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��14���7� <br /> 5. �ccupancy, preservat�on� Maintenance and Protect�on of the Property; Bvrrawer's Loan <br /> App[�catiort� Leaseholds. Borrovver shal� occup�r, establish, and use the Prop�r�y as Borrower's principa] <br /> residence v�i�hin srx�y days af�er th� e�e�ution of this Security Ins�rument �or within s�xty days of a later saie or <br /> transfer of�he Prop�rty} and shall cantinu� to occupy the Property as Barrower'� principal residen�e for at least <br /> one year after�he da�e of occupancy, unless Lender determines that re9uiremen� vvill cause undue hardship for <br /> Borrower,�r unless ext�nua�ing c�rcumstances e�is�vvh�ch are beyond Barra«er's controi. Borrower�hall notify <br /> L�nder of any extenua�ing circumstanc�s. Borrov�er shall not comm�t��aste ar des�roy, damage or substan�iaily <br /> change the Prop�rty or a1la�nr�he Praperty to deteriara�e, reasonable ��vear and tear e�cepted. Lender may inspect <br /> the Praperty if the Property rs vacant ar abandoned o�r the laan is in default. Lender may tal�e reasonabl� action <br /> to pratect and preserve suc�a va�ant ar abandaned Property. Borra�ver sha11 a�so b�in default if Borrower, <br /> during th� Ioan application process, ga�e materza�Iy false or�naccurate infarmation or staternents to Lender�ar <br /> fai�ed�o provide L�nder��vith any material informatian� in��nnecti�n ��vith the loan evrdenced by the Note, <br /> including, but no� ��mi�ted to, represe�ta�ions concerning Borrawer's occupan�y of the Proper�y as a principal <br /> residence. If th�s 5ecurity �nstrument �s on a leaseh�ld, Borrovver shall comply�v��h�he pravisians af the ��ase, If <br /> Borro,wer acquires f�e�i�le to the Praperty, the leaseho�d and fee tit�e sha�l no� �e merged unless L�nder agre�s <br /> ta the m�rger in vv��ting. <br /> fi. Condemna�ion. The prac�eds af any a�t�vard or c�a�m for damages, direct or consequential, in cannect�on `�ith <br /> any condemnation or a�her taking of any par� af the P�aperty, or for c�n�e�ance in place ❑f condemnation, are <br /> hereby as�igned and shail be paid�to Lender to �he ex�en�of the fu�i arnount ❑f the xndebt�dness tha� remains <br /> unpaid under the N�te and �his Securi�ty �nstrurnen�. Lender shal] apply such proceeds ta�he reduction af the <br /> ir�d�btedness under �he N�te and this Securi�ty Tns�rument, firs�ta any d���nquent amounts applied �n the arder <br /> pro�ided in paragraph 3,and then to pre�ayment of princ�pa�.An� application af the proce�ds to the principal <br /> sha�I not extend or pastpone �he due date of the mon�h�y paymen�s, �uh�ch are referred to �n paragraph 2,or <br /> change �he amflunt of such payments. Any excess proceeds over an amaunt requ�red �o pay aIl outstanding <br /> ind�btedness und�r �he Note and th�s 5ecurity Instrument shal� be paid to�he entit� legal�y ent��led thereto. <br /> 7� �narges to Borro►n�er and Prote�t�an of Lender's Rights in the Properfy. BorroWer shal�pa� alI <br /> governmen�al or municipal charges, f n�s and impos�tions tha� are nat included in paragraph 2.Borro�ver shall <br /> pay t�ese obliga��ons o�time directly�� �he entity which �s ovved th� payment. �f fa�lure to pay ��auld adversel� <br /> affect Lender's interest in�he Pro�erty, upon Lender's requ�st B�rro�ver shall pramp�ly furn�sh ta Lender receipts <br /> ev�denc�ng t�i�se paymen�s. <br /> If Borrovver fails to make these paymerits or�he payments requXred by paragraph 2,ar fa�1s�o perform an� other <br /> covenants and agreements contained in th�s Securi�y Instrurnent, �r there is a legal proceed�ng tha� may <br /> significantly affec�Lender's rights in the Praperty �such as a p�-oceeding in bankrup�cy, for cand�mna�ion or to <br /> enforce �avvs or regulations}, then Lender may do and pay �rhatev�r rs�ecessary �o pratect �he vaiue of�he <br /> Proper� and Lender's rights in�h� Proper�y, including payment of�axes, hazard insuranc� and �ther items <br /> menti on�d in paragraph 2. <br /> Any amoun�s d�sbursed by Lender under �his paragraph shall becom� an additianal debt af Borrower and be <br /> secured by �his Securi�y Ins�rument. Th�se am�un�s sha�l �ear interes� from the da�e af disbursement, at �he <br /> Note rate, and at�he option of Lend�r, shaZl be immedia�ely due and pa�able. <br /> Borrawer sha11 pr�mptly discharge any Iien��rhich has priority ov�r th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� un�ess Borrower �a� <br /> agrees lI1 V4'�`1ti11� �o the payment of the obligation secured by the lien �n a manner accep�ab�e to L�nder; �b} <br /> con�ests in goad faith the Ii�n by, or defends against enforcement of�he l�en in,legal praceedings �vhich in�he <br /> Lende�'� �pinian operate �o prevent the enforcement of the Iien; ar �c} secures from�he halder af the l�en an <br /> agreement sa��sfac�ary �o Lender subord�nating the lien to this Security Instrument. If Lender de�ermines that <br /> any part of the Property is subj ect to a lien vvhich may attain priority over this 5ecurity Instrument, Lender may <br /> give Borrower a n�ti�e ident�fying �he ��en. Borro�uer sha�i satisfy �he �ien or ta�e one or rnare�f the actiflns set <br /> farth abave �vzthin I 4 days of the giv�ng of notice. <br /> FHA D�ed af Trust-NE ��g� <br /> VMP 0 VMP4R�N�} ��3�2].QO <br /> VIlalters Kl�twer F[nancial Services ��9e"����� <br /> no�oNE4s���ss <br />