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' -�--.._..__.,..,.v:.,:x;��==_' -.. <br /> ---: <br /> ��.�:�,;; - - - " - - <br /> . <br /> - �8` 1�.2'�31 <br /> I <br /> ASSIGNMBNT OF LEASE <br /> For Ona Dollar (S1.00) and other vnluable� coneideration, <br /> Business World Inveetmenta, Inc., doee hereby aseign to Alvin G. <br /> Motley, a eirxgle pereon, and hie heire nnd aeeignc�, all right, <br /> title and intereet in �nd to a certain lease entered ix�to by and <br /> between DraCa, Inc., a Nebraska corporntion, end Buainees World <br /> Investnoen�e, Inc., a Nebraska corporatioty on Masch 13, 1991, and <br /> recorded ns do�ument numt�er 9f-101379 with the office of the <br /> Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. By thie document, <br /> Businesx World Inveetments, Inc., does hereby tranefer ite interest <br /> undar the terme of the aforementioned leaee agreement to Alvin G. <br /> Motley, a eitngle person, eubject to al]. the terme and cvnditions of <br /> the I,ease Agreement. <br /> DATED: December 22, ].998. <br /> BUSINESS WORLD INVLr51i�I�N1�, Ii3C•r <br /> gy \7v <br /> . Robext��a kn, Pres�dent <br /> J. <br /> State of Nebraaka <br /> County of Hell <br /> Before me, a Notary Pub�ic, qualified for said County, pexeonally cmne Robert J'. <br /> Pavelka, President of Businesa World Investmenes, Inc. , kncx�m to me to be the <br /> identical pereon who signed the foregaing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br /> Chereof to be his voluntary act and deed. ' <br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal on the 22nd day of December 1998. <br /> � <br /> GENERAINOTAR'f•5�����tiL�aN 3 ot i ublic <br /> � MARGAREY M• <br /> MY�'^m.ExD.lulY 2�200� , <br /> 11 trsct v! l�d corpri�inq part o! Lo�. 8i.x (6), slcok <br /> lortY (40�, in tb� oriyin�l ?own o� Cr+�srd Isl�nd, 6a11 <br /> County, Nebras�Ca, more particularly de�cribed a� fallowr: <br /> Seginning at the northeaster].y corner of said Lot Six <br /> (6)= thence �outheaeterly along the Qa�terly line of eaid <br /> � I,ot Six (6) , a distance of Saventy tl�rae end Biqh�y Five <br /> Hundrsdth�_ (73.95) feet� thence defleoting.right 89° 57' <br /> 4Z" and runninq •outhwesterly, s distnnce of Seventeen <br /> ' and 3ix Tenthr (17.6) lssti thence defleatinq right 90° <br /> A9 � I911 �wd r�fnn�nR nnrl��fv��f'�f'�V a A�al:wnn_w Of Ten <br /> ' (10.0) �astj thenaa deflecting left 90° 02' 17" and <br /> _ runninq southWe�terly, a di�tance of Farty Six and F�rt� <br />� . Four Hundredths (46.44) feat f thence deflaetinq right 89 <br /> .'" 33' 38" and running northwesterly, a di�tence of Sixty _ <br /> '�hree end Bighty Thres Hundredths (63.83) feet t� th� <br />: nort�erly line of said Lot 6ix (6) ; thence northoaeterly <br />� elo�iq the northerly line of uaid Lot Six (6), a d�.atance <br /> of Sixty Foi:r and Fifty Five Hundredths (6�1.55) feet to <br /> tl�a pl�aa sf k�Agin�aing and cur�taining 0.098 acres mora <br /> or lese. <br /> .,,�-._ _..-.._._..__..._-------�------ ------.._....-------__--- ----___ _ _ <br /> ,� -__._�..._.�...__�....T ,_,�,�_=.��..�,--- -- ,� _ ;. ..� :':�����.o.�.� � _ <br /> . ;,i^.�. _ - --- �,�z .- __- <br /> . . ` ' � , ;,��`;��-----_==-...r_- ��.�_�,�-. <br /> ,� . '�3>'�����yy� �-- <br /> _ �...y�.._ _ ..__.•� ....��. -._.�.__.�.�.._�r�-�.�...��_ . . .__.� . w.�L1:�C}.�_�Z.L'(l+�c���_ — <br />