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��14���7� <br /> l�on-Uniform Covenant�, Borrower and Lender further cover�ant and ag�ee as fa�Io�vs. <br /> '�7. Assignm�nt of Rents. Borrovver un��nditio�na�Iy ass�gns and transfers �o Ler�der a11�he r�nts ar�d rev�nues af <br /> the Property. Borr�wer autharizes Lender�r Lender'� agents �o coll�ct the r�nts and re�enue� and hereby directs <br /> each �enant of the Property �o pay �he rents ta Ler�der ar Lenderts agen�s. Ho��ve��r, priflr to Lender's no�ice to <br /> Sarrawer of Barrower's breach af any covenant or agreement in the 5ecurity Instrumen�, Barrovver shall collect <br /> and rece�ve ali rer�ts and revenues of the Property as �rus�ee for the ben�fi� of Let�der and Borro,wer.This <br /> assignment of ren�s constitutes an absolu�e assignrnen� and not an assignment for additional securi#y Qniy. <br /> If Lender �1�Lr�5 nntic� of brea�h �fl Borrotiver: �a� al� rents rece�ved by Borrovv�r shall be held by Barrower as <br /> trustee for benefit af Lender anly, ta be app�ied to �h� sums secured by the Security �nstrument; �b�Lender shall <br /> be en�itled �a colle�t and receive all flf the rer�ts �f�he Praper�y; and �c}each tenant af the Property shall pay aIl <br /> r�n�s due and unpa�d to Lender or Lender's agent fln Lender's vvritten demand to the �enant. <br /> Borrower�ias r�ot executed any prior assignmen� of the rents and has nat and w�ll na� perform any act�hat would <br /> prevent Lender fr�m exer�isi�g its righ�s under this paragraph �7, <br /> Lender sha11 not be required t� enter upon, tal�e con�rol af or main�a�n the Property befare or after gi�ing no�ice <br /> of breach to Borrower.Hovvev�r, Lender ar a judicial�y appoir�ted recei��r may do s� at any time th�re is a <br /> breach. Any applicat�on of ren�s shall not cure or Waive any defau�� or it�valida�e ar�y other righ��r remedy of <br /> Lender. Th�s assignmen� of ren�s of��e Prflperty shall�erminate wher��he debt secured by the security <br /> Ins�rumen� is paid in ful1. <br /> 'i 8. Fvreclosure Rrocedure. If Lender requ�res immedia�e payment in full under paragraph 9, Lender may <br /> in�oke �he power�f sale and any o�her remedie� perrn��ted by app�icable�aw.Lender shall be entitled to coliect <br /> ali expenses incurred �n pursuing the rernedies under this paragraph 18, in�luding, but not limited tv, <br /> reasonahle at�orneys' fees �nd cos�s of ti�le evidence. <br /> Ifthe power of sale is in�oked,Tru�tee shall recard a no�ice of defaul�in each coun�y in�vhich any par�of the <br /> Prnpert� �s lacated and shall mail capies of such notice xn the manner prescribed by applicable�a�t�Svrrower <br /> and�01�he nther pers�ns prescr�bed by applicab�e law.After the�ime required by app�icab�e law,Trustee shall <br /> gi�e publi�no�ice of sale �a the persans and in the manner pre�cribed by applicable law.Trustee, �vi�hout <br /> demand on Borrower, shall seIl the Proper�y at publ�c auction to the highe�t b�d�er a�the x�me and place and <br /> under the terms designated in the nat��e of saie �n one or more parcels and in any order Tru�tee de�ermines. <br /> Trustee may postpone sale of all ❑r any parcel of the Pr�perty by publ�c announcemen� at�he time and p�a�e of <br /> any pre�iously scheduled sale. Lender ar its des�gnee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br /> If�he Lender's interest in �hi� Security Instrument is held by the Seeretary and the Secretary requires <br /> irnmediate payrnen�in fu�l under Paragraph g, the Secretary rnay�nvoke �he nonjud�cia� p�wer of sale prov�ded <br /> in �he Single Family Mor�gage Fvreclo�ure Ac� af 1994 �"Act") ��2 U.S.C. 3751 e� seq.� by requesting a <br /> foreclosure commis�ioner designated under the Ac� to commence f�reclnsure and �o sell the Praperty as <br /> provided in the Act. Nothing �n �he preced�ng sentence shall deprive the Secretary of any rights v�herwise <br /> ava�lable to a Lender under�h�s Paragraph 1$ or applicab�e lavv. <br /> i�pon re�eipt af paym ent af the pr�Ge bid,Trustee shall deliver tv�he purchaser Trus�ee's deed conve�ing the <br /> Property. The recita�s in �he Trustee's deed shall be prima fa�ie evidence �f�he tru�h of the sta�emen�s �nade <br /> therein. Trustee shall app�y�he praceeds of the sa�e in the follawing order: (a}ta aIl cns�s and expenses of <br /> exerci�ing the pawer of sa�e, and the sale, including the payment of�he Trustee's fees a�tually incurred and <br /> reasonable attorneys' fees as permi��ed by Applicable Law; �b}to ail sums secured by this Security Ins�rurnent; <br /> and�c}any excess to�he persan or per�on� legally en�i�led to it. <br /> �HA �eed af Trust-NE 41�� <br /> V�� � VMP4R(NE} �13D�}.Dti <br /> UVolters Kluwer�inancial Services Page 7 af 90 <br /> o�ooNE4�g5��6 <br />