) aze rettrred to in this 1-4 <br /> Family Rider and the Security Instrument as the"Property." <br /> B. USE Ok PROPERTY; COMPLIANCE W1TH LAW. Barrower shall not sak. �gra to or make a <br /> ch�nge in t6e use of the Property or ia zontng classification,unless L.endrr has agrad in writing to the chango. <br /> Borrower �6a11 comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and requiremenis of any govemmental body <br /> applia�bte to tbe Property. <br /> C.SUBORDINATE LIENS.Exapt a�permitted by federal law,Borrower sbdl not ailow any lien inferior <br /> to the Security Instrument to be perfected agunat the Property without Lender's prior written�xrrnission. <br /> D. RENT L06S INSURANCE.Borrower sh�ll maintain insuracue againet rent loss in addition to the other <br /> hazard�for which insurance fe required by Uniform CovenAnt 5. <br /> E, "BpRRpWER'S RIGHT TO REINSfATE"DELETFD.Uniform Covenant 18 ie delaed. <br /> F. D06tAOWER'S OGCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwiu agree in writing, the first <br /> sentence in i�nlform Covenu►t 6 concerning Borrower's occupaney of the Propeny is delded. All remaining <br /> coven�nta and�grament+s set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect. <br /> MULTISTATE 1 •4 FAMIIY RIDEN-Farx�N M��lFr�dt��Mac Unifam Irotrummt Fwm 3770 3183 <br /> P.p�1 of z <br /> VM�MOqTGAGE FOHMS•10001621•7491 ��M��w' <br /> �•67 �aw4l.ot — <br /> , . �.� . <br /> - � - _ ..,�,z.� <br /> -.� . . , • - : - �rcri:.r:.�..�.� �,�t'j - <br /> _ <br /> � ��h�.. <br /> , - - . . _ .�C,��. � . r �'�°"t. <br /> ---- - - �- --- -�� - - ----_. . � :. � - �6._,aL�` . ,�4'<R4�,-:.���'R9►uz.-5�,a - - — <br /> �I� �' <br /> . ____ -'_ - __ <br /> -,_. .._ ...__ .:_..._.. . ___, - - -- — - <br /> _ . . F����R� _ . - -��.i �--:"1 - :.'- <br /> `E .__ .. _. ._ :__.. --. _- . ': 1;'�' �a. �...,�, �rr�'�L . �t :.i�'�� w <br /> :� .. . 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