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. .,.yi . ^ . . , r.r� -.. . . � <br /> - .. 1{�}y- '.��.��t-' :i. .S rv L �S�.,.. <br /> � . �- :a:ifiF'7i�� � • ', ' ' � • ' ; � -.. - --- <br /> r'��C�:X tis�.r��iu�.�:._.. . . r.,ar.v,ru ':i.-:�f+ti*'.i�+.� .,.�.'l•i�.:.u;��_ � <br /> . . ., - -. ... . _. . . _ <br /> .. . .Fa t• -- - _ <br /> ::�t�.41.t�a. <br />`�'�``�:� � g8-- 112'735 <br />_ � <br /> :�� . <br />-�rw"� - <br /> . 17.'Trwnster ot the Property or a BanedclAl Interest In Hotrower. If all ar nny pert of thc Pro{xrty or any inicrest in it <br /> i�eold ar transfened(or if a beneficlal interest in Borrower is sold or transferred aiid Borrower is not a nitural person)without <br /> `�� '� ' Lender's pdar written consene, L.ender may, at its opAon, requirc immedlate paymcnt in full of all sums secured by this <br /> a??�q';�{ . Security Instrument. However,this optlon shell not be exercised by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by fedcral law as of the date <br />;�,. :>..� <br /> � of this 5ecurity [nstntment, <br />,;.;;�,�.�t� !f Lender cxercises this option,L,ender shall aive Borrower natice of acceleration. Thc nodce shall providc a periai of not <br />>>:;a:•�; less than 30 days from the date the notice Is deliverod or mailed within whlch Borrower must pay all sums securcd by this <br /> Security Instrument. lf Borrower fails to pay these eums prior to the expiration of this period, Lendcr may invokc any remedics � <br />��^ �}+w?' permitted by this Security Instn�ment withouc further noucC or demand on iiorrower. <br /> :x_•... <br /> �-'� 18. Borrowerb Rlght to Relnatata !f Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower sbaU have thc right to havc <br />- enforament of this Secudry Instrumcnt discontinued at any timc prior to the earliec of: (a) S days (or such o[her period as <br /> ' applic�ble law may specify for reinxtaxment) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of sale con�ained in this - <br /> ";"� ` Security Instn�ment;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing this Security Instrument,Those canditions arc that Bocrower: (a)pays <br /> Lender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrum�nt and the Note as if no acccleration had occurrul; (b) <br /> '`'�``.��• ' cures any dofault of any other covenants or agrexments; (c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcins this Security Instrument, <br />`i��:!'� including, but not limited to,reason�ble attomeys' fees; and(d)takes such action as Lcnder may reasonably require to nssurc <br />-:z,�` <br />=.:��,�,� that the lien of this Security Instrument, Lender's righte in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay thc sums secur y <br /> -=,;�;� � this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower, tMs Securuy lnstrument and the <br /> - .__� obligations ucured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall <br />